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PLEASE Could Someone explain* So, everyone is talking about queue numbers, how do you know where you are in the queue? I ordered 18.09.20 as soon as the option to pre order come on. Called to ask for my queue number and been told this information is not know. Ordered Palit so assuming I must be pretty decently placed in the queue. No emails I'm my junk email box. Is there a way to request this info? Customer service said there is not, but everyone on here is talking about queue numbers

Did you order from Overclockers??, release day was 17th not 18th and option to buy has been there since then.
Did you receive a confirmation email with an order number starting 586 or 587, if so look at Lastof's spreadsheet for the card and find one with similar order time and order number if there is one.

Just looked Palit std 19 Sep position 73 order 58744**
Palit OC 19 sep position 46 order 58730**
For those who missed this from Gibbo:

Gibbo said:
Less than 50 is small, more than 50 is average, more than 100 is big and more than 1000 is a dream.

So I will use less, average, big and a dream to help give people an idea but were not allowed to post exact numbers.

Also, to those who wonder about any anomalies in positions in their specific queue. I’m pretty sure nothing has change since the 1080ti times when I have been informed that when someone swaps queues he isn’t places at the end of the queue but rather within the queue, based on his order date. Which means if there was a lot of jumping ships when Gibbo announced a big shipment coming of a particular card the ppl that jumped ships basically pushed their way in front of all others that ordered after them. I ended up waiting 2 extra weeks while I was bouncing between 9 and 4th place as there was someone new constantly pushing in front of me. Personally I think it is unfair, if you change a queue to a till in a shop or a bank, you don’t get to keep your place, you start from scratch, but apparently that’s how the queue system was configured back then. I hope it isn’t still the case otherwise some of us will end up waiting forever due to those “switchers” :-(
I would be on the phone if I were you mate
I did mate, I said I like others wanted more done to find out when the Rog Strix OC would be making an appearance and he said he wished he could but he reckons none have been shipped to the UK but some might have gone to other parts of Europe.
For those who missed this from Gibbo:

Gibbo said:
Less than 50 is small, more than 50 is average, more than 100 is big and more than 1000 is a dream.

So I will use less, average, big and a dream to help give people an idea but were not allowed to post exact numbers.

Also, to those who wonder about any anomalies in positions in their specific queue. I’m pretty sure nothing has change since the 1080ti times when I have been informed that when someone swaps queues he isn’t places at the end of the queue but rather within the queue, based on his order date. Which means if there was a lot of jumping ships when Gibbo announced a big shipment coming of a particular card the ppl that jumped ships basically pushed their way in front of all others that ordered after them. I ended up waiting 2 extra weeks while I was bouncing between 9 and 4th place as there was someone new constantly pushing in front of me. Personally I think it is unfair, if you change a queue to a till in a shop or a bank, you don’t get to keep your place, you start from scratch, but apparently that’s how the queue system was configured back then. I hope it isn’t still the case otherwise some of us will end up waiting forever due to those “switchers” :-(

Worth noting that while they did allow some queue jumps early on, the official policy, as can be seen in the FAQ, is that it is no longer permitted. I believe that has been the case since before the official queue was published. Shame it took them this long to change that rule to be fair to people who stick with their choice, but at least they have now.
Why I am not getting any queues updates for TUF no OC. Is there zero supply bro?

still nothing. Look at the stock thread Gibbo is updating. Chances are, if you don’t see any update for TUF non oc, they won’t have have had any. Lots of us are waiting for that card. I’m hoping we get a decent batch in next week. Knowing my luck there won’t be right enough.
I’m sure the queue is around 2000 now for the non oc.
So those wondering ATI just showed Big Navi tease weeks early. Curious to see how people take this. Also no mention of additional abilities like encoding/decoding and so forth. I want to keep my 3080 Preorder, but months is just damaging to my ability to work on projects. I missed out on a 3090 today as well. Might see if I can get a 3090 on finance with a Ryzen 3. So many if/buts and maybes. All because of no ETA...
OCuk sent emails last week to give queue numbers to all those who had a preorder. If you haven't received yours, I'm afraid you fall in the category of the unlucky ones (like me and a couple of others) who haven't received them and as such are in the dark, completely, about their queue position. Calling customer service won't help, they don't know your queue position and they do not even check with the rest of the store how orders are managed apparently.

The queue updates are supposed to go out after the stock for your particular card has shipped and thus the position in the queue has gone down, for anyone who joined the queue after the initial emails went out you should get future emails as/when the stock for your particular card next changes.

I've just got an updated email myself, the first update since the original. For the MSI 3080 Ventus my initial queue position on the 2nd Oct was 321 and as of today it's 261. So for those interested in the "OK sized" MSI shipment this week, it was 60 cards which is about what we predicted given how Gibbo has used the terms small/OK/etc in the past.
Hi Everyone.
I was 25th in the queue for the Zotac Trinity OC 3080 and just got my dispatch email.
I wish you all the best of luck over the next weeks
Mutha ffff. Well done, we launch day suckers who ordered the basic Zotacs are still waiting, I suppose I should have been a cheeky b1tch and asked to be put on the list for the OC when I came in.
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