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My CHS don't look like your video either. There is the weird effect where the detail comes in in a circle around you but I have never seen an effect like your video with shadows disappearing and moving.

I must admit that I find the appearance of PCSS much more realistic. You kind of think they are too blurred but when you look at real shadows they are pretty similar.
I think if CHS was working like this we would have heard about it more than now. Review sites should be shot if they never picked up on this had it been normal. Has there been any new patches as of late? On the Ps4 one patch managed to make the graphics look worse all round. As good as Rockstar are they are not bullet proof.
Is there some performance gain when using one or the other? I tested both and fps stay about the same and haven't replicated the disappearing shadows yet.
I talked about this before in the GTA 5 thread settings etc. When I tested optimal settings for my system with me running a 290x I found the Nvidia option the worst looking and most taxing on fps/usage. AMD didnt look much better tho but it did look bit better than what the Nvidia shadow did for me and had less impact on performance however I felt rockstars shadows by far looked the best and had less impact. Not sure if same can be said on a Nvidia system but that is what I found and was backed up by multiple other users at the time.
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After further searching there's not enough complaints for this to be an actual issue, as above I think someone would have identified the problem well before this if shadows were disappearing like that, it's easily noticeable even if you aren't concentrating on it.

Could be a bug with certain combination of settings or hardware or it may occur for AMD users not using the GTA V drivers or the ones after.
nVidia PCSS has more correct shadowing and better angle handling but a bit of a tendency to show "running" artefacts on edges and become grainy/blocky than the other options, CHS (and to a less extent the soft and softer options) have some angle related issues though they shouldn't produce quite the effect in that video.
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CHS works fine on mine too. As always, it's not a good idea to use anecdotes in order to make judgments about an entire range of hardware.
I much prefer the NVidia look and it it is softer on the edges and looks more realistic and AMD's version (regardless of the glitching) looks stenciled and far too hard.

Well that is my take on it but horses for courses.
The difference is NVidia probably went through the game with a fine tooth comb ironing out any such issues with PCSS, AMD are probably still lamenting even having to get involved in adding their technology to a game it's such an inconvenience to them. Lazy developer etc.
I look forward to getting GTA V and giving it a whirl on my 970 (are very high settings possible at 1080P with a few compromises?) but personally (glitching aside) I like the look of AMD's CHS better, I find PCSS a bit too blurry in that video. Neither setting is ideal, however.
I look forward to getting GTA V and giving it a whirl on my 970 (are very high settings possible at 1080P with a few compromises?) but personally (glitching aside) I like the look of AMD's CHS better, I find PCSS a bit too blurry in that video. Neither setting is ideal, however.

Yer, I played GTA V on my 970 and it was sweet :)
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