Yes, and she should be in the court listening to them.Man, these victim statements are utterly brutal.
Yes, and she should be in the court listening to them.Man, these victim statements are utterly brutal.
They should tape some head phones on her and pipe the courtroom audio in at volume 11.Yes, and she should be in the court listening to them.
Yup disgrace that offenders can refuse to attend court for sentencing. Since when has that been a thing huh?
I'm sure you'll get your wish regardless going by her personality, but if you really want to punish someone the easy way out is not it.She should be dangling from a rope not hiding in her cell.
I'm surprised this wasn't used as the defence or at least mitigation, although I guess she would have had to admit to doing the crimes to use that defence.They say she had munchausen by proxy, I doubt we’ll ever know for sure though.
Just playing Devil's Advocate but what if the accused honestly 100% believe they didn't do it?
Just playing Devil's Advocate but what if the accused honestly 100% believe they didn't do it?
What would be a false positive? If a certain hospital or ward ended up above average for any reason it should be investigated and documented why no?
As for forcing people to go to sentencing,
If somebody doesn't want to go, and they're literally fighting with prison guards not to go, do we put them in a spithood and force them into the courtroom?
The person found guilty is going to jail whether they attend or not. It has rather too much of a "tar and feather" feel for my tastes; the justice system should not be seeking to humiliate nor satisfy the thirst for vengeance. There is no clear benefit in terms of rehabilitation, deterrent, or protection of the public for forcing defendants to attend sentencing.
Might as well, what happens if they don't want to turn up to the trial currently? Presumably, they're just dragged in there regardless, I'm not sure why they get any option to skip the sentencing part, they're not free people, they should be dragged in there if that's what it takes.
The anonymity is to protect the families from press intrusion and using terms like baby 2 would be very insensitive when making sentencing remarks describing what the babies went throughI wish the camera and audio would keep on the case instead of cutting away.
Don't the babies deserve to be named, so we know they were real people?
If they don't want to name the babies then use the code letters that they have been using during the case.
Don't the babies deserve to be named, so we know they were real people?
I know I was shocked she was arrested in 2018! I know we've had covid but its taken 5 years for this case to reach a conclusion that seems very long.The most awful crime. Can't believe these poor families have waited so long to get justice. Heart-breaking
Injecting air into the venous blood system of babies, for me contains a level of malice and cruelty which sends chills down my spine, it really does.