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NVIDIA 4000 Series

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It was so cringe though, The first few men and the 1 woman seemed like henchmen from some villains lair :D
Well the 6950xt I was borrowing needs to go back so Im in need of a new GPU. ASAP. Tempted to go Nvidia this time.

See how much UK prices are first, no doubt the FE model will be a hit but if its an AIB you're after than expect quite abit more for the better models from the likes of Gigabyte, Msi and Asus.
Jenson not there. Rumour has it he was watching while sipping whisky and laughing his **** off saying "We now give them what the rest of the range should have been if anyone offered up any good competition, and we're giving it to them 8-9 months before we rinse them again when we bring them the 5000 series".
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I bought a 4080 and that, by those who understand it's true vfm, makes me even more elite.

And I do generally play Indie games.
The funny thing is technically Cyberpunk and the Witcher are Indie games and so its Indie games behind why so many people want to upgrade to a 4080.
The crowd went 4% faster (this from Nvidia, so expect 2%) for a 4080 super over the original 4080.... and went why bother and just reduce the prices of the 4080 to $750...

Terrible prices still don't be fooled.

The 4080 super is actually slower than the vanilla 4080 according to Nvidia who said the 4080 was 2-4x faster than a 3080ti yet the new 4080 super is only 2x faster so quite a big reduction in performance there.


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