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NVIDIA 4000 Series

I know the ones @Purgatory ;) ...its "only 10% faster" :cry:

Don't worry some will call up their banks and claim it wasn't them that made the order but their kids got to the card and ordered or because they got ... or they liked the huge size of the 40 series because they have some weird fetish for large electronic goods (looking at you ASUS 4090) ...
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Don't worry some will call up their banks and claim it wasn't them that made the order but their kids got to the card and ordered or because they got ... or they liked the huge size of the 40 series because they have some weird fetish for large electronic goods (looking at you ASUS 4090) ...

I recall the 4070 was going to be the card to get.. looks like that masterplan got scuppered eh! Better do a shuffle. :cry:
I recall the 4070 was going to be the card to get.. looks like that masterplan got scuppered eh! Better do a shuffle. :cry:

Problem is many were trying to justify it as what "Always" happens the 70 class cards beating the titans/80tis... Problem is we live in a very different world than then, last 2-3 years have made some massive changes to everything... If you have not noticed that well I'm happy you haven't and still under your parents wings or in some cases it maybe a case of "ignorance is bliss" ... But sadly reality always comes to bite in the end and still some that I see that are about to be bitten hard and still pretending second hand cards are worth 3rd of their original msrp in two years and worst still most have only just got their 30 series due to the shortages and the silly pricing later.

As I always said .. once you see something worth it, go for it and don't look back and be happy with it till your next upgrade. The world of tech changes either very fast or can stagnate for many years and this is one of them years where you should make a sensible purchase to last you a good while and not keep looking at what to update all the time as the minor updates are not worth it and reality strikes very quickly once the buzz wears off of that new gadget in your hands and a few days later you are doing it again.

I believe in having a few different hobbies and split your time and extra hobby money between them, you realise very quickly how hobbies are expensive but some are stupidly more expensive but not as enjoyable overall, so this way makes you realise the value of the money you have for your hobbies and how to wisely spend it between them. Computer gear updates every gen is really pointless and doesn't make you enjoy the gear more, because the jumps are minor in most cases, but wait a couple of gens and the gains look much nicer and saved you some money too.

I'm just getting old and been threw this for over 35 years spending my own money on tech from audio/visual gear, music making gear, animal keeping gear, computer gear, photography gear, RC gear from helicopters, planes and cars and honestly the gear that upsets me most when it comes to updating is PC gear (My first love is computers & my profession, so to make you understand where I stand on this) as the "old" gear becomes really worthless and you loose money really quickly with it, so best to plan to buy the best you can afford at the time and keep it as long as possible to get your money back from it in use and only update when you really need the update for some new software that needs the update, otherwise you are just updating for no real reason and just like the hardware and building systems (I like this too, but have got over it in recent years and just like a nice stable system that does what I need).

Basically what I'm saying is spend some of that hobby money on something else for a while and enjoy many more things than sitting in front of a screen all the time and being ocd about a FPS readout on some benchmark or game stats. Turn the FPS readouts off and enjoy the game till you notice something maybe off and reduce a couple of settings and carry on enjoying the game.

Ohh back to the shuffle dance that some made, well they made a very good decision to do it while they can and settle on the update for a couple of years or till the prices come down to sensible rates for the new gear. Honestly anyone with a 30 series and 6000 amd series should stick with what they have and let the people further back in their updates to grab the new 40 series or the 30 series, no one really "needs" an update from these last gen cards and only people I see that could need such an update are people using VR gear as they are very hard to drive, everyone else naah..
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DLSS3 is still a curio to me. Nvidia are saying the new Tensor Cores allow DLSS3 and the Optical Frame AI thingymajig so the 3xxx series will never have DLSS3 as they dont have the hardware. Is this actually true or Nvidia spin. Without DLSS3 how attractive would the 4xxx actual be ?
Nvidia said you can only use GSync with Gsync monitors due to the hardware module. Few years later "Gsync compatible" monitors were available without the hardware. Same way that FSR2.0 was hacked onto DLSS option to allow FSR2.0 (kind of) to be used in non FSR2.0 titles.
With the community if there is a will there is a way so just hypothetically if DLSS3 could be used on 3xxx series whether by someone "hacking" the dll's or something similiar how attractive would the 4xxx be then if the 3xxx could do DLSS3 or something close to DLSS3.
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