Cyberpunk2077 is the new Crysis with path tracing ON when it comes to performance and technical improvement (somewhat). Problem is that the game still being (deep down) an old gen game, made with old gen in mind. It doesn't do much to put into light (pun intended) what path tracing can do. It doesn't do reflections for everything, environment is pretty static in general, light sources can't de destroyed, you don't have a flash light of any sorts, etc.
In the image below for example, you can detonate a grenade there, take a machine gun and go nuts, whatever, you can't destroy anything, the lights are still on. On so are on the billboards. You can run down street lights and damage or turn off/on your headlights. That it. Even V doesn't have a reflection

) From this point of view, Metro EE is a lot better.
Bottom line, until games are built with path tracing in mind, you don't get to see its full potential.