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NVIDIA 4000 Series

Nvidia care about revenue. Whats the price of a 3080 and a 4080.

If you can sell something for double, and not halve your sales. That's a shrewd business move.

It's also misleading as they ended up selling way more 4090 cards for an even higher price (0.90% share). Compare that to the 3090.
For a large part of 2021 the 3080 was selling for as much as a 4090 does today with the 3090 going for around 3k, it was AIBs/ distributors and retailers making most of the money though as they had locked in bom costs pre mining boom, this is why 3080 production was cut by Nvidia and dies were switched to the higher margin 3080 12gb / 3080ti which diluted 3080 sales.
For a large part of 2021 the 3080 was selling for as much as a 4090 does today with the 3090 going for around 3k, it was AIBs/ distributors and retailers making most of the money though as they had locked in bom costs pre mining boom, this is why 3080 production was cut by Nvidia and dies were switched to the higher margin 3080 12gb / 3080ti which diluted 3080 sales.

Nvidia did well (shows up in their revenue numbers), but lets not paint a misleading picture by equating a a 4080 sale to a 3080 sale. It's not even close.

I've heard they are selling 4090 (or AD102) cards faster than they can make them theses days anyway, completely dwarfing any mining demand.

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950,400 is really low for the 4080 figures after a over a year.

The figures I have from march 2021 steam show the 3080 had already sold 1,620,000 units in 6 months and that was only the ones being used for gaming which considering how many 3080 cards OCUK had delivered between jan and march the majority at that time were being sent to the mines.
Like muon said, it did very well considering the price nVIDIA got for them and is easy to sell a 5080 as a slightly better price of $1000 saying how of an improvement it is :)) Add on top the 4090 that 4080 helped to sell and yeah, the green team is doing fine.

Not sure how the mainstream (actually the bottom) stack does. I'm hopping it will send a signal to AMD and nVIDIA, but... who knows...
So as bad as it was, 4080 still sold in about 15 months about a third of what 3080 sold in 39 months. 3080 had the mining and Covid on its side, practically selling faster than they could be made... So yeah, people are still buying even though the price is craaaazy high. People on forums are upset, but are still buying these up. :p
Most miners wouldn't be using the cards on Steam. Lots of people couldn't get hold of an RTX3080/RTX3080TI(over 3% share) and many probably skipped that generation to wait for this one. There was pent up demand well into 2022/2023.

The RTX4070TI Super essentially EOL's the RTX4080 at a lower price. The RTX4070TI also is essentially EOLed too at a lower price by the RTX4070 Super.

Nvidia only refreshes ranges downwards if sales are flagging or AMD is releasing something new. It is quite evident as AMD is not releasing anything new in those price-ranges too. People bought Turing too,but Nvidia had to relaunch it to improve sales. People had all these arguments Turing V1 sales were fine,but they clearly were not. We got Turing V2. The RTX2070 Super as a single model,has almost the same share on Steam as the RTX2070/RTX2080 combined. The latter had a 9 month head start too.

I told everyone here a Super refresh was coming last year,because it was quite clear sales were not as much as Nvidia expected(plus the China factor).
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I suggest you look at when the 1070 ti, 1080 ti and Titan Xp came out. So much for no pascal update.

It was ~ a year after 1070, 1080 and Titan X Pascal.
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One of my all time favourite games - took me ages to get off the beach but so rewarding when I actually accomplished it!

(Because you mentioned it I'm going to get it again and see just how hard it pushes my 4090 :D)

Also truly wonderful theme music and the first time I discovered Michael Giachinno who went on to become one of my favourite film score composers. (Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) etc. etc )

Wont even break a sweat, i still remember the first video of the game and coming from playing Day of Defeat, the graphics looked incredibly impressive.

The bridge level at the end of this never made it into the game as it was basically sucking up so much space on the map that the rest of the level couldn't be incorporated. it also shows prone animations in the video, the reason they didn't make it into the final game was they had only animated prone from a first person POV with the Garand and doing the rest of the weapons would add another month to development, and it was already delayed from Sept 01 to Jan 02.

Always liked the camera system in these beta videos with the way the gun moves around, but that caused clipping issues and it had to be ditched.
I told everyone here a Super refresh was coming last year,because it was quite clear sales were not as much as Nvidia expected(plus the China factor).
I think they'll have to refresh the 4060 and 4060ti as well if the rumours of AMD releasing some more lower end sku's prove true as the 60 class barely competes with the ampere 60 class.

A good thing about this refresh also is that they'll have to make next gen a bit faster also as they can't use the mediocre non super cards as the performance baseline.
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I suggest you look at when the 1070 ti, 1080 ti and Titan Xp came out. So much for no pascal update.
They weren't really refreshes though just part of the stack, the older models never got discontinued.

With ADA we got 2 of the those 3 cards near release, with the 4070ti being released last Jan and the 4090 which is the modern day 1080ti coming first, the only one we haven't seen so far is the titan equivalent / 4090ti but that'll probably come in the summer to milk the I want the best crowd a few months before the 5000 series arrives.
With the SUPER cards expected soon, does that give an indication of how soon we can expect the 5000 series cards?
I keep toying with the idea of a 4090, but it would be really annoying to get one and then a few months later the 5090 is released for a similar price.
With the SUPER cards expected soon, does that give an indication of how soon we can expect the 5000 series cards?
I keep toying with the idea of a 4090, but it would be really annoying to get one and then a few months later the 5090 is released for a similar price.

No danger of that.

Expect a significant uptick in price from the 4090.
With the SUPER cards expected soon, does that give an indication of how soon we can expect the 5000 series cards?
I keep toying with the idea of a 4090, but it would be really annoying to get one and then a few months later the 5090 is released for a similar price.
Rumoured release window is end of 2024, latest Feb 2025.

Amount of perf gains over 4090 suspected to be not a big jump considering no competition from AMD at that performance level. Expect 5090 pricing to be closer to £2k RRP and 5080 just over £1k, with my guess around 4090 performance. But then that sounds like a pointless generation with no real improvements... maybe just my pessimistic expectations.

If the 5080 can beat the 4090 in RT and PT I'd be more inclined to pony up the money.

Question is inclined to pony up how much?
Knowing Nvidia, they'll want to give you 4090 performance for a few hundred quid less than current 4090 RRP (still over 1k) and call it a day.
Gone are the days when next gens x70 would get one previous gen flagship performance (£400 and below during the best times).
E.g. current gen 4070 up to 30% behind 3090ti.

We should be demanding 5070 to get us 4090 performance, but after seeing this gen, it won't happen.
Or worse the only way it would happen is naming shenanigans and they name what would be the 5080 as 5070.
RIP if an x70 part is retailing close to £1k. Entry level pointless 5050 could have space to then be charging £400-500+.
Rumoured release window is end of 2024, latest Feb 2025.

Amount of perf gains over 4090 suspected to be not a big jump considering no competition from AMD at that performance level. Expect 5090 pricing to be closer to £2k RRP and 5080 just over £1k, with my guess around 4090 performance. But then that sounds like a pointless generation with no real improvements... maybe just my pessimistic expectations.

Question is inclined to pony up how much?
Knowing Nvidia, they'll want to give you 4090 performance for a few hundred quid less than current 4090 RRP (still over 1k) and call it a day.
Gone are the days when next gens x70 would get one previous gen flagship performance (£400 and below during the best times).
E.g. current gen 4070 up to 30% behind 3090ti.

We should be demanding 5070 to get us 4090 performance, but after seeing this gen, it won't happen.
Or worse the only way it would happen is naming shenanigans and they name what would be the 5080 as 5070.
RIP if an x70 part is retailing close to £1k. Entry level pointless 5050 could have space to then be charging £400-500+.
Yep you will get 4090 performance with the exclusive frame gen 4 :cry:
People bought Turing too, but Nvidia had to relaunch it to improve sales. People had all these arguments Turing V1 sales were fine,but they clearly were not... I told everyone here a Super refresh was coming last year, because it was quite clear sales were not as much as Nvidia expected.

Correct. Some folk cant digest it, I am never surprised when it comes to the apologist folk sidestepping the status quo. The similarities to this is evident.

We should be demanding 5070 to get us 4090 performance, but after seeing this gen, it won't happen.
Or worse the only way it would happen is naming shenanigans

Unfortunately this is what's panning out.
'super' really sounds so lame for a card designation, almost childish. Why not utilise the Ultra naming convention? That goes right back to the first Ultra card line they ever did in the Geforce 2 and some cards lines thereafter so it has lineage, 'super' has only appeared what, once or twice before maybe?
Might happen - the 4070ti is around the same level of performance as a 3090
For the 5070ti to match a 4090 it would need to be around 70% faster than a 4070ti in raster while a 5070 would need to be 100% faster than a 4070, no chance of that happening unless Nvidia boost the die sizes by 33%.

If Nvidia keeps the same die sizes for next gen then we’d be looking at around a 35% performance over the current stuff, they could probably squeeze out 40-45% for the 5090 by using more of the 102 die since they are only using 89% for the 4090

5060ti > same speed as a 4070

5070 > 10-15% faster than a 4070ti or around 5% faster than a 4070ti super.

5070ti > 10% faster than a 4080

5080 > 5% faster than a 4090

5090 35-45% faster than a 4090.
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Most miners wouldn't be using the cards on Steam. Lots of people couldn't get hold of an RTX3080/RTX3080TI(over 3% share) and many probably skipped that generation to wait for this one. There was pent up demand well into 2022/2023.

The RTX4070TI Super essentially EOL's the RTX4080 at a lower price. The RTX4070TI also is essentially EOLed too at a lower price by the RTX4070 Super.

Nvidia only refreshes ranges downwards if sales are flagging or AMD is releasing something new. It is quite evident as AMD is not releasing anything new in those price-ranges too. People bought Turing too,but Nvidia had to relaunch it to improve sales. People had all these arguments Turing V1 sales were fine,but they clearly were not. We got Turing V2. The RTX2070 Super as a single model,has almost the same share on Steam as the RTX2070/RTX2080 combined. The latter had a 9 month head start too.

I told everyone here a Super refresh was coming last year,because it was quite clear sales were not as much as Nvidia expected(plus the China factor).
That's a good PoV.

I still hold to the idea that 4080 sold rather well so far considering what it has been done to it.

Indeed, we could add 3080ti to the mix since probably sold for roughly the same price as 3080 on the regular market. But again, you could mine on these two and recoup some of the money spent or even all of it (perhaps making a profit too). Now, you can't really do that, but still, it sold, although not as much as Nvidia would have hoped, I guess.

The thing with Supers, back in Turing days, is that they still came in at the same price, not cheaper, I think somewhere a bit less than 15% faster. I wouldn't call that much wow today. is still a a failed product price wise for the customers. And probably was still back in the day.
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