Buy used cards like the 30 series. Other than those absolutely demanding 4K gaming, then the rest will be absolutely laughing around the clock at 2560x1440 or 3440x1440 whilst gaining high framerates in basically all games anyway.
You can buy a 3090 for less than what a 3080 Ti cost less than a year ago for example and the used prices will be even better still no doubt.
There is no new game coming in the horizon that appears to need monster GPU power to run adequately. All games so far seem to be running with DLSS anyway, or use Unreal Engine 4/5 - Engines that are demonstrably highly efficient and even in UE5 terms right now in the tech demos you can muck about it, get 60fps+ anyway and that's without any DLSS etc being used so I have no doubt that the final games will be more optimised still.
You speak as if 4k is some extreme, fringe thing. It's mainstream - the new consoles (which have sold millions of units at this point) enabled 4K for the masses. 3080 and above (2 years old at this point) enabled 4K > 60fps (with tweaked settings) for the majority of PC games. 4090 will enable 4k 100fps+ with RT and higher settings, depending on the title and DLSS.
Sure, there'll be a bunch of PC gamers still running 1080P and 1440P - though mostly on ancient hardware, or those playing ultra competitive FPS on 240Hz+ monitors.
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