Nurse arrested for murdering babies

Speaking from my experience, in 10 months I have never had a single 'rainbow' from NICU. And I can only think of one person, to my knowledge, who has.

I do get the odd baby RIP but I get a lot of Clinical Negligence on babies and dealing with 4 at the moment.
One of them is a Mum who had to have an emergency C-Section and it had to be done very quickly.
The baby got scratched which has totally healed but hey, we shouldn't have done it :(
I do get the odd baby RIP but I get a lot of Clinical Negligence on babies and dealing with 4 at the moment.
One of them is a Mum who had to have an emergency C-Section and it had to be done very quickly.
The baby got scratched which has totally healed but hey, we shouldn't have done it :(
Aye she needs to calm the **** down, and be happy the baby is alive.
This hospital and its management however, they might well need to get larger mirrors.
I do get the odd baby RIP but I get a lot of Clinical Negligence on babies and dealing with 4 at the moment.
One of them is a Mum who had to have an emergency C-Section and it had to be done very quickly.
The baby got scratched which has totally healed but hey, we shouldn't have done it :(
Recognised complication, shouldn't get very far.
Watching the BBC documentary on this ****. It’s incredibly depressing and sad.

The upper management have blood on their hands, deciding not to thoroughly investigate or refer to police for investigation because of “how it would look”. That’s unbelievably bad, heads need to roll.
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Watching the BBC documentary on this ****. It’s incredibly depressing and sad.

The upper management have blood on their hands, deciding not to thoroughly investigate or refer to police for investigation because of “how it would look”. That’s unbelievably bad, heads need to roll.

Got a link please?
Just seems like they didn't want to rock the boat, not wanting to make a fuss... such a cynical attitude that has rotted away everything in this country. I sort of get thinking that one of your staff members murdering babies is ridiculous enough to be extremely skeptical, but the increased mortality really should have been enough to automatically start an independent investigation.
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I think we should have better controls in place for this kind of thing, it should essentially be automated so as to remove any need for Hospital bosses to make decisions that could incriminate people they have personal relationships with. We record deaths nationally and if the average gets above a certain level in any given unit it should automatically go to a specialist independent medical team that investigates, similar to the IPCC. There was clearly a large disparity here that should have set off all kinds of alarms, it shouldn't be down to Consultants to try and arrange meetings that can be ignored.
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I think we should have better controls in place for this kind of thing, it should essentially be automated so as to remove any need for Hospital bosses to make decisions that could incriminate people they have personal relationships with. We record deaths nationally and if the average gets above a certain level in any given unit it should automatically go to a specialist independent medical team that investigates, similar to the IPCC. There was clearly a large disparity here that should have set off all kinds of alarms, it shouldn't be down to Consultants to try and arrange meetings that can be ignored.
This is a great idea, however it will never happen. Because if they implemented a system that flagged areas where deaths (on any kind of ward) were above the national average, they would then get numerous false positives because not all trusts/areas receive the same level of funding and thus are not able to provide the same level of care. It would also highlight geographical areas where living in can reduce your life expectancy/etc. And none of this is anything the government want to touch with a barge pole.
I can’t believe people are questioning the evidence here. Babies in neonatal units die very rarely. All of a sudden they start collapsing and dying only when one specific nurse is on shift. Said nurse undertook training which she then used contemporaneously to poison babies. They were not sophisticated crimes which is why it raised alarm bells long before the police got involved. If you read how the police investigated it multiple detectives came to the same conclusion independently and a court then found the evidence was compelling enough to convict her.

I know people on the internet like being contrarian but this is pretty egregious.
I think part of the problem is she's not your typical mass murderer she's not violent, aggressive or otherwise a photofit villain she's quietly spoken young and mild mannered and a qualified nurse and cried a lot in court which is likely to engender sympathy (though the tears were all for herself and none for her victims). Its just a really strange case and no-one has any explanation for "why" which makes it all the harder to comprehend
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Letby wasn’t in court when she was found guilty and won’t be there for sentencing.

It should be made law that anyone who is facing charges of murder, attempted murder, neglect and other major charges should be in court. Unless the person is actually has massive physical injuries.

Minor offences such as been caught speeding, that’s optional.
Yup disgrace that offenders can refuse to attend court for sentencing. Since when has that been a thing huh?

Either way she's going to have miserable existence in prison for the rest of her life.
This is a great idea, however it will never happen. Because if they implemented a system that flagged areas where deaths (on any kind of ward) were above the national average, they would then get numerous false positives because not all trusts/areas receive the same level of funding and thus are not able to provide the same level of care. It would also highlight geographical areas where living in can reduce your life expectancy/etc. And none of this is anything the government want to touch with a barge pole.
Also there is going to be an element of what sort of unit is it specifically.
For example if the national average for deaths during a hip replacement is X and that's based across all hip replacements, then a unit that does harder/longer/more complicated operations such as a second/third replacement is by it's nature likely to have a higher death rate even if it's largely the same team but working in a different hospital (when my mother was looking at a potential IIRC 4th replacement the consultant told her it would be at a different hospital because that was now the designated one for "difficult" jobs).

Having said that, there should certainly be automatic alarm bells sounding whenever there is a much higher than usual death rate for a specific unit, not because you expect there to be a Letby there, but because it could indicate you've got a serious problem with staffing, training, or whatever and the investigation should take into account the possibility of anything including deliberate harm (and most false alarms would probably be cut out in the first stage for things like a major incident or string of serious crashes due to snow).
Got a link please?

Yep - the bits I’m on about start around the 30 minute mark.

The management also made the consultants who raised the concerns apologise to Letby after she raised a grievance against them for getting her kicked off the neonatal unit and that a “line had been drawn and not to cross it” implying not to raise it again. It beggars belief.

Imagine if the consultants didn’t persist, she’d still be there murdering babies or at the least would’ve killed more.

Tony Chambers is a scumbag

Walked away with a tasty pension as well, this article documents everything better than me.

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Its just a really strange case and no-one has any explanation for "why" which makes it all the harder to comprehend
I suppose you'd have to be crazy to understand her motives; the risk versus reward doesn't seem to there -you are going to be caught and spend the rest of your life vilified in prison, but I don't know what she percived the reward for this risk was.
This is a great idea, however it will never happen. Because if they implemented a system that flagged areas where deaths (on any kind of ward) were above the national average, they would then get numerous false positives because not all trusts/areas receive the same level of funding and thus are not able to provide the same level of care. It would also highlight geographical areas where living in can reduce your life expectancy/etc. And none of this is anything the government want to touch with a barge pole.

What would be a false positive? If a certain hospital or ward ended up above average for any reason it should be investigated and documented why no?
I suppose you'd have to be crazy to understand her motives; the risk versus reward doesn't seem to there -you are going to be caught and spend the rest of your life vilified in prison, but I don't know what she percived the reward for this risk was.

They say she had munchausen by proxy, I doubt we’ll ever know for sure though.
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