No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

i don't understand pre-ordering any game. What does it actually get you? Developers are laughing these days, ppl justy willingly throwing money at products left right and centre. Personally I think pre-ordering games is actually the reason why so many games now are alphas, betas, and flatout broken on release. Wish everyone would do themselves and the rest of us a favour and stop pre-ordering games. You're all going to get the game anyway, so just buy it after launch, listen to known reviewers first and then gauge...don't line the pockets of these people until you know the product is actually working and is said to be what has been promised first.

No worse than people investing in a game like Star Citizen for which they have seen barely anything except a few enticing promises.

I would rather have the game installed ready. I love what I have seen so far. They can have my money tbh. I spend way more on other things and get a lot less from them anyway. That said, can always get a refund if I don't like it.
The holier than thou pc elitists always seem a bit tight fisted with their cash when it comes to games. Yet happily spooge a grand on a graphics card :D :p
i don't understand pre-ordering any game. What does it actually get you? Developers are laughing these days, ppl justy willingly throwing money at products left right and centre. Personally I think pre-ordering games is actually the reason why so many games now are alphas, betas, and flatout broken on release. Wish everyone would do themselves and the rest of us a favour and stop pre-ordering games. You're all going to get the game anyway, so just buy it after launch, listen to known reviewers first and then gauge...don't line the pockets of these people until you know the product is actually working and is said to be what has been promised first.

Preach brother!

The holier than thou pc elitists always seem a bit tight fisted with their cash when it comes to games. Yet happily spooge a grand on a graphics card :D :p

Are we talking not wanting to pre-order or waiting for a price drop. Personally I'll pay full price if it's something I really want, but that doesn't mean I'll necessarily pre-order, I don't think there is any reason to justify why, we've all been bitten enough times.

If it's something I'm less bothered about I'll wait for a drop, though not to the crazy degree some will. I won't bite until it's sub £10, but it's only £12, no no I shall wait another few months until it's below a tenner.
Pre-ordering is the most stupid illogical thing ever.

When the game is released if I read good things I will just buy it. That might be on the day of release, 3 days after, 10 days after etc.

You can buy it on day of release anyway!! What the hell?!

And if you don't pre-order you also have an opportunity to dodge a bullet if the game turns out bad.
IIRC the PS4 version is out on the 9th August so we'll have a couple of days worth of feedback and reviews before the PC version goes on sale.
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Pre-ordering is the most stupid illogical thing ever.

When the game is released if I read good things I will just buy it. That might be on the day of release, 3 days after, 10 days after etc.

You can buy it on day of release anyway!! What the hell?!

And if you don't pre-order you also have an opportunity to dodge a bullet if the game turns out bad.

Nothing illogical about it. If you would buy the game anyway then you may as well have it ready. People can do what they want with their money, get over yourself.
Nothing illogical about it. If you would buy the game anyway then you may as well have it ready. People can do what they want with their money, get over yourself.

TBH I have to agree, its their money, they are free to do as they please.

Anyhow, with steams 2 week refund policy even if you don't like the game, get a refund and put the money towards another game?

Not the end of the world.
The holier than thou pc elitists always seem a bit tight fisted with their cash when it comes to games. Yet happily spooge a grand on a graphics card :D :p

It is funny that way, I see people debating over whether to get a £300 card or a £400 card but games going from £30 to £35 is heresy.

Over the life of my 290, which was £300 iirc, I've probably spent at minimum that, or double that in games... so adding an extra £5-20 for every game dwarfs the spending on a graphics card.

Expensive gpu + cheap games over time is cheaper than cheap console and expensive games. Unless you're buying 2 new Titans every year or 2, gaming on PC is generally cheaper and getting good deals on games pays off and allows you to, you know, afford to buy more games. Pretty simple maths here, have £40 to spare, buy 1 £40 game or 2 £20 games.

So the entire concept of PC elitists being weird for wanting value out of games is itself elitist, presuming PC gamers have more money. If PC games were the same cost as console games I would simply game a lot less, it is the very fact that games are cheaper that allows me to spend more on a graphics card in the first place.
Pre-ordering is the most stupid illogical thing ever.

When the game is released if I read good things I will just buy it. That might be on the day of release, 3 days after, 10 days after etc.

You can buy it on day of release anyway!! What the hell?!

And if you don't pre-order you also have an opportunity to dodge a bullet if the game turns out bad.

Seriously :rolleyes:
Now with Steam pre-ordering is pretty much a non issue? Most people will know within 2 hours if they like it or not and if they dont then just refund.

Yet if you like it, it's still £40 and in a couple months it will cost half that. Just because you like something doesn't mean you want to pay the current cost for it.

Also I'd say in a lot of games you'll have little idea of what the consistent feel of the game is after only 2 hours. In this game in particular I'd expect a slow start and very different general gameplay after a dozen hours and in terms of what you'd be doing 30 or 1000 hours into it. Had I paid full price for the Division for instance on Steam, decided it seemed fun on the first 2 hours so kept it, I would have been extremely disappointed getting to the end game and finding out I disliked it.
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Over the life of my 290, which was £300 iirc, I've probably spent at minimum that, or double that in games... so adding an extra £5-20 for every game dwarfs the spending on a graphics card.

Expensive gpu + cheap games over time is cheaper than cheap console and expensive games. Unless you're buying 2 new Titans every year or 2, gaming on PC is generally cheaper and getting good deals on games pays off and allows you to, you know, afford to buy more games. Pretty simple maths here, have £40 to spare, buy 1 £40 game or 2 £20 games.

That's fine, but it still makes it odd that people don't mind considering an extra £50 or £100 for a gpu thats usually not that much better, but go mad because games are a little more expensive on release now.

Nothing stops anyone waiting 3 months for them to drop in price.
Nothing illogical about it. If you would buy the game anyway then you may as well have it ready. People can do what they want with their money, get over yourself.

I just think people need to chill out and learn to have a bit of patience. The world won't end if you don't play a game on day of release. It will always be there.
I just think people need to chill out and learn to have a bit of patience. The world won't end if you don't play a game on day of release. It will always be there.

But I want to play it as soon as it unlocks, especially because I am on my holidays at the moment. Plus with steam refund, you can easily get your money back. It just seems to have become 'cool' to blanket hate on preorders, regradless of circumstances.

It is funny that way, I see people debating over whether to get a £300 card or a £400 card but games going from £30 to £35 is heresy.

People will happily pay a lot for epeen on synthetic benchmarks though :p
But I want to play it as soon as it unlocks, especially because I am on my holidays at the moment. Plus with steam refund, you can easily get your money back. It just seems to have become 'cool' to blanket hate on preorders, regradless of circumstances.

People will happily pay a lot for epeen on synthetic benchmarks though :p

I've never pre-ordered and don't really see why people bother now with digital downloads, not like the days you had to drive to a store to get the game but each to their own.

But I never get people that spend more time tweaking games than playing them either :D

Anyone who pays for an Alpha needs shooting though :p lol

My big concern with this game is boredom. Is there going to be enough to carry me over the initial peak of interest...
It is funny that way, I see people debating over whether to get a £300 card or a £400 card but games going from £30 to £35 is heresy.

I find the price arguments hilarious, but not as funny as the crowd whom with each hyped release fail to get the game early and then go postal.

The amount of people who moan, complain and generally find it outrageous that a game is being released at £40 and they cannot find it for their perceived value of £20 or less is astonishing.

However, no where near the level of indignation when a game will not arrive before its release date! 'How dare they not send me an item before it's released :mad:!' :D.
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