Was messing on my laptop earlier with a gtx660m and latest nvidia drivers and there was definitely something up with the shadows when I used AMD CHS.
When you spin around like in the video the detail of the shadows seem to disappear and then reappear for whatever reason. It was not as extreme as in the original video.
Where I tested is if you walk out the door of Franklns mothers houses and turn left there is a tree on the right hand side just up the road.
I parked a car in the middle of the shadow from the tree and spun around. This was done in the middle of the day when sunny.
No major issues on softest or Nvidia PCSS but CHS was flashing at certain points. It can happens when the camera gets rotated around 360 and only at a certain angle.
Its possible that the game/AMD CHS has an issue with a shadow inside a shadow (no inception jokes

I also tested on my 290x and it is doing similar with AMD CHS. Which I never noticed before.
If you look closely the entire game has issues with drawing shadows around your character no matter what setting.
My conclusion is that shadows can be buggy if you look close enough but the AMD CHS definitely has more noticeable issues on both my nvidia and AMD systems that I tested.
Is AMD CHS broken in game?
Do people not notice because the preference for the most is to use softest?
I can upload a video from both computers but I'm not in the mood