What does that have to do with anything?
The assertion that US weight of arms would just overwhelm a large force of conventional soldiers.
The reality is it didn't work the first time in Korea and it didn't work in Vietnam. The reality is up against a large force of dedicated soldiers and irregulars the US (and other western nations) has and will struggle without devastating cost to them.
Wars like Iraq and Afghanistan haven't been a walk in the park and we were lucky with them that the Iraqi army basically capitulated on day 2. When there are several million military members (even poorly trained) that won't just lay down their arms we are in deep ****.
I'm sure if we really were dedicated to winning at all costs then we/the US would win, but as shown in Vietnam and Iraq the political cost outweighs that in all but the most extreme circumstances, and a war with a country that has no intention/ability to ever threaten your own countries way of life will never be extreme circumstances. As soon as the body bags start coming home the pressure will be well and truly on.