I do wonder if Ray tracing is ever really going to take until they manage to get acceptance into the console market. With less than 1% of cards being able to use it no sane games maker is going to spend development money on something so niche - some of them won't even make a PC version of the games at all! If an 1180 comes in around the price of a 1080 with the rise in performance then it's going to be a very interesting card indeed. Lets say for sake of argument it retailed at the £600 - 650 mark I think it would be difficult for retailers to get enough stock !
Well this is the thing, and it's potentially a complex situation. Given PC gaming right now is largely console ports I'd concur that widespread ray tracing adoption is going to come from it's availability on consoles. But Nvidia don't make consoles, AMD do. So if adoption has to be driven by consoles, it's up to AMD to build ray tracing capability into their console APUs. And if they don't? Well, RTX may well go the PhysX route for the time being.
I think there would've been more of a rush for PC gamers to jump on ray tracing if the RTX cards weren't so woeful in their performance, there was actually more (some? any?) ray tracing-equipped games actually available on launch, and the RTX prices didn't take the absolute urine. But if Nvidia do a full GTX 11 series that has the same Turing raster performance as RTX then nobody is going to actually buy RTX. It's almost an admission that they've gone messed up.
And I don't see that happening.