No Man's Sky

I really don't like games like Minecraft to be honest though I know that millions of people do. Cool for them.

I like objectives dammit! Anyway, still intrigued.
Like the look of everything to do with this game so far, but if I can't meet up with 1 or 2 friends somewhere then it's likely a deal breaker for me. I'm not much of a solo gamer.

It'll be a shame as the game looks cool and really unique. But I'd love it if I found a really interesting planet and then invited friends there. Even if it was just 2 at a time or something - it would make all the difference to me.

If not at launch, maybe they can add that - or maybe it's just not part of their vision.

That's not going to happen. They can't just warp over from the other side of the galaxy, for example. Your ship doesn't have that capability. It can only travel short distances.
That's not going to happen. They can't just warp over from the other side of the galaxy, for example. Your ship doesn't have that capability. It can only travel short distances.

So once you're in a certain section, you can't ever say load into a new point? You have to be able to travel from your current location?
didn't know that.

Guess the multiplayer feature won't be implemented then - so another game off my list.

Bummer :(

I just don't have the attention for games to play by myself any more.
That's not going to happen. They can't just warp over from the other side of the galaxy, for example. Your ship doesn't have that capability. It can only travel short distances.

Again, Wikipedia says otherwise:

The game will have online features that allow players to share details of planets they have visited with other online players, and will allow players to visit these planets through a large galactic map once they have upgraded their ship for hyperdrive capabilities.


Does sound interesting but as above I'm not a solo gamer and would like to have some kind of interaction. Can't remember the last time I played a single player game/campaign, could well be Half Life 1.
I really don't like games like Minecraft to be honest though I know that millions of people do. Cool for them.

I like objectives dammit! Anyway, still intrigued.

you have an objective...reach the center ;) :p

i'm not keen on minecraft either to be honest.. but i've always been into space/travelling. so this is right up my street. i'm not fussed if theres no story. i mean, terarria has no story and i spent hours on that just arsing about digging. :D

multiplayer might come oneday.. again, im not too fussed by it. none of my friends play consoles. and i've never really been an online social gamer.
Oh yeah I'm not writing it off completely - will be keeping an eye on news/developments.

I really like the look of it all so I'd really like to give it a go and get into it. Will just have to see when everything is 100% confirmed
I like the idea of open universe I hope they give you enough things to do, bit worried it would get boring with no quests or story ? I guess if they add database that updates in game of all things you discover and learn about that galaxy, aliens, factions etc, then you can make your own judgement and choose sides, help out, wage war etc. Any idea if this game will have trading system?
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You can choose to be whatever you want to be. An explorer, trader or fighter. There's three types of ship. Trader, explorer and fighter. All of which are also preocedurally generated so each ship is unique.

For example. The explorer ships accel in cloaking and jump drive. Where as the fighter will have heavier weapons and stronger armor. And the trader ships will be big weapons, slow and can carry a lot of trade able items and resources. So there should be something for everybody. :)

Personally I'm gonna go explorer. So I can zip away out of trouble and cloak to keep out of sight :D

You can buy new ships at any trading station. So you're not limited to any particular class.

Here is a good features list I just found.
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You can choose to be whatever you want to be. An explorer, trader or fighter. There's three types of ship. Trader, explorer and fighter. All of which are also preocedurally generated so each ship is unique.

For example. The explorer ships accel in cloaking and jump drive. Where as the fighter will have heavier weapons and stronger armor. And the trader ships will be big weapons, slow and can carry a lot of trade able items and resources. So there should be something for everybody. :)

Personally I'm gonna go explorer. So I can zip away out of trouble and cloak to keep out of sight :D

You can buy new ships at any trading station. So you're not limited to any particular class.

Here is a good features list I just found.

Sweet thanks for link I'm getting bit more excited about this game now it reminds me of X3
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So much want! It's gonna be epic I think with no story, u make your own story

I thought that about Elite but it got really old, really fast for me...even before launch.

That said, NMS looks like a much deeper, aesthetically pleasing place to explore. ED is just rather bleak and looking at different coloured spheres isn't exactly rewarding.
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Gonna name one of the planets close to the center ocukland or something :D this game should be epic. Well, I hope it is! Can't wait for the video to be out later
Looking forward to this. I really am.

But I have doubts that'll it'll live up to this - so far. Well deserved hype.
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