Well, so I picked up a sealed TUF 4070 for around 460 quid. I know it's still not brilliant price/perf as it's basically a low-power 3080 with fancier tech (that I'll actually use because I want to finally play CP with some RT) but I'll flog the 2070S and use it as a stopgap till 5000 series or whatever AMD comes up with.
Used 3080s aren't much cheaper in my country and come with a fair share of issues. 4070Ti didn't make any sense either with the same amount of VRAM and the pricing.
Grabbed a mint condition Dell S3422DWG ultrawide for 250 quid along with it as another cheap stopgap to see if I even like 21:9 at 34" before going QD-OLED as the Alienware DWF has too many problems for the price considering my user case.
PS5 + OLED gets the rest of my gametime so didn't feel like spending more than that, PC is mainly for browsing, music production and a couple of games that run like pants on consoles.
I want to say I'm happy with the upgrade considering the times but all I can say is that I maybe haven't been ******* in the **** all that much for the year or so I'll be using the card
I know Supers are probably coming but wouldn't hold my breath for sensible pricing.