Nurse arrested for murdering babies

As for forcing people to go to sentencing,

If somebody doesn't want to go, and they're literally fighting with prison guards not to go, do we put them in a spithood and force them into the courtroom?

What do people think?

I'm graviating towards yes - force them there, they've been found guilty, they must be in the room during sentencing., spithood, gagged and bound if need be.

It feels like an important part of justice for the families, seeing the offender there - in front of the judge being sent down, there's a primal simple part of me that thinks that would help a lot, if I was a victim or family member.
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What would be a false positive? If a certain hospital or ward ended up above average for any reason it should be investigated and documented why no?
Because if you average 12 deaths a year and one year you get 13 that is "above average", or if you are working on a neonatal ward and you get 1 death most years, then one year you get a trio of dead triplets when the mother gets an infection whilst pregnant that's way above the "average" despite it potentially being one incident.

Remember your "average" is just that, it's a statistical point between several sets of numbers, very few places will actually be the mean or median most will by definition be above or below it for one reason or another, and for a ward of a type where deaths are rare it might only take one extra incident to push it well over the "average" and yet the next year it might be well below.
Medicine is the sort of thing where there are so many variables that are out of anyone's control that if you start investigating every time there is a change to "above average" you're going to be chasing a lot of red herrings. Hence if you do start to do it you need to be very careful about what you consider the default/automatic starting point (whilst also allowing for starting an investigation earlier), otherwise it's load more of the red tape, management and money wasted that so many people go on about (usually without ever understanding the reasoning).

This case should have been ringing every alarm in the building for the management when they started getting multiple deaths in a very short space of time.
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This case should have been ringing every alarm in the building for the management when they started getting multiple deaths in a very short space of time.

I think the thing that winds me up the most, is how you have seven doctors - all highly intelligent, highly trained, highly regarded, who have all come to the same conclusion in the field they specialise in, and the pig-headed management (who don't know anything about medicine or babies) basically said "..... nah m8..."

The crime itself is shocking, but the attempts by management to throw it under the carpet are absolutely heinous.

Worth a watch (interview with one of the doctors, Dr Ravi)

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As for forcing people to go to sentencing,

If somebody doesn't want to go, and they're literally fighting with prison guards not to go, do we put them in a spithood and force them into the courtroom?

What do people think?

I'm graviating towards yes - force them there, they've been found guilty, they must be in the room during sentencing., spithood, gagged and bound if need be.

It feels like an important part of justice for the families, seeing the offender there - in front of the judge being sent down, there's a primal simple part of me that thinks that would help a lot, if I was a victim or family member.

Yeah this monster and all the previous ones that didn’t turn up for sentencing should be dragged to court, just cuff them to a wheelchair chuck a hood over their head if need be. Screw their human rights.
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Away from Manchester Crown Court, we've just heard from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who was asked in North Yorkshire this morning about Letby refusing to appear.

He says it's "cowardly" that people do not face their victims and hear "first hand the impact their crimes have had".

He confirms the government is looking at changing the law to make sure that happens - "and that's something we'll bring forward in due course".

BBC live feed
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Yeah this monster and all the previous ones that didn’t turn up for sentencing should be dragged to court if need be, just cuff them to a wheelchair chuck a hood over their head if need be. Screw their human rights.

It is precisely in cases like these that human rights matter most. It's easy to treat good people well.

I can't see any justification for forcing attendance at sentencing. Although there's perhaps an argument for letting judges take it into account when setting sentences.
It is precisely in cases like these that human rights matter most. It's easy to treat good people well.

I can't see any justification for forcing attendance at sentencing. Although there's perhaps an argument for letting judges take it into account when setting sentences.

I think it's important.

As a defendant, I think you should have the right to skip the trial, however once you've been found guilty the purpose of the system is to serve justice, and justice must be seen to be served, in order for it to be served properly - I think the offender must be present for sentencing.

It's important because the families and/or victims need closure, to see the offender in the dock being sentenced I think is an important part of getting the closure they deserve.

I also don't see how being forced to go to a sentencing hearing violates any human rights, we'll be forcing them into a prison cell whether they like it or not, so I don't see how that argument stacks up.
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A statement is now being read by Philip Astbury KC on behalf of the father of baby G, a baby girl who Letby tried to kill in September 2015.

The father of baby G says that she needs substantial care and her mother only gets about two hours' sleep a night.

She was left severely disabled as a result of Letby's attacks. The child is registered as blind, nil by mouth, and has cerebral palsy and progressive scoliosis (spinal curvature). She needs a spinal operation but there is concern that she may not survive the surgery.

Baby G's parents say: "What if she outlives us? Who will care for her then?

"Her condition affects every aspect of our lives... We see other families and their children fishing... playing football... other things we can't do."

"She will never have a sleepover, go to high school, have a boyfriend, get married".

Horrible :(

BBC live feed
Apparently the judges sentencing remarks will be televised later (live I presume)

(according to the BBC)


Apparently the government is changing the law regarding sentencing laws, to force/compel the offender to be present during sentencing.

(Sunak said this in an interview earlier)
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As a defendant, I think you should have the right to skip the trial, however once you've been found guilty the purpose of the system is to serve justice, and justice must be seen to be served, in order for it to be served properly - I think the offender must be present for sentencing.

It's important because the families and/or victims need closure, to see the offender in the dock being sentenced I think is an important part of getting the closure they deserve.

The person found guilty is going to jail whether they attend or not. It has rather too much of a "tar and feather" feel for my tastes; the justice system should not be seeking to humiliate nor satisfy the thirst for vengeance. There is no clear benefit in terms of rehabilitation, deterrent, or protection of the public for forcing defendants to attend sentencing. I note as well that this seems a very knee jerk reaction to a very unusual case to me. It is my understanding that defendants nearly always attend sentencing and while things might seem clear cut in this case, there are many other cases that are greyer that will also be affected by such a law.

I also don't see how being forced to go to a sentencing hearing violates any human rights, we'll be forcing them into a prison cell whether they like it or not, so I don't see how that argument stacks up.

I agree there is no human rights violation in it, I was making a more general point.
The person found guilty is going to jail whether they attend or not. It has rather too much of a "tar and feather" feel for my tastes; the justice system should not be seeking to humiliate nor satisfy the thirst for vengeance.

I think you need to weigh up two things;

The first is the humility, sensitivity, feelings and rights of the offender.

The second is justice, the family and closure they get from the sentencing hearing.

I think, that the families/victims right to justice and seeing it be done in a courtroom by a judge - in the flesh, is more important than the "rights" or "feelings" of the offender, in light of the crime.
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