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NVIDIA 4000 Series

It won’t work out well as most the people prepared to spend 1k on a card at this point would have done so already.
It's not a case of will not, it's a case of has not. Pretty much wherever you look the volume of PC sales, not just consumer graphics cards, are down 30%.

I'm not big on correlation = causation but IMO the increase in the prices of graphics cards does seem to be a driver of the decline.
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It's not a case of will not, it's a case of has not. Pretty much wherever you look the volume of PC sales, not just consumer graphics cards, are down 30%.

I'm not big on correlation = causation but IMO the increase in the prices of graphics cards does seem to be a driver of the decline.
I think it’s a bit of both to be honest as there are plenty of people with the money to hand that just don’t want to feel ripped off.
Around +50% performance at £650 would have made it a great card, £750 would have been a good card, £800 OK but once you go over £900+ its value proposition falls away and £1200 well that was probably the worse gen on gen price to performance slump in the history of gaming GPUs with a -37% decrease in price to performance if you were a UK buyer.

Whilst I fully understand all your comments about performance relative to your £650 3080, frankly I think you're living in a dream world.

In reality, the 3090 wasn't the "anomaly", the 3080 was, at least at MSRP. If anything it was under-priced in the first place by NVidia and then was almost impossible to get at that price anyway. I paid just over £800 for mine and that was considered a relative bargain at the time.

Every now and then we get a "golden" card, like the 1080Ti and the 3080 (at MSRP) but these are the exceptions and you can't then frame all future upgrades in terms of those as it's just not realistic.
Just as people held on to their 1080Ti cards for several generations, so will they with the 3080.
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Around +50% performance at £650 would have made it a great card, £750 would have been a good card, £800 OK but once you go over £900+ its value proposition falls away and £1200 well that was probably the worse gen on gen price to performance slump in the history of gaming GPUs with a -37% decrease in price to performance if you were a UK buyer.

Yeah, but looking back to 2080, it was 243% performance increase for around 71% price increase, 4 years later.
4070 Super is 100% faster, $100 cheaper (or 14% cheaper), 5 years and 4 months later vs. 2080.

The above as per GPU GPU Database.

This is why I don't believe too much that people will not buy newer stuff, despite being more expensive name card/name card. If you look at the performance, you still get some nice gains.

LE: looking at the ratio between performance increase and price, 4080 is almost 3 times better.
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It didn't used to be a dream world though, it's just we've all had it drilled into us that it is. The prices across the board have been pretty good awful lately. I'd like to buy a new Nvidia GPU but I just feel like I'd be being ripped off.

I'm not disputing that, things are undoubtedly way worse than they used to be even a few years ago but it is what it is and I don't see any reason to believe things will return to how they were in terms of price/performance uplifts, generation on generation.

It's like the "when will GPU prices return to normal" question that you see asked over and over and over. This is the new "normal", live with it.
Whilst I fully understand all your comments about performance relative to your £650 3080, frankly I think you're living in a dream world.

In reality, the 3090 wasn't the "anomaly", the 3080 was, at least at MSRP. If anything it was under-priced in the first place by NVidia and then was almost impossible to get at that price anyway. I paid just over £800 for mine and that was considered a relative bargain at the time.

Every now and then we get a "golden" card, like the 1080Ti and the 3080 (at MSRP) but these are the exceptions and you can't then frame all future upgrades in terms of those as it's just not realistic.
Just as people held on to their 1080Ti cards for several generations, so will they with the 3080.
It was not so much that prices went up, everyone expected that, but that the size of the increase that was the problem, and with no massive improvements over the previous generation, adding to the feeling this was a money grab.

If the 4080 had released with a price of say £850, people would have complained but they could have understood the increase better, given inflation and increasing shipping and chip costs, but to double the price over the 3080 was to much and felt like they were being robbed.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels like we're sort of missing an obvious price point. Why are we so used to and willing to accept huge price hikes and say "yeah but it's 5x more powerful and only 3x as expenisve"? I paid £450 for a 980Ti when it came out in 2016 (?), and my 3080 is much faster and is actually a tier (sort of) lower than the 980ti and it was just shy of £900. It's a few years younger, and granted, it's faster, but this is what technology does. Yes, things get more expensive through inflation etc, but it's like saying the new car model blah mk2 must be more expensive at release times than the first mk1 at its release just because it's the new model with new features and looks. It just doesn't make sense; both cars were top tier at their respective times

Yes, I know it's WAAAAY more complicated; you can't just compare a 980Ti to a 3080ti like for like. Different architecutre, die size, core types. But surely, the 980Ti and 3080Ti say match in terms of tier level for their year. Why do the prices artiifically climb 'just because' it's newer and faster? Faster card, better tech, yes, but easier to manufacture etc.

Anyways, it just feels like cards are getting more and more expensive for no obvious reason other than greed and that people will pay it. Before the ban stick is waved at me, I'm referring to nvidia etc, not OCUK or stores in general.

I feel like the first response is going to be "hey there, first day on earth?" and it's probably apt. Just the consumerism pricing greed is getting disgusting everywhere you look. The UK is becoming a bit of a joke here.
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Was hoping the Ti Super would perform better than this. Will wait for a few of the OC models to land, with increased power limits and see how they go.
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Yep. Describes me perfectly. I could go get a 4090 without a problem. But I would feel ripped off, even though it is meant to offer the "best value" :cry:
I know what you mean, it just does not feel right spending £1700 + on a graphics card, and £1200 for the 4080 is actually feels worse.

Had set money aside for a 4080, as do not need more than that, but the price was ridiculous, I would have gone as high as £850 (accepted inflation, chip prices and other costs rises were going set prices rises above the previous norms), if the performance justified it, but £1200, and the 4080 Super is not much better, at £999.

I could have got the 4090 but the games I play do not justify buying it and would have been a waste of money.
Yeah looking at the charts I've seen, I'm guestimating 5%, which in realistic noticeable terms for me is essentially going from 90FPS on the 4080 to ~95FPS. But, it's cheaper than the 4080 so it's still a better deal. But is 3080 -> 4080 Super a worthwhile buy...
If you have a 3080 then upgrading is not really worth it, performance and price wise, especially not when the RTX 5000 series is probably due November.

Unless your 3080 has failed I would hold on to it and hope the RTX 5000 series is better performance and value.
If it would have been around 73% faster and about 14% slower than 4090 (similar to 3080 vs 3090 as per techpowerup ), maybe it would have made more sales. Anyway, nVIDIA needs more Cyberpunk style games, with path tracing or heavy RT to convince people. But not just bolted on, actually properly made around it.

You can mention % of any kind, people can deal with the spec and make up their own mind, but pricing it so poorly is their own doing - its not like they have had decades of experience and information to base the tiers on...

If you need more games to convince people then the current method of shoehorning it in at any opportunity is never going to bode well.

But is 3080 -> 4080 Super a worthwhile buy...

For around a thousand pounds, no. However, if you can offset through selling the 3080 its less of an outlay and easier to digest. The other noticeable distraction is were only months away from the 50 series which would be 3080 -> 50x0 which would likely offer the better leap. Depends on how bad you need the hardware right now.
You can mention % of any kind, people can deal with the spec and make up their own mind, but pricing it so poorly is their own doing - its not like they have had decades of experience and information to base the tiers on...

If you need more games to convince people then the current method of shoehorning it in at any opportunity is never going to bode well.

For around a thousand pounds, no. However, if you can offset through selling the 3080 its less of an outlay and easier to digest. The other noticeable distraction is were only months away from the 50 series which would be 3080 -> 50x0 which would likely offer the better leap. Depends on how bad you need the hardware right now.
Yup, think I'll hang fire. Maybe go back to the other option of using 2024 to get my core system updated. I could wait until 15700K lands but that'll be Q4/Q1 '25 realistically, and then there's always the 16700K round that corner. We'll see. I'm in that dangerous place of wanting a new rig more than I really need one, but I've started seeing my system run out of system RAM when in Cyberpunk causing noticable stuttering where I assume it's switching to page file etc.

Hmm, maybe 14700KF build this spring, then 5080 right before the 5080 Super debacle starts :cry:
Whilst I fully understand all your comments about performance relative to your £650 3080, frankly I think you're living in a dream world.

In reality, the 3090 wasn't the "anomaly", the 3080 was, at least at MSRP. If anything it was under-priced in the first place by NVidia and then was almost impossible to get at that price anyway. I paid just over £800 for mine and that was considered a relative bargain at the time.

Every now and then we get a "golden" card, like the 1080Ti and the 3080 (at MSRP) but these are the exceptions and you can't then frame all future upgrades in terms of those as it's just not realistic.
Just as people held on to their 1080Ti cards for several generations, so will they with the 3080.
Do you have shares with Nvidia?
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