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His video is accurate and I agree it won't be until 2023 until things recover, irrelevant of what mining does.

But he is missing one major point.

Yes the demand is through the roof, but that demand is mostly down to greedy scalpers.

The simple fact is the scalpers have got so smart with their BOT's and scripts that anything that goes live gets bought up immediately and now no matter what we try seems to be futile.
A few examples, we put some 6700 XT live last week at MSRP, brand new product never seen before so its not like scripts/BOTs could have these stored, but the fact was they had sold out in an instant.
Even putting product in none graphic card sections and its an instant sell out.

When 3080 launched BTC and mining boom was not in the news, but the cards were been scalped from day one.

If we eradicate scalpers, the demand would drop massively, in fact its so bad I think nearly half the demand currently is literally scalpers, the reasoning is these people can make hundreds of pounds/dollars per SKU by selling on and you can bet they are not classing it as income and therefor not paying any taxes either. It has for many people become a huge revenue generator and as such they have BOTs and scripts written to buy absolutely anything that appears on any website in an instant meaning that regular gamers and even the miners stand little to no chance of actually buying a card.

So yes it could be worded that yes we are all the problem, but delete the scalpers from this equation and I think things would be vastly better.

The fact is the scalpers are scanning every webshop selling GPU's, everywhere worldwide creating instant sell out, its a worldwide issue that is causing sell out and the only cure is that supply can vastly improve or resellers try to do their best to prevent it, but its near impossible as even NVIDIA and AMD themselves cannot stop it and even sites like Amazon cannot stop it who have major IT infrastructure. I monitor a lot of FB pages and I see the same people selling cards on a regular basis, clearly just scalping.

Whilst the scalp market can still turn a profit, the demand is gonna be way beyond where it would normally be, mining can die tomorrow but the scalpers will keep buying whilst they can turn a profit. The only real cure is a massive uplift in supply, of course once lockdowns finally end then regular demand will reduce as people will start spending money on holidays, eating out again etc.

Are bots designed to search the web for keywords such as ‘3080’, ‘3070’ or the SKU? Would changing the description to something cryptic so the bots don’t see it (thinking quickly top of my head eg 0803XTR).

I have no clue about this stuff so sorry if this comes across as me trying to teach you how to suck eggs. I know it’s a lot more complicated than this :(

Evidently what ever you try I expect the bots will adapt to any changes.
Are bots designed to search the web for keywords such as ‘3080’, ‘3070’ or the SKU? Would changing the description to something cryptic so the bots don’t see it (thinking quickly top of my head eg 0803XTR).

I have no clue about this stuff so sorry if this comes across as me trying to teach you how to suck eggs. I know it’s a lot more complicated than this :(

Evidently what ever you try I expect the bots will adapt to any changes.
There's lots of different ways for a bot to work. Keywords, EANs, MPN, URLs and I'm sure, from experience with "price spider" software, whatever we come up with will have a simple bypass. The only thing that we can realistically control is the check out. That doesn't stop a bot from being able to notify someone of stock faster than a genuine customer can react.
His video is accurate and I agree it won't be until 2023 until things recover, irrelevant of what mining does.

But he is missing one major point.

Yes the demand is through the roof, but that demand is mostly down to greedy scalpers.

The simple fact is the scalpers have got so smart with their BOT's and scripts that anything that goes live gets bought up immediately and now no matter what we try seems to be futile.
A few examples, we put some 6700 XT live last week at MSRP, brand new product never seen before so its not like scripts/BOTs could have these stored, but the fact was they had sold out in an instant.
Even putting product in none graphic card sections and its an instant sell out.

When 3080 launched BTC and mining boom was not in the news, but the cards were been scalped from day one.

If we eradicate scalpers, the demand would drop massively, in fact its so bad I think nearly half the demand currently is literally scalpers, the reasoning is these people can make hundreds of pounds/dollars per SKU by selling on and you can bet they are not classing it as income and therefor not paying any taxes either. It has for many people become a huge revenue generator and as such they have BOTs and scripts written to buy absolutely anything that appears on any website in an instant meaning that regular gamers and even the miners stand little to no chance of actually buying a card.

So yes it could be worded that yes we are all the problem, but delete the scalpers from this equation and I think things would be vastly better.

The fact is the scalpers are scanning every webshop selling GPU's, everywhere worldwide creating instant sell out, its a worldwide issue that is causing sell out and the only cure is that supply can vastly improve or resellers try to do their best to prevent it, but its near impossible as even NVIDIA and AMD themselves cannot stop it and even sites like Amazon cannot stop it who have major IT infrastructure. I monitor a lot of FB pages and I see the same people selling cards on a regular basis, clearly just scalping.

Whilst the scalp market can still turn a profit, the demand is gonna be way beyond where it would normally be, mining can die tomorrow but the scalpers will keep buying whilst they can turn a profit. The only real cure is a massive uplift in supply, of course once lockdowns finally end then regular demand will reduce as people will start spending money on holidays, eating out again etc.

So here's a thought. AMD and Nvidia ship only to brick & mortar shops in a each country. Curry's/walmart for example... The shop requires photo ID, address and payment that goes onto a database, complies with GDPR, you go in person to buy the card, then they ship it to you... One ID, one person, one address one payment per card, or maybe 2.

Job done, minimal scalping. (there will still be some scalping but it would require a lot of work)
This is the fix. And it would not require any "scalping legislation"

AMD and Nvidia know this but are not interested, this is the problem.
Decided to give up and got my hands on a 3070 OC instead this week as I can't see the situation improving in a reasonable timeframe and don't earn enough to keep up with the ever escalating price situation. I must say that despite not being what I wanted it's an excellent card and I advise anyone who's been considering the same course of action/has an opportunity to do so now before it's too late.
There's lots of different ways for a bot to work. Keywords, EANs, MPN, URLs and I'm sure, from experience with "price spider" software, whatever we come up with will have a simple bypass. The only thing that we can realistically control is the check out. That doesn't stop a bot from being able to notify someone of stock faster than a genuine customer can react.

Thanks for the reply and insight :)
If only there was a way of people registering interest for a card, being given a reference (a bit like the Glastonbury Ticket system).
At least you would have a database. However, people would most likely sell the bloody reference numbers.

No win situation really. Regardless of what you try and do.
TBH I bought a 2070 Super as an end of life sale a month after the 30 series released. I knew they would be rare as rocking horse poop. However never for one moment, it would be this bad.

Scrub all that, Just seen the Post.
Damn Inno3d have deleted all my comments on their facebook page and now I can't post anymore....guess they don't like people knowing they have only shipped 20 odd X4 3080 to UK.
I have managed to get a RTX 3070 elsewhere for a little bit over the odds but i am going to offset it with selling my GTX 1080 and if i ever get my RTX 3080 from here then i will sell the 3070 on the famous auction place for a normal price and not scalp it like a turd. Maybe i can give something back to an actual gamer in the end and not a greedy c@nt! Good luck everyone!
theres a lot more stores in Uk than OC, you were probably about to instigate a riot haha

Hahah, yeah bro but it's all ya can really do ya know. I know a few others where doing something similar but all those comments are gone or anything to do with stock availability really. It was Inno3d whom all the photos at launch where showing miners with 20+ in their rigs. (I have nothing against miners, everyone has got to make bank however they can). Just ****** you off when folk can get access to more gpu's than some countries/companies. There is something f'ked up going on there.

I have managed to get a RTX 3070 elsewhere for a little bit over the odds but i am going to offset it with selling my GTX 1080 and if i ever get my RTX 3080 from here then i will sell the 3070 on the famous auction place for a normal price and not scalp it like a turd. Maybe i can give something back to an actual gamer in the end and not a greedy c@nt! Good luck everyone!

I've been trying to get a 3080 or a 3090 for a reasonable price. Not easy going that is for sure but I've only been trying for a few weeks, well since Gibbo said it's not going to be getting better anytime soon. I thought I had purchased a 3060ti (lowest quality I'm willing to go to from a 1080) from another company when it showed in stock. In my haste it turns out I ordered a RTX 3060, could not be arsed with the hassle of a refund + waiting times, so I slapped it on facebook marketplace for a slightly inflated price. Got loads of messages within a half hour. Looked at everyone's profile looking for a gamer.....tw of the folk who where interested got rejected as they had photos of mining rigs on their fb profiles. The lucky guy who I selected to buy the card had lots of gaming videos on his profile but more importantly he had a picture of Macho Man Randy Savage as his background image, so gave him a shout back and sold the card to him for what I paid for it as he came to my door to pick it up cash. Ohhhhh yeahhhhh!
You thought you ordered a 3060ti but it was actually a 3060, and it was less hassle arranging to sell it rather than cancel the order? And just so happens the miners had their mining rigs as profile pics and gamers had gaming ones?

Yes.. OK then.
You thought you ordered a 3060ti but it was actually a 3060, and it was less hassle arranging to sell it rather than cancel the order? And just so happens the miners had their mining rigs as profile pics and gamers had gaming ones?

Yes.. OK then.
A lot of links are for cards that change when you add to basket, ive had multiple 3080s in basket in diff sites that when I’ve went to checkout have been 3070s/3060tis
Man the situation just feels so hopeless right now, have been sitting with the rest of my pc parts waiting around, and since January when it seemed like things were not going to get better I've been actively searching for other cards and I just can't seem to beat the bots. I'm 800 in the TUF non OC queue so that's basically just there now as a pipe dream, but I can't find any other cards at a reasonable price despite being on the discords/notification sites for months.

Honestly a head banging situation that gives me a headache. I refuse to fund a scalper but they are holding all the cards (literally).
Man the situation just feels so hopeless right now, have been sitting with the rest of my pc parts waiting around, and since January when it seemed like things were not going to get better I've been actively searching for other cards and I just can't seem to beat the bots. I'm 800 in the TUF non OC queue so that's basically just there now as a pipe dream, but I can't find any other cards at a reasonable price despite being on the discords/notification sites for months.

Honestly a head banging situation that gives me a headache. I refuse to fund a scalper but they are holding all the cards (literally).
yeh ive been looking to build for over a year and managed to get a 3070 from a retailer but still overpriced, havent bought any other parts yet as i knew the gpu would be hardest to get and didnt want a build sat there without a gpu aha
Damn, the Palit 2060 Super selling for 599 on overclockers. I'm so desperate waiting for my 3080 that I'm actually looking at that and thinking that price is reasonable. This whole shortage is driving people crazy, me included. My 3080 'only' cost me 729 only 6 months ago and I remember thinking that was expensive but is the price you have to pay these days for the best. I'm still waiting for it *22 in the queue.
Damn, the Palit 2060 Super selling for 599 on overclockers. I'm so desperate waiting for my 3080 that I'm actually looking at that and thinking that price is reasonable. This whole shortage is driving people crazy, me included. My 3080 'only' cost me 729 only 6 months ago and I remember thinking that was expensive but is the price you have to pay these days for the best. I'm still waiting for it *22 in the queue.

Bro I just caved, I found a retailer doing bidding system and just got a TUF OC 3070 for an eye watering £950. Makes me sick a bit but Ive had an empty PC lying about with no card for 6 months and I'm 800 in the queue for a 3080, of which Gibbo has essentially said will get cancelled. Honestly hate that feeling of being trapped but I genuinely keep hearing "it's going to get worse before it gets better" and I don't want to waste any more time.

I'll be sticking in this queue as ive been saving my ass off the past few months and the prices just kept going up, and I had the cash to do so, so I caved. Still not happy about it but geuinely what more can you do. I've been trying to beat the bots for 3 straight months.

Sorry if I'm coming across a bit grumpy, it's been a stressful week :)
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