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NVIDIA 4000 Series

Lg 4K OLED TV does 120hz,;) not 60hz:p I don't see the point sitting close up on a small 1440p display @2k graphics vs 4K TV at 55/65inch on the sofa

I do:D

Terrific I didn't know the majority now use PC on 4k 120hz TVs and can afford to buy the hardware to push it

I prefer higher FPS with online gaming and it's easier using keyboard and mouse on desk :)
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@Gibbo what are the sales of 1440p and 4k monitors like?

I mean its pretty obvious anyone with cards from the past two gens and soon to be this new gen are capable of playing high resolutions. Sometimes the steam hardware survey isnt the bible, im sure if you filtered out the poor data from it the picture will be clearer. Other sources like data from the games themselves would help assuming it was available.
@Gibbo what are the sales of 1440p and 4k monitors like?

I mean its pretty obvious anyone with cards from the past two gens and soon to be this new gen are capable of playing high resolutions. Sometimes the steam hardware survey isnt the bible, im sure if you filtered out the poor data from it the picture will be clearer. Other sources like data from the games themselves would help assuming it was available.

Quite a lot of 4K gamers, like myself, tend to use the TV rather than a monitor, so harder to tell from 4K monitor sales I’d think. Not all obviously, but good 4K TV’s are typically cheaper than good 4K monitors.

In fact you’d be pretty hard pressed to buy a non-4K TV these days as that’s what is predominantly for sale here at least.
Quite a lot of 4K gamers, like myself, tend to use the TV rather than a monitor, so harder to tell from 4K monitor sales I’d think. Not all obviously, but good 4K TV’s are typically cheaper than good 4K monitors.

In fact you’d be pretty hard pressed to buy a non-4K TV these days as that’s what is predominantly for sale here at least.

I game on a 4k 120hz OLED TV, on console, but my PC cant handle it well right now, I also have a 165hz 1440p gsync screen on my desk. I'm looking forward to the 120hz gysnc 4k lnky blacks on HDMI2.1 once i upgrade.
I also know I'm not average, while 4k have a huge uptake my gut says there are plenty of people with non-4k tvs around.

As for monitors, only the true hardcore are running 4k monitors i would guess.
When are the actual reviews out for the 4090?
Think we will see reviews when the 4xxx drivers are released by Nvidia. Some people already have the cards in their hands out in the wild and are not bound by an NDA as there have been a few naughty sellers but need the drivers to do anything with them.
Make sure you have dlss off in all games as that drops settings that you don’t know it’s dropping.
What settings? Unless you are still stuck in the early DLSS days where there was a visual difference to image quality, then modern DLSS has little to no impact on image quality as shown many times in side by side screenshots.
What settings? Unless you are still stuck in the early DLSS days where there was a visual difference to image quality, then modern DLSS has little to no impact on image quality as shown many times in side by side screenshots.
I agree on 4k, but 1440p and 1080p are not that great optimised on DLSS. F.ex DLSS 2 on AW3423DW has impact on quality even in Quality preset.
That depends purely on the game's implementation of DLSS, not all implementations are created equal. This has been proven through a wide range of games using DLSS 2. Just like every graphical tech, how it is implemented matters 100%

Cannot blame the technology for lazy game development work when it is clear that near 1:1 to native is possible as we have seen it plenty of times.
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Terrific I didn't know the majority now use PC on 4k 120hz TVs and can afford to buy the hardware to push it

I prefer higher FPS with online gaming and it's easier using keyboard and mouse on desk :)

Allots of gamers like higher FPS, but you lose the IQ, at 1080p/1440p. For me I prefer IQ on an OLED @4K, 120hz again it's just personal preference.:)
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