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You don't half sound like Gibbo to me. You don't seem to be too keen on the truth, you must at least be related right?

You aren't sticking up for OC? Come on mate. That isn't true is it?

So to try to muddy the water a little more, this is now just a conspiracy theory, right? Cards didn't really disappear did they? It was the fairies wasn't it, could have been the elves or Father Christmas who took em? There are really 2 separate queues for retail cards aren't there, with different retail stock for each lol? OC aren't prioritising prebuilds are they? The 30 prebuild staff have been sitting around twiddling their thumbs for months. These things are all just unfortunate co-incidences aren't they?

You are absolutely full of it.

What are you not understanding? You do not KNOW what happened to the cards so you cannot claim your theory to be fact!

Stop talking out of your arse.

Not once have I stuck up for OC, not once. Prove to me, with evidence (to be classed as factual), where I have stuck up for them?

Me saying they can do what they want is not sticking up for them, just stating facts ;)
I even in that post, which I'm sure you will dig up to try and use as proof, went on to say I disagree with it IF it was actually happening.
queue position 72, each day I cry a bit more into my care bear with no news and wide rumours :(:p

OCUK one of the biggest partners with customer care.... sorry I mean nvidia

Feel you mate, I'm 87 or 88 now I can't remember. Thought we would've had ours by now tbh. Dunno how people that are like 1000+ in a queue are not cancelling. Might get em for next Christmas boys.. If I wasn't so low in the queue I'd have been gone a long time ago.
Its so they can still take everyone's cash and earn interest on it. FREE CASH for doing nothing but take peoples cash for something they cant deliver!

Yes but selling something whilst there is no stock is illegal so at some point somebody must have a delivery forecast or schedule just labelling it pre order wont work
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