North Korea threatens US with a pre-emptive nuclear strike.

I cannot stress enough how different the Far Eastern and the Middle Eastern mindsets are. It did work very well in Iraq and Afghanistan as far as pulling the teeth and claws from the regime. But the people saw the US/UK as invaders.

I stand by my comment that the US/SK will bomb from the sky, and then the Chinese will be the boots on the floor. I'm sure the NK will give in to the Chinese far quicker then they would to US soldiers. Then after a few years they will pull out again and we'll see a unified Korea once the NK populous is 'up to speed' with the rest of the world.

I was talking more about Iraq/Afghanistan in regard to OUR collateral damage and how many civilians we killed over there. Despite having the best tech in the world, we still kill tons of people by mistake.

and an invasion by china will not happen. where do you get this from? and its not the NKs that are important in that scenario, the south will not allow china to do it. the whole of asia will be up in arms about chinese expansion. all the major US allies in the region.
lol...who cares about the hundreds of thousands of others being wrongfully held in camps.who cares about the buddhists or anyone else, its only the christians that matter right? what a horribly unchristian attitude to have.

And them too. But if you don't think Christians are treated worse than the majority of folks then you are a fool. Or ignorant.

And do you know me in person? No. So keep your mouth shut about me unless you wish to meet me in the flesh and call me a "vile" person.
As evidenced by iraq and afghanistan right? and you dont win a war without boots on the floor.

NK is nothing like Iraq or Afghanistan, I seriously have no idea why you would make the comparisons. The US could cripple NK very easily and they would have no choice but to enter into talks about the situation.
And them too. But if you don't think Christians are treated worse than the majority of folks then you are a fool. Or ignorant.

And do you know me in person? No. So keep your mouth shut about me unless you wish to meet me in the flesh and call me a "vile" person.

Ok, sorry if i offended you Jason.

but lets accept there are a lot of unfortunate people in those camps, not just christians. they all need to be helped.
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NK is nothing like Iraq or Afghanistan, I seriously have no idea why you would make the comparisons. The US could cripple NK very easily and they would have no choice but to enter into talks about the situation.

I guess i wasnt clear in that post. My reference to Iraq and Afghanistan was in the context of our abilities. The gentleman said we can take out their military and leadership with very limited civilian casualties, and i raised afghanistan and iraq as examples where we havent done so well in that regard.
and an invasion by china will not happen. where do you get this from?

It was initially a gut feeling that starting to get back-up by events this morning. BBC is now reporting a mass movement of Chinese forces going to the northern border of NK.

and its not the NKs that are important in that scenario, the south will not allow china to do it. the whole of asia will be up in arms about chinese expansion. all the major US allies in the region.

This would have been agreed up front behind closed doors with the US, SK and the Chinese. Trade agreements and rebuilding contracts would be struck up in advanced in return for a limited time occupation, and the Chinese will profit handsomely out of it. And if you knew how a typical Chinese person thinks then this scenario is the most likely
It was initially a gut feeling that starting to get back-up by events this morning. BBC is now reporting a mass movement of Chinese forces going to the northern border of NK.

This would have been agreed up front behind closed doors with the US, SK and the Chinese. Trade agreements and rebuilding contracts would be struck up in advanced in return for a limited time occupation, and the Chinese will profit handsomely out of it. And if you knew how a typical Chinese person thinks then this scenario is the most likely

If China invades NK, we will see a much bigger problem develop.

Im not chinese so have no idea how a typical chinese person thinks. but given historical precedent the world over, people arent keen too give up taken territory.

I guess we will see soon enough :)
I guess i wasnt clear in that post. My reference to Iraq and Afghanistan was in the context of our abilities. The gentleman said we can take out their military and leadership with very limited civilian casualties, and i raised afghanistan and iraq as examples where we havent done so well in that regard.

I still disagree. You don't need to take out KJU, simply take away his limited claws. If they put civilians on the front line with their troops or surrounded facilities with them then you might have a problem but they are completely different.

You are dealing with a dictatorship with control over his people vs a tyrant with limit control over his people and a large number of secondary targets such as his sons and lieutenants all of which were wanted for crimes against their people which were quite hideous.

After that they were targeting a rebel group which was tightly integrated with the general poplulation. NK is a very different beast to Iraq and Afghanistan.
It was initially a gut feeling that starting to get back-up by events this morning. BBC is now reporting a mass movement of Chinese forces going to the northern border of NK.

I assumed this was more closely related to the likelihood of a mass exodus of the NK people if a war was started. China would be their destination.
I assumed this was more closely related to the likelihood of a mass exodus of the NK people if a war was started. China would be their destination.

Good call and i agree. It'll be interesting to see if China will let them through or not if there were innocent civilians, maybe they will check to make sure that none of the generals or KJU himself tries to sneak out of NK that way.
Is this his girlfriend?


Have any of you seen the news broadcasts from NK recently. Is that just how Korean sounds or are they pounding their chests in these reports. It always sounds like a one person pep rally... which is weird with no crowd.
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