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NVIDIA 4000 Series

£100 more for a superior upscaler, better frame gen and in more games officially, DLDSR, better for RT/PT, £100 extra is pretty good for all that imo (but I use all of them features)
Jensen is throwing us a bone, 15% faster than the 4070 sounds good but when you realise its 10% faster than a 3080 for a 50 quid discount after 3 and half years the reality sinks in.
Jensen is throwing us a bone, 15% faster than the 4070 sounds good but when you realise its 10% faster than a 3080 for a 50 quid discount after 3 and half years the reality sinks in.

Well yeah I agree hence why I haven't moved on from a 3080, obviously could ofset most of the cost by selling on the 3080 but simply isn't worth the faff.
is there anything game wise which is really pushing people to get new hardware now anyway?

i think i read somewhere recently that in the last 5 years the mid range "60" series of cards have only improved performance by about 40%...................... if you have a 3060 level of card and you are happy with medium settings then what is there right now which you would be thinking............ "I just have to get that upgrade because i want to play game X and it just is not happening".

Back in the day i remember that happening for strike commander and more recently crysis (my 7800 gtx was not running that at all well!!!) but i dont think there is anything remotely like that now.

sure there is star citizen but 1) that is not out yet and wont be any time soon and 2) from what i have read the storage speed is likely more important than having the absolute best GPU.

higher up the chain, what games are there that a 3080 will struggle to run? ok perhaps you would need to dial back on the ray tracing a bit...... but other than that the 3080 is a capable 4k gaming card, and there is not much in the VR space which demands the highest end cards these days (i guess that may change now with the ability to force most UE4 games into vr but i have not tried that yet).

where is the new crysis to get people needing to get their new cards.

Cyberpunk2077 is the new Crysis with path tracing ON when it comes to performance and technical improvement (somewhat). Problem is that the game still being (deep down) an old gen game, made with old gen in mind. It doesn't do much to put into light (pun intended) what path tracing can do. It doesn't do reflections for everything, environment is pretty static in general, light sources can't de destroyed, you don't have a flash light of any sorts, etc.

In the image below for example, you can detonate a grenade there, take a machine gun and go nuts, whatever, you can't destroy anything, the lights are still on. On so are on the billboards. You can run down street lights and damage or turn off/on your headlights. That it. Even V doesn't have a reflection :)) From this point of view, Metro EE is a lot better.

Bottom line, until games are built with path tracing in mind, you don't get to see its full potential.

Cyberpunk2077 is the new Crysis with path tracing ON when it comes to performance and technical improvement (somewhat). Problem is that the game still being (deep down) an old gen game, made with old gen in mind. It doesn't do much to put into light (pun intended) what path tracing can do. It doesn't do reflections for everything, environment is pretty static in general, light sources can't de destroyed, you don't have a flash light of any sorts, etc.

In the image below for example, you can detonate a grenade there, take a machine gun and go nuts, whatever, you can't destroy anything, the lights are still on. On so are on the billboards. You can run down street lights and damage or turn off/on your headlights. That it. Even V doesn't have a reflection :)) From this point of view, Metro EE is a lot better.

Bottom line, until games are built with path tracing in mind, you don't get to see its full potential.

that complaint sounds like one of my biggest issues with elite dangerous (sorry bit of a tangent). I find it massively immersion destroying when I can have a BFG kind of weapon but I can't even smash a window with it..... I would have hoped by now static scenery would almost be a thing of the past
I was told by people here the 4070 Ti Super was gonna be $999, but its gonna be a massive $200 less!

The 4080 Super was supposed to be $1399, but is $999. $400 less!

With that framing, these are now bargains.
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that complaint sounds like one of my biggest issues with elite dangerous (sorry bit of a tangent). I find it massively immersion destroying when I can have a BFG kind of weapon but I can't even smash a window with it..... I would have hoped by now static scenery would almost be a thing of the past

Well, that's gaming in general. We still have the same remakes, basically, game after game. Besides SQ42 / SC, I can't think of a single game that at least tries to move forward. Same ol' crap.
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Please link said post/s.

HP or it didn't happen.

Obviously no one claimed to knowing the prices. They built up expectations though.

I'm looking at the prices they have for current GPU's and thinking the following prices fit too nicely.

4070: $599
4070 S: $699
4070Ti: £799
4070Ti S: £999
4080: $1199
4080 S: $1399

We had a few posters claiming these new cards will slot above existing cards, because nvidia will never give extra performance for free. We also had that Swiss store "leak" with obscenely high prices which people were willing to believe.
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All the leaks i have seen so far from the usual suspects online point to the 4070 ti Super being $799-$849 and 4080 Super being $999. Guess we will find out on Monday
Obviously no one claimed to knowing the prices. They built up expectations though.

We had a few posters claiming these new cards will slot above existing cards, because nvidia will never give extra performance for free. We also had that Swiss store "leak" with obscenely high prices which people were willing to believe.
Given the original 40 series released with performance a tier lower and prices 2 tiers higher the bump in performance mainly for the 70/70ti and rumoured price cut on the 80 is a welcome improvement but to little to late when 50 series cards could be launching in 9 months time.
4080 Super @ $999? Figures.

I just bought a 4080 so 100% the prices will go down, imminently.

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