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NVIDIA 4000 Series

There's still global semi shortages and shipping is a bit messed up still, so I don't think we'll be quite back to the best of pre-pandemic releases - and even they often had shortages on first releases. Going low(er) volume with a 4090 release first is smart as demand should be lower for that tier too.
If reports are anything to go by...
I've been speaking with a few industry sources of mine, with one of them well-connected in Taiwan saying that NVIDIA has been stockpiling GeForce RTX 4090, GeForce RTX 4080 16GB, and GeForce RTX 4080 12GB graphics cards since August. Yeah: next-gen GPUs have been waiting for us... sitting in warehouses... dormant.
So while that's Taiwan it would be unusual for that to be the only location they've been sitting in warehouses.
@TOW is that you? :cry:

Nope, it is gpuerrilla, see the resemblance? :p

As long as you buy the most ridiculously overpriced card you'll be fine.

It's not overpriced if you're prepared to pay for it. The GPU that you decide to buy is the one that's perfectly priced for you, that's why you bought it - consumers don't want to admit it, but it's true - you don't need a GPU, it's not a product you need to live and so if you buy one then the price you pay is what you were happy with
So while that's Taiwan it would be unusual for that to be the only location they've been sitting in warehouses.

Just think - they had to place the chip orders quite a few months in advance, especially with that shortage going on. At the time there were not only the historic low interest rates, but also the lockdown-related gaming boom and the insane mining boom. All of these have now passed, and they have stock for an unprecedented demand that has evaporated.

Plus with mining, there could well be a (bigger) flood on the second-hand market any second now, the ethereum switch to PoS happened yesterday and looking at whattomine.com, unless you're paying under 12 US cents per KWh for your power, you're making a loss. Even with free electricity, a 3090 can only make you about a dollar a day, meaning a card won't pay for itself for years (or more likely never)

In the face of all this I genuinely don't think they'll be able to maintain their pricing for long without (as you and others say) drastically limiting supply, trickling it out to market and actively encouraging scalpers. Which may get them in legal hot water, especially if AIB partners need to sell to recoup costs, and which will hit their profits badly as they have to be sitting on a ton of chips.

But I guess we'll just have to watch what happens.
What a load of aimless and annoying rambling and a prime example of why I limit my Youtube tech consumption to only a few content providers.

Did you even watch that video before doing a link'n'run or did you just read the title?
Him and his American buddy are the worst tech youtubers and that includes MLID, rambling rubbish all the time and made up "facts".
@Nexus18 Yeah, it actually felt really expensive too. :cry:

Looks good but since installing it I’ve not seen it since and won’t do until it’s replaced hopefully! Case dust filters seem to be doing their job so no need to open it up.

The one and only time I’ve bought a FE. Previous ones were all horrible blower type cards I think. Please don’t revert to that crap Nvidia.

Blower cards work very well in vertical cases like the Silverstone FT series.
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