4090s can be found right now second hand for £1k and less and sold on the mm last one on mm a fe sold for £1050 and before that a top aib sold for £1100 many months ago last year, so anyone dreaming a 4090 second hand will be £1k when next gen is out. CEX is giving £845 cash and £975 voucher for a Zotac Trinity 4090and top AIBS like the stric oc is £1072 cash and £1237 voucher and none oc is £1040 cash and £1200 voucher and none top aibs are under £1k cash and even voucher.
So not sure where people are dreaming up a 4090 will be £1k second hand when 5090 is out...Some need to go look at the second hand prices and sold prices for the last 6+ months.. And see how many sold for just over £1k and how many sold for less.
Mrk can be a bit of a dreamer at times.
The answer owners bias obviously. He just can't see it