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NVIDIA 4000 Series

AMD stock after 4070s VS 7800XT reviews.

Sadly nothing to see with the 4070 super as expected as it is nothing more than a 3080 now which it should have been from the start at $450-500 but nope it's $600 and we know that's a fake msrp as AIBS will not be that and the FE if it sells like crazy (which I doubt) will suddenly be always out of stock or drip fed.

Nothing has really changed since release of the 40 series apart from prices going silly from the msrp and even these supers are in the same boat, so soon will end up like the Titanic original 40 series cards. Nothing but a refresh to keep the same high prices with minor changes that are worse in some ways for poorer coolers to slightly higher performance that should still be cheaper than what it is at still. Basically a way to make sure 50 series also start at the following :-

5060 - $500
5060ti- $550
5070- $600
5070ti $800
5080 - $1200 and will not be $1000 as some think, they will push $1200 and later come down to $1000 after a year.
5090 - $1600-$1750

SO expect 50 series to have the same silly prices as the 40 series is not done yet they still have :-

4080ti - $1400-$1450
4090ti - $2000

4090ti will be used as a reference next gen as they did this gen 3090ti performance for $x .... look how good while halving VRAM and bus width at 192bit for a 5080... and adding some fake performance software trick they can only use on the 50 series.

Getting tired of Nvidia and AMD had the best chance in years to really mess up Nvidia's games this generation and all they did was follow along and do the typical $50 less or match the performance to a Nvidia card and deduct the $ for the loss in performance or features. Prices are still too high for gaming cards as all of these cards are, even the 4090 this gen is nothing more than a gaming card without the NVLINK and more VRAM.
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Review thread up:
oh wow how come you paid so much for the FE? I got mine for £1519 when Nvidia dropped the price.

The 4090FE was supposed to launch at £1679 but this ended up being £1699 due to the exchange rate.

A few months later, in Dec 2022, they dropped the price to £1599 due to more favourable exchange rates.

The price then dropped to £1579, then £1519 for a while before going back up to £1579.
The 3080 was so cheap because Nvidia got the cores for free as the yields were so bad on the 3090 at Samsung

That's not going to be repeated any time soon so get used to it

I still have my 3080 as the 4080 wasn't worth the price/performance difference so it looks like I'm on a 2 gen upgrade instead of upgrading every gen anymore
The excuses are getting creative now. Nonsense.

Nvidia operates on increasingly absurd margins and it's all greed and profiteering.
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I don't think I agree. There's a long tail in graphics - from the APU that runs guildwars 2 up to the 4090 now. Even if the 5090 could run what your thinking of, nothing current can. Any game would have to have fall back for the 99.7% of other cards. No profit there.

If the 5090 manages your full RT, then the 6080, 7070, 8060, 9050... isn't the 4060 the most common 4xxx card on the steam survey? In 5 generations the entire graphics stack sold could manage it.

So that's what, 10 years? Starting next year some time?

Current gen (and perhaps old gen) runs Cyberpunk pretty decent with its current form of path tracing. You don't need 10 years, could have been done in a gen or two, but alas, greed!
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