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People don't always like realism in games and some prefere a more stylised look. Fact of the matter is the nvidia pcss shadow technique is very very realistic. Next time you go outside and it's sunny, have a look at how shadows behave, at different times of day. They don't look like AMDs shadows that's for sure.
For me, I much prefer the softer look of the PCSS and does look more natural I feel.

I tried both, and for me the CHS is nowhere near as crisp as on your pics:


Just had a drive round in GTA V on my PCs (290 crossfire @ 5760x1080, 285 @ 1080p) using AMD CHS and have no sign of the pop-in you got on your original video Greg. I've tried to replicate your scenario, sat under trees and slowly panned around the car at different view heights, and can't cause any kind of shadow weirdness at all.

If I was a betting man, I'd say it's just an incompatibility between the AMD shadows and your Nvidia GPUs - I can't see either red or green team spending engineer time optimising for the "oppositions" shadow solution when they have already provided their own in the game. :D
I tried both, and for me the CHS is nowhere near as crisp as on your pics:

I tried some options in the game, and strangely if you switch the shadows to very high the CHS is crisp like on Gregsters pics....if you set it on high, it is blurred and looks much better...basicly the same as PCSS
Why are people arguing?

Agreed. Person with Nvidia cards posts video showing a glitch when they use the AMD shadows, people with AMD cards try to reproduce and post that it doesn't happen with their systems. Would be interesting to see if other Nvidia GPU users have the same issue, or if it's a quirk of Greg's setup, but I really don't get why some people feel the need to draw battle lines up and start attacking each other.

Not having a go any anyone in particular, just thought that was the point of a forum - for one person to post their experience, others to include theirs, and everyone end up better informed at the end of the thread?
Was messing on my laptop earlier with a gtx660m and latest nvidia drivers and there was definitely something up with the shadows when I used AMD CHS.
When you spin around like in the video the detail of the shadows seem to disappear and then reappear for whatever reason. It was not as extreme as in the original video.

Where I tested is if you walk out the door of Franklns mothers houses and turn left there is a tree on the right hand side just up the road.
I parked a car in the middle of the shadow from the tree and spun around. This was done in the middle of the day when sunny.
No major issues on softest or Nvidia PCSS but CHS was flashing at certain points. It can happens when the camera gets rotated around 360 and only at a certain angle.
Its possible that the game/AMD CHS has an issue with a shadow inside a shadow (no inception jokes :D )

I also tested on my 290x and it is doing similar with AMD CHS. Which I never noticed before.

If you look closely the entire game has issues with drawing shadows around your character no matter what setting.

My conclusion is that shadows can be buggy if you look close enough but the AMD CHS definitely has more noticeable issues on both my nvidia and AMD systems that I tested.

Is AMD CHS broken in game?
Do people not notice because the preference for the most is to use softest?

I can upload a video from both computers but I'm not in the mood
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^^ nVidia PCSS is factually at algorithm level the most complete solution for shadow casting of the options with the other 3 options having more implementation based issues regarding being unable to resolve correct casting in some situations - not a bug just limitations of the algorithms used.

That isn't to say it doesn't have other flaws or is the most visually compelling option. Technically even when it doesn't look the most compelling it should be the closest to the realworld shadows for any given situation but I've got the feeling someone screwed up somewhere as they don't look quite right.

Personally I find it the least of the games issues - mouse sensitivity changing with framerate, desync'd horizontal/vertical mouse sensitivity and a fixed head bob simulation makes it unplayable for me.
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Is AMD CHS broken in game?
Do people not notice because the preference for the most is to use softest?

I can upload a video from both computers but I'm not in the mood

Nothing to do with preference, either some users set-ups are having issues or they are not.

And users are trying to make general conclusions without any thought to what other settings are used in the game including the advanced settings, OS, driver versions, Driver control panel settings, any injectors being used like sweet FX...
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