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NVIDIA 4000 Series

4070 TIS not so great after all
what about the Tis was edition:D
The first unboxing video is up. THOUSANDS more to come from everyone else with open mouthed thumbnails for the videos.

And the circle jerk begins!
One thing you do have to give NVidia credit for is their packaging. It's almost Apple-like in its presentation.

It's no secret Jensen basically try's to imitate jobs presentations (wears the same stuff constantly for one), so that also goes through to stuff like packaging. It looks good but meh.
Yup well they lost my money this year that went into good old audio gear... So when they behave as they do they loose my money to my other hobbies. Better things to spend good money on than GPUs that are overpriced and come with planned obsolescence built in to keep funding their greed.

Even AMD has started to hit a nerve with me with their games too and it's the same game as Nvidia just one step behind all the time to make them seem like the good guys, but reality they are just as bad this generation too with their GPUs and the extremely expensive motherboards for AM5.

They have taken all the fun out of building pcs with these behaviours. Then the retailer gouging too that has hit an extreme high too and sadly all that will happen is places like amazon will kill them off too and we will be left with less options as we can see what has happened to the high-street stores that have all vanished or just a shell of what they use to be and basically an online order place now as they have nothing ever in stock in the stores.
Yeah it's a lot different these days. At least audio gear, at least higher end, tends to retain a lot of it's value and also lasts a very long time. Well worth the investment imo.
Yup, still cant believe they have "ti super", sound moronic, looks even worse on paper.
At least it isn't officially called "Ti The Super" from which it could only go Up.

Tbf Jensen looks up to Apple and wants to follow Apple's footsteps. Just imagine the day he charges a few hundred quid for a fancy backplate...
Don't give them any ideas!
Oddly it's making people think it's their thing.

Though Nvidia is part of that alliance thing for av1 granted.

You can't even use av1 encoding with Nvidia in resolve free version but you can with AMD and intel.
Good way to save £300

I didn't know that about Davinci Resolve, But AV1 was a cooprative between Intel, Nvidia and AMD, the reason being H264 costs money, its relativity expensive, like HDMI which is why Display Port exists, again an Intel, Nvidia, AMD partnership and like HDMI H264 is just not that good and is rarely updated to improve it.
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The weirdest thing is that there was clearly going to be a 4080 12G FE card until it was "unlaunched", but the 4070 Ti that it eventually became had no FE model.

Another thought - is the only reason we have "SUPER" cards again because "Ti" has already been used?
If the 4080 12G hadn't been rebranded as the 4070 Ti then maybe this round of refreshes would have been "Ti" cards, like with Ampere.
Instead of 4070 SUPER, 4070 Ti SUPER and 4080 SUPER, we'd have had 4070 Ti, 4080 12G Ti and 4080 16G Ti.

Very good point tbh
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