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22 Oct 2020
So 12 days ago I sent a webnote to OCUK asking why the Zotac Trinity 3080 Non-OC is unavailable for pre-order, I got a response back claiming they were unsure why:

"Thank you for your webnote. Unfortunately, yes that card is not available for pre-order at the moment. I'm unsure why and I will look to see if I can find out the reason why- but it is probably due to a sourcing issue. Apologies if this causes any inconvenience."

I asked if they would get back to me when they can confirm the reason, they said they would. 12 days onwards, today, I sent another webnote asking if they had an answer yet and I got this response:

"Thanks for getting in touch, this is due to the demand for this product outweighing the potential available stock."

Correct me if I'm wrong but, I don't believe the Zotac trinity 3080 non-OC queue is very big, especially in comparison to other cards...

I've been in the Zotac non-OC 3080 queue since launch (ordered around half past). When we received the queue position email, I was placed at queue position 37 on the 29th of September. Since then I have moved a total of 10 places down to 27. I wonder if they are cancellations rather than stock going out and there just hasn't been any stock in?

Currently waiting on this card to get my PC up and running which is currently acting as a very expensive paperweight!
27 Jul 2015
I wonder what's going to go when come Xmas time - not far down the road for PC builders, arrives and there are no PCs with higher end GPUs because they like everyone else can't get hold of them. Companies who would normally have put in RTX20xx aren't going to be able to get hold of enough GPU stock to put into their PCs for the Black Friday or Christmas stores.

Unless of course the big system builders like Dell or Asus etc are the ones actually getting all the stock of course!
31 May 2018
So 12 days ago I sent a webnote to OCUK asking why the Zotac Trinity 3080 Non-OC is unavailable for pre-order, I got a response back claiming they were unsure why:

"Thank you for your webnote. Unfortunately, yes that card is not available for pre-order at the moment. I'm unsure why and I will look to see if I can find out the reason why- but it is probably due to a sourcing issue. Apologies if this causes any inconvenience."

I asked if they would get back to me when they can confirm the reason, they said they would. 12 days onwards, today, I sent another webnote asking if they had an answer yet and I got this response:

"Thanks for getting in touch, this is due to the demand for this product outweighing the potential available stock."

Correct me if I'm wrong but, I don't believe the Zotac trinity 3080 non-OC queue is very big, especially in comparison to other cards...
Yeah I get the impression they're just holding onto our money for the sake of it. Potentially with no cards coming. Not like they're going to cancel our orders when they have our money is it. This is where we need feedback as a paying customer, not those who are 1000s in the queue with stock coming in every few weeks
22 Sep 2020
I've been in the Zotac non-OC 3080 queue since launch (ordered around half past). When we received the queue position email, I was placed at queue position 37 on the 29th of September. Since then I have moved a total of 10 places down to 27. I wonder if they are cancellations rather than stock going out and there just hasn't been any stock in?

Currently waiting on this card to get my PC up and running which is currently acting as a very expensive paperweight!

Its 100% due to cancellations. I'm 1st in the queue, have been since I ordered the card at 14:04 on launch day and I'm still waiting for the card. There has been ZERO stock for the Trinity non-OC 3080. With all the tiny bits of information we've been getting it seems like I ****** myself, they are only sending out OC variants screwing over all those that got in early for the standard model.
1 Oct 2020
I wonder what's going to go when come Xmas time - not far down the road for PC builders, arrives and there are no PCs with higher end GPUs because they like everyone else can't get hold of them. Companies who would normally have put in RTX20xx aren't going to be able to get hold of enough GPU stock to put into their PCs for the Black Friday or Christmas stores.

Unless of course the big system builders like Dell or Asus etc are the ones actually getting all the stock of course!

You haven't given this serious thought, Santa can ship by Sleigh so doesn't have to worry about Apple buying up all the air freight.

Add to that, his army of elves will have these built up in no time, from scratch if need be.
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