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NVIDIA 4000 Series

I have a real interest in the 4070 level chips as that is water-mark for the laptop GPU's.

For my desktop, something that can run total war: warhammer at 1440p@90fps is enough for me.
I think they dialled back on the power requirements after seeing how far they can push them. With the jack up in energy costs they will have adjusted to that hence why figures are looking much better than compared to a couple of months ago.
Wonder how close to launch they changed their mind.

Sorry, but, what are you guys smoking? We don't know what the power consumption of these cards are yet. We have never known. All there has been is wild speculation. So two things, how can you say Nvidia changed anything? You can't. And second thing, there is no way Nvidia could change the power consumption of a card from 600W to 300W in a couple of months. GPUs are in design for years. Only a complete redesign of their GPU would account for that kind of power reduction.

So how did they get through the whole earning calls without any heavy questioning about how exposed they were to mining despite the last few quarters saying they weren't. Can we expect some more shareholder lawsuits?

I explained this to you already. There weren't any lawsuits and their won't be. They have fulfilled their obligations to the shareholders by putting a line into their 10Q reports to the SEC that mentions how volatile the Crypto Market is. That was what they were fined for by the SEC. They didn't have any mention of mining in their 2018 reports. AMD did.
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They have fulfilled their obligations to the shareholders by putting a line into their 10Q reports to the SEC that mentions how volatile the Crypto Market is. That was what they were fined for by the SEC. They didn't have any mention of mining in their 2018 reports. AMD did.

And they made clear that they make most of their money now from AI/datacentre, not gaming. And that's the part of their business that's growing strongest, not gaming.
Sorry, but, what are you guys smoking? We don't know what the power consumption of these cards are yet. We have never known. All there has been is wild speculation. So two things, how can you say Nvidia changed anything? You can't. And second thing, there is no way Nvidia could change the power consumption of a card from 600W to 300W in a couple of months. GPUs are in design for years. Only a complete redesign of their GPU would account for that kind of power reduction.

I think...

Reading is not your strong point? I based it on the PSU involvement and changing of the cabling (seen months ago as reference to your "in design for years"). You also have to consider during product testing they will want to see how hard it can be pushed. You also had the 3090Ti as a test pilot. Nothing has changed enough to convince me their new gen is going to run on less power!

ed- You can bet your bottom dollar they are keeping an eye on AMD. There is no way if they are under threat from being 'slower' they wont jack up the settings to squeeze more if they need to!
It will make sense if they release 4090 this year with a high price. Lower the price of the existing 3000 stock even further to clear the inventory and then release the lower tier cards next year. Either way, I see there being a fair amount of lower priced new/used 3000 cards over the next 12 months….
It will make sense if they release 4090 this year with a high price. Lower the price of the existing 3000 stock even further to clear the inventory and then release the lower tier cards next year. Either way, I see there being a fair amount of lower priced new/used 3000 cards over the next 12 months….

Most of the people I personally know in my social circle are excited to just finally get a 3000 series card at decent price nevermind 4000 series, I can see a lot of people skipping 4000 due to price, IF rumours of even higher prices are true... but definitely due to the maHOOssive hike in energy prices at least in England.
Interesting checked online and prices for the 3080 ASUS TUF at £699, still too much but right direction

Yet the 3070ti is £699 :D

Second Hand Market 3080 in the region of £500 - £700
This is apparently an non issue with some folk on here, isnt that so @lovelyhead :cry: . Timing, I had my supplier contact me today for another 29% rise from September.

Some folk on here have too much money, The 0.1% of the population who apparently have endless wallets the energy price hike won't even make them blink, But for the 99.9% an extra few thousand per year makes a pretty big difference.
Interesting checked online and prices for the 3080 ASUS TUF at £699, still too much but right direction

Yet the 3070ti is £699 :D

Second Hand Market 3080 in the region of £500 - £700

3070Ti is awful value and always has been really. FE has been in stock for weeks as they probably can’t shift them anymore!
Reading is not your strong point? I based it on the PSU involvement and changing of the cabling (seen months ago as reference to your "in design for years"). You also have to consider during product testing they will want to see how hard it can be pushed. You also had the 3090Ti as a test pilot. Nothing has changed enough to convince me their new gen is going to run on less power!

ed- You can bet your bottom dollar they are keeping an eye on AMD. There is no way if they are under threat from being 'slower' they wont jack up the settings to squeeze more if they need to!

Reading is not my strong point? It's definitely not yours. Show me where I said anything about what the final power consumption of the 4xxx series cards will be? Because I don't know and you don't know. What I did say is that there is no way Nvidia changed the power consumption of their GPUs by 300W in a couple of months.

You can't make any deductions on what Nvidia may or may not have done on the rumours that have been going around.
So how did they get through the whole earning calls without any heavy questioning about how exposed they were to mining despite the last few quarters saying they weren't. Can we expect some more shareholder lawsuits?
They sort of addressed that:
Kress (CFO) said:
Volatility in the cryptocurrency market – such as declines in cryptocurrency prices or changes in method of verifying transactions, including proof of work or proof of stake – has in the past impacted, and can in the future impact, demand for our products and our ability to accurately estimate it
We are unable to accurately quantify the extent to which reduced cryptocurrency mining contributed to the decline in Gaming demand
3070Ti is awful value and always has been really. FE has been in stock for weeks as they probably can’t shift them anymore!
The 6900XT which sits in between the 3080ti and the 3090 is around £749, taking Raytracing out of the equation could be the route i go down if we don't see prices a lot less on the 3080TI. with AMD FSR similar to DLSS which is maturing like fine wine it's good to see some competition if a lot more titles support it.
Nvidia management continue to claim they have no way of tracking or knowing how many GPUs are purchased for mining
I’m guessing they turn a blind eye to AIBs selling to miners so they can have plausible deniability. Yeah we know how much we sell but we don’t know how much they sell so we can’t give an accurate picture, so we didn’t reveal it to avoid confusion.
I’m guessing they turn a blind eye to AIBs selling to miners so they can have plausible deniability. Yeah we know how much we sell but we don’t know how much they sell so we can’t give an accurate picture, so we didn’t reveal it to avoid confusion.

But they are also hero's because they released the 'LHR' option about a year too late when the horse had already bolted! Oh and then it gets bypassed anyway so was a complete waste of time. They only care about gamers after making bank.
I don't think any single company cares about anyone, the sole purpose is to make money from a product or offer something that was originally created with great passion. The latter changes as the companies move hands from the original founders.

They don't care and neither should you. Customer vs seller rights. We would all be trying to rob them if no rules were in place and they would do the same. Conspiracy theories are just that, items in mind that we make patterns with based on non tangible and non evidenced things, but they may well sound very logical if that is all you have to base facts on.
Stuff like this is purchasing based on desire and want, not need. Nobody truly cares for the plight of either side in any terms of real depth as the products are not essential.
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