me sir, how about moany cost of living buyers full frontal attack on gpu prices catchy title me thinks
Then we can have news, about how once some gamers go into withdrawal, they start saying actually paying £500/£600 for a 7800 XT or 4070 ain't so bad.
Prices of everything is simply dictated by competition and how well products can be tiered to price discriminate to capture the value of a product to a customer. Better competition simply means they aren't able to do this.
It isn't nvidia's fault prices are high (unless they've broken competition law ala Intel), the prices are high because gaming and the products they offer are worth that much to people. Pricing is very simple for anyone that has studied economics. The way to avoid it is to have better competition in the market, not by moaning about people who are willing to spend their money on something that is worth it to them.
Airlines do this through different classes, even supermarkets do this through different quality produce. All those prices are set to keep them valuable to the customer they want to sell to at the various price points.
Price discrimination - Wikipedia
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