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Nvidia’s ace in the hole against AMD: Maxwell is the first GPU with full DirectX 12 support

When I tested Mantle on a 295x2 it felt no smoother than it did on my 970 or Titan X, certainly never seen the game stutter like it did in humbugs video. AMD CPU's must really be potatoes and Nexus your CPU is over 5 years old now, we already know it helps in your situation.
To be fair, it is perfectly understandable that Mantle does give the claimed boost on GCN hardware, as we know just how terribly inefficient AMD's DX11 driver is in comparison to the market leader, especially for those poor individuals suckered in by the Bulldozer hype. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-why-directx-12-is-a-gamechanger

Only in Nvidia sponsored games, all other games AMD's DX11 efficiency is on par with Nvidia, including BF4.

Both use Driver hacks to go around the DX11 Draw Call problem, or at least improve it a bit, in games where both use it there is no difference between them.
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It just doesn't ^^^

Ok fine, no boost incoming. Doesn't really affect me does it :D :p

The problem isn't how many threads can be used to render, the problem is how many Call threads DX11 limits to, which is one and a very slow one at that, whenever the CPU and GPU need to talk to eachother they can only do it through a peep hole, causing massive bottlenecks.
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It just doesn't ^^^

I'm not going to play your silly game where you bury your head in the sand and ignore facts and figures because they don't fit your narrative.

The charts and text of the article have direct proof of AMD's DX11 inefficiencies, that you choose to ignore it and carry on in ignorance, most likely surprises nobody.
I'm not going to play your silly game where you bury your head in the sand and ignore facts and figures because they don't fit your narrative.

The charts and text of the article have direct proof of AMD's DX11 inefficiencies, that you choose to ignore it and carry on in ignorance, most likely surprises nobody.

Both use Driver hacks to go around the DX11 Draw Call problem, or at least improve it a bit, in games where both use it there is no difference between them.

Understand the words on the screen then.

Crying about hacks is a smokescreen, unless you are saying that NV have put in hacks for every piece of software that was tested, in which case that's no longer a hack, but a general efficiency advantage.
Understand the words on the screen then.

Crying about hacks is a smokescreen, unless you are saying that NV have put in hacks for every piece of software that was tested, in which case that's no longer a hack, but a general efficiency advantage.
How do you think AMD improved the performance of Project Cars when the problem was CPU bottlenecking, by a good chunk i might add, they implemented their hacks to improve call efficiency.
Was the terrible AMD performance in PCars drawcall related? I've not seen that reported anywhere.

I'm sure Futuremark would have some very strong words for NV if they were cheating the system with hacks as you seem to be obsessed with. If not, surely AMD would optimise the FM DX11 DC test as well to counter the huge performance advantage shown to NV hardware. I can see what you are trying to do here, as it's something you pull every time you are found out or cannot counter independent facts. The bottom line is, testing has shown a clear and measurable advantage for NV hardware in DX11, something that you are unable to counter hence the slight of hands tricks you are pulling.
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Was the terrible AMD performance in PCars drawcall related? I've not seen that reported anywhere.

I'm sure Futuremark would have some very strong words for NV if they were cheating the system with hacks as you seem to be obsessed with. I can see what you are trying to do here, as it's something you pull every time you are found out or cannot counter independent facts. The bottom line is, testing has shown a clear and measurable advantage for NV hardware in DX11, something that you are unable to counter hence the slight of hands tricks you are pulling.

Isn't it obvious? if your GPU can't run at full speed its bottlenecked by the CPU or the API which sits between them.

Nvidia are not cheating, what makes you say that? what Nvidia or AMD do to thier drivers is part of the package.
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