North Korea threatens US with a pre-emptive nuclear strike.

Have any of you seen the news broadcasts from NK recently. Is that just how Korean sounds or are they pounding their chests in these reports. It always sounds like a one person pep rally... which is weird with no crowd.

Its very formal and nationalistic. Sounds quite cool though haha
Have any of you seen the news broadcasts from NK recently. Is that just how Korean sounds or are they pounding their chests in these reports. It always sounds like a one person pep rally... which is weird with no crowd.

Are you talking about that women news reporter? She's great isn't she? :D I always imagine there's a gun pointing at her just off screen ready to go off if she doesn't give enough gusto in her reporting. She been talking like that for years, i suppose she's this wars Comical Ali :p
Its very formal and nationalistic. Sounds quite cool though haha

Yeah! Just reminds me of budget asian cartoons where a character will give an overly long and polite smackdown to their opponent.

"I will beat you so hard that when you return to your home, your mother will not recognise the loving son that left the house earlier in the day"
Yeah! Just reminds me of budget asian cartoons where a character will give an overly long and polite smackdown to their opponent.

"I will beat you so hard that when you return to your home, your mother will not recognise the loving son that left the house earlier in the day"

That made me laugh far too loudly!
Very interesting to see this unfold...

I was in North Korea in 2007 for 10 days. Completely bonkers place.

The BBC reporter giving an interview last night had it nailed. "Mad, sad and bad".

The people I was allowed to speak with were completely brainwashed.

A lot of people think that the rhetoric is "drummed in" or repeated "parrot fashion" for fear of reprisal from the authorities. I definitely got the feeling that the people I came into contact with really did believe all the rubbish they were spouting to me. The people I was "allowed" to come in contact with were predictably from the more affluent walks of life in Pyongyang

I should think that the less fortunate people in rural areas (which I actually managed to sneak a peak at en-route by train) have a completely different view.

It's fascinating to think of what would actually happen should the dictatorship fall some day...

Some "sanctioned" photos and a couple of shots I managed to sneak out on a hidden memory card:








I wonder if NK knows it can't feed all these people and wants America/SK to kill them off for them. They get rid of a bunch of surplus people and get a propaganda victory at the same time.
How many missles does NK even have? If the US have that missle defence system in place, would NK be able to launch enough missles to get through it?

And if they DID manage to hit American soil with a nuke, dont they realise the Americans would then retaliate with a few hundred nukes of their own and blow NK off the face of the planet?
i think you should think more along the lines of a strike on US forces instead of a strike on the mainland USA. there are thousands of US troops in the region that they could hit.
How many missles does NK even have? If the US have that missle defence system in place, would NK be able to launch enough missles to get through it?

And if they DID manage to hit American soil with a nuke, dont they realise the Americans would then retaliate with a few hundred nukes of their own and blow NK off the face of the planet?

The fallout into neighbouring allied territories would likely deter America from every nuking North Korea.
Its not really a suprise that China are amassing troops their side of the border - regardless of what their stance is if war kicks off in a country bordering your own the first thing you do is stabalise your side of the border - you don't want it spilling over into your country whether thats criminal elements taking advantage of the situation, refugees or war and so on.

I believe the agreement with NK and China is on the condition that the US attacked unprovoked - which would hardly apply if NK went on the warpath first.

If anything does happen you can pretty much bet that China will permit the US to basically do what they want aslong as China get administrative status over NK when its all over - which the US can't really turn down and may be partly why they have military hardware building up on their side but won't be the entire reason.

Its highly unlikely nuclear weapons will be used against NK due to the potential fallout with SK and China at most it would be highly surgical strikes against specific targets... which does mean the NK has somewhat the upper hand on the nuclear stakes as they don't have the same considerations. Also a nuclear strike would do very little against the bulk of NK's military capabilities such as they are - a large part of its been buried underground since the 1970s.
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This is interesting. It couldn't be that the troops China are amassing on the North Korean border are there in case they decide to annex the North themselves, could it?

A frightening prospect...

I still think that China would much rather let the US and South Korea take the heat initially, destroying the North's infrastructure and offensive capabilities, and then send in masses of troops later for "peacekeeping" purposes (read: occupying forces).

Russia has also added its condemnation to North Korea's recent actions:

BBC news said:
Meanwhile, Russia said Pyongyang's attempts to "violate decisions of the UN Security Council are categorically unacceptable".

North Korea's two main allies / apologists are very much turning their back now. It's really getting hard to see where they can go from here now. Turning up the volume is not working, and they are getting further and further from any kind of deal with the US.

The only outcome I can see is that NK keeps pushing up the rhetoric until the end of the month (when the US South Korean annual training operation ends), and claim that they have "scared the US away". Obviously the international community would see the truth, but if Kim Jong Un is looking for a way to save face domestically then this could be his only option.
Slightly off topic but is there actually any regulatory body that makes sure that the people writing for mainstream media are not completely retarded and incapable of proper analysis or conclusions.
and an invasion by china will not happen.

Don't be so sure, remember, contrary to popular misconception the USSR did not invade Afghanistan, they assumed military control of it at the request of the pro-soviet Afghan government (who knew they could not fight off the rise of US backed Islamic fundamentalists by themselves).

The is always the possibility that China could assume a large presence in NK, that would please them and Kim could easily sell it to the people as two great powers coming together for the good of their Chinese neighbours.

Slightly off topic but is there actually any regulatory body that makes sure that the people writing for mainstream media are not completely retarded and incapable of proper analysis or conclusions.

Not in the slightest, hence why you get a statement from Iran saying the government of Israel is corrupt and they long for the day it falls turned into a threat to wipe Israel off the map, despite no use of the word map lol (that infamous sensationalism was courtesy of FOX news)
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A frightening prospect...

I still think that China would much rather let the US and South Korea take the heat initially, destroying the North's infrastructure and offensive capabilities, and then send in masses of troops later for "peacekeeping" purposes (read: occupying forces).

Russia has also added its condemnation to North Korea's recent actions:

North Korea's two main allies / apologists are very much turning their back now. It's really getting hard to see where they can go from here now. Turning up the volume is not working, and they are getting further and further from any kind of deal with the US.

The only outcome I can see is that NK keeps pushing up the rhetoric until the end of the month (when the US South Korean annual training operation ends), and claim that they have "scared the US away". Obviously the international community would see the truth, but if Kim Jong Un is looking for a way to save face domestically then this could be his only option.

Unless they keep the troops there because of all the volume they are giving off. I still say NK WILL do "something" artillery/torpedoes that sort of jazz, nothing HUGE, only way to save face now imo.
The only outcome I can see is that NK keeps pushing up the rhetoric until the end of the month (when the US South Korean annual training operation ends), and claim that they have "scared the US away". Obviously the international community would see the truth, but if Kim Jong Un is looking for a way to save face domestically then this could be his only option.

Does seem quite a likely outcome, I don't think hes gonna back down til he gets some attention or something he can spin as a big victory.
A frightening prospect...

Why is this such a frightening prospect? It may be unpalatable for some in the region, but on an international scale it is likely to result in a better outcome than leaving NK how it is or the US/SK going all out on them.

At the very least there would be stability in the region.
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Its not really a suprise that China are amassing troops their side of the border - regardless of what their stance is if war kicks off in a country bordering your own the first thing you do is stabalise your side of the border

Agreed... Whatever the outcome it makes sense for them to strengthen the border. It also sends a message to NK that China is prepared for any outcome.

Note that the official Chinese reason for the troop movement is to prepare for a mass influx of refugees. I'm that sure you believe that about as much as I do!

If anything does happen you can pretty much bet that China will permit the US to basically do what they want aslong as China get administrative status over NK when its all over - which the US can't really turn down and may be partly why they have military hardware building up on their side but won't be the entire reason.

It will be handled with a lot more subtlety, but yes. China wants major political control over any entity that emerges from the conflict, as a "buffer" to US-allied states. The US wants nuclear weapons out of the hands of an unstable regime, and protection for its allies South Korea and Japan. This seems the only logical outcome, allowing both major players (US and China) to achieve their goals.

Its highly unlikely nuclear weapons will be used against NK due to the potential fallout with SK and China at most it would be highly surgical strikes against specific targets... which does mean the NK has somewhat the upper hand on the nuclear stakes as they don't have the same considerations.

Again, agreed :)

Even if NK used a nuclear weapon against SK or Japan (or even attempted to fire one at Guam / Hawaii / Alaska) I don't see the US responding with high-yield nukes. Quite apart from the issue of nuclear fallout it would set a terrible precedent. The military advantages would be questionable, and would inevitably lead to mass civilian casualties. It would hand a big propaganda coup to US opponents.

If NK does use a nuclear weapon, the US may feel justified in responding with a number of low-yield (<1Kt) tactical nukes. These are extremely effective in a "bunker busting" capability, taking down hardened underground facilities. NK has a lot of underground facilities, and such tactical nukes would only produce a minimal and very localised fallout
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