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NVIDIA 4000 Series

And this is why AMD don't give a **** about the PC GPU market.

I think they are pretty jaded but have not completely given up on it yet, but one thing is for sure, they aren't going to keep spending this level of R&D on products that don't matter to their mindshare, market share and don't really sell in numbers that matter.

I think they were quite happy just making mid range Polaris GPU's, they sold well, didn't cost much to develop and reviewers weren't overly critical of them when they didn't beat Nvidia in every measurable way at half the price.
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And they'll still outsell AMD 100 to 1, even if AMD is faster :)

Nvidia won the eternal mindshare of the PC market long ago.

TBF we could have said that about Intel a few years ago.
Thankfully Ryzen came along and has gone from strength to strength. Over the years AMD has proved itself more and more competitive against Intel's offerings and is now pricing 7000 chips accordingly.
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TBF we could have said that about Intel a few years ago.
Thankfully Ryzen came along and has gone from strength to strength. Over the years AMD has proved itself more and more competitive against Intel's offerings and is now pricing 7000 chips accordingly.

Intel's 12th gen is still faster in single thread. 13th gen launches on the 20th, AMD are back to losing in the CPU market too, though not as badly as the Bulldozer days.
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They barely compete with Intel's 12 gen (a year old) - in fact 12th get is still faster in single thread. 13thh gen launches on the 20th, AMD are back to losing in the CPU market too, though not as badly as the Bulldozer days.

Yeah. I think they did ok for a while while Intel were asleep at the wheel giving us 5% IPC year on year.

Bulldozer... what a letdown that was.
whats frightening is intel is still delivering competitive products using an inferior process node.. if gelsinger is able to get intel fabs around tsmc envelopes, intel will back at its killing best
also, the amd x670 motherboard stunt was a big letdown, but such is the reality of pc gaming, we just got to reconcile with the way things are going
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whats frightening is intel is still delivering competitive products using an inferior process node.. if gelsinger is able to get intel fabs around tsmc envelopes, intel will back at its killing best
also, the amd x670 motherboard stunt was a big letdown, but such is the reality of pc gaming, we just got to reconcile with the way things are going

Yeah, AMD need to be a node ahead to stand a chance, performance wise.
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