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**Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Thread**

What do you guys think about me selling my 2 x 980Ti hydrocoppers for a single 1080Ti (would probably wait for a hydrocopper or similar)?

I generally only play VR games these days so the SLI is largely redundant, and I guess with the money from selling the 2 hydrocoppers I probably wouldn't need to add too much extra to buy the 1080Ti.
If it was me, I certainly would do that.
It's probably been asked a dozen times already, but what's the deal with the relatively vague release/shipping dates from Nvidia? Pre-ordered 2 Ti's though their site but estimated delivery is "March"

That's helpful :(
Looks like they've taken as many preorders as they can with the option to buy taken off the site.

It's probably been asked a dozen times already, but what's the deal with the relatively vague release/shipping dates from Nvidia? Pre-ordered 2 Ti's though their site but estimated delivery is "March"

That's helpful :(

Release date isn't official as yet I don't think. 10th keeps getting thrown around.
It's probably been asked a dozen times already, but what's the deal with the relatively vague release/shipping dates from Nvidia? Pre-ordered 2 Ti's though their site but estimated delivery is "March"

That's helpful :(

Nvidia use Digital River, so good luck with any kind of sales or after sales support
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