
Arg, you don't need to take everything so literally

There are demonstrably people who lose excessive weight and improve their wellbeing on keto. No scandals with sudden death or huge health damage.
Is it directly because of consuming low carbs? Or maybe just because it automatically reduces UPF? Remains to be studied.
But why is it so improtant for you to prove keto-like diets are bad?

You asked, I answered. Just because you don’t like the answer, don’t moan about it.

I am not the one saying literal things like “beef contains everything the body needs”. To even suggest the idea what one should do that is a terrible idea, not a good one.

And how long do eskimos live? (Lower than the average) Are we promoting a healthy diet or just one that makes you look good by the beach.

I’m trying to promote the idea of a balance healthy diet. I find the kind of language used here by some people actually dangerous and disingenuous, yes no doubt the reply is more “my blood work shows”. Sample of 1. Or Sample of 100, no matter what number you pick, if we go down the road of samples, no sample is larger people in the med and the Japanese combined. So we can stopped with “my blood work shows” already.

Eat fruit and veg, eat less crap. If it doesn’t work for you, eat even less crap, move a little more. And it’s not addictive substance, just don’t over eat.

And enjoy your food, stop demonising it.
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Wouldn't even bother arguing with someone who doesn't think keto works and is effective in 2024, they're beyond help.
It is effective, and it does work, but how are you going to get a billion fat lazy people to stick to it?
It is effective, and it does work, but how are you going to get a billion fat lazy people to stick to it?
That's the neat part, keto fixes the hunger and satiety signals so you are much less likely to overeat.
Means 1) less forcing yourself and 2) consistent weight loss results and less bounce back.

Meanwhile lets try and fix the personal responsibility stereotype. People are not fat [just] because they are lazy.
Obesity is an epidemic and it started in 1980s. Good luck building a theory to explain why people started getting lazy 50 years ago and kept getting lazier at a constant rate of increase.

Oh wait, there is one. Sugar consumption -> insulin resistance -> fat deposition and feeling tired
People are lazy because the diet made them so
It is effective, and it does work, but how are you going to get a billion fat lazy people to stick to it?

Those same people aren't sticking to any diet, who cares? It's an option for people who do care and find it works better for them.

Not sure what all this talk about Vitamin C is, just take a vitamin tablet, people are deficient in Vitamins who eat "normally" as well
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Oh wait, there is one. Sugar consumption -> insulin resistance -> fat deposition and feeling tired
People are lazy because the diet made them so
In that case, wouldn't the solution be to just cut down on processed sugar? Rather than switching to 100% (ish) meat..?
you're not and the world cant sustain a billion weirdos only eating beef so let move on.
We would end up clearing so much land (e.g. Brazilian rainforest) to produce all the extra cattle, it would be a complete ecological tragedy.
It's really sad overweight is being seen as in some cases "positive".

Its not so bad in private healthcare.. You pay for it. But with state care it puts a heavy (lol) burden on everyone.

Its gotten to the point you can't really openly say obese = bad. Or at least it nearly is.

We certainly shouldn't be bullying people for it individually.. But equally it should Never be promoted as "healthy"
We're already there, for sure. As well as genuine land whales being celebrated as "healthy", we have the flip side of that same coin, where people look at healthy weight women and call them "anorexic".

I only ever feel bad when I'm overweight. I don't look at myself and dream of a world where being fat is the norm. I just feel like I need to do something to not be fat. Doesn't always translate to action :p , but I've never looked at myself and thought, "The world just needs to accept me for what I am." I've always been personally unhappy with that, forget what anyone else thinks. (But also I'd more appreciate being told to lose weight a lot more than somebody telling me I'm good as I am..)

I guess in that ramble I'm just saying I don't understand people who have accepted crazy levels of obesity in themselves.
They eat the whole animal, intestine, blood, brain, liver. The whole thing...not just steak.
A cow contains hundreds of kilos of muscle meat and a few kilos of offal, the meat to offal ratio is like 1kg of meat to 10g of offal, that 10g of offal (most of that being liver) is not going to make any meaningful difference to your diet.
The raw thing is a complete misnomer too, its just uninformed gibberish to scare people off. They are basing it off the theory that vitamin C is destroyed by heat, but I know loads of people who don't eat raw veg either and when was the last time you heard of anyone in this country having scurvy.

I do eat liver, and a bit of heart occasionally.
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We're already there, for sure. As well as genuine land whales being celebrated as "healthy", we have the flip side of that same coin, where people look at healthy weight women and call them "anorexic".

I only ever feel bad when I'm overweight. I don't look at myself and dream of a world where being fat is the norm. I just feel like I need to do something to not be fat. Doesn't always translate to action :p , but I've never looked at myself and thought, "The world just needs to accept me for what I am." I've always been personally unhappy with that, forget what anyone else thinks. (But also I'd more appreciate being told to lose weight a lot more than somebody telling me I'm good as I am..)

I guess in that ramble I'm just saying I don't understand people who have accepted crazy levels of obesity in themselves.
It's a compulsion or addiction like hoarders, shop aholics and the like
Participants consuming higher amounts of meat (upper quintile) were nearly 27 percent more likely to be obese, compared to those who consumed low amounts (lowest quintile). In fact, higher intakes of “all meat” and “other meat” products were associated with higher BMI and waist circumference, whereas intake of vegetables and fruits was inversely associated with BMI.”

After controlling for potential covariates including energy intake, age, marital status, gender, physical activity, supplement use, house possession, education, family size, current smoking, night shift working, history of thyroid disease and depression, and intakes of vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruits, whole grains, and dairy, a significant direct association was found between the higher consumption of white meat (OR = 1.31; 95% CI: 1.06–1.61) and poultry (OR = 1.23; 95% CI: 1.04–1.45) with odds of general obesity. Processed meat was a significant predictor for central obesity in the fully adjusted model, so that individuals in the fourth quartile of processed meat intake, compared with those in the first quartile, had a 22% (OR = 1.22; 95% CI: 1.04–1.43) increased risk to be centrally obese.

MC = meat consumption:

Considerable differences existed in MC across sociodemographic groups among US adults. Those who consumed more meat had a much higher daily total energy intake, for example, those in the upper vs bottom quintiles consumed around 700 more kcal day−1 (P<0.05). Regression models showed consistent positive associations between MC and BMI, waist circumference, obesity and central obesity, respectively. Using quintile 1 (low MC) as the reference, the association (odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI)) between total MC quintiles and obesity were 1.03 (0.88; 1.21; 2nd quintile), 1.17 (1.00; 1.38), 1.27 (1.08; 1.51) and 1.27 (1.08; 1.49;upper quintile), respectively; whereas that with central obesity was 1.13 (0.96–1.33), 1.31 (1.10; 1.54), 1.36 (1.17–1.60) and 1.33 (1.13; 1.55), respectively.


These US national cross-sectional data show positive associations between MC and risk for obesity and central obesity.

Conclusions: Higher red and processed meat consumption were positively associated with inflammatory and metabolic markers in overweight and obese women.

Regular meat consumption is associated with a range of diseases that researchers had not previously considered, according to a large, population-level study conducted by NDPH researchers. The results associate regular meat intake with a higher risk of various diseases, including heart disease, pneumonia and diabetes, but a lower risk of iron-deficiency anaemia. The study is published today in BMC Medicine.

Consistent evidence has shown that excess consumption of red meat and processed meat (such as bacon and sausages) may be associated with an increased likelihood of developing colorectal cancer, but it was not clear whether high meat consumption in general might raise or lower the risk of other, non-cancerous diseases

"Our findings are likely to be controversial because they suggest that meat contributes to obesity prevalence worldwide at the same extent as sugar," says Professor Maciej Henneberg, head of the Biological Anthropology and Comparative Anatomy Research Unit.

"In the analysis of obesity prevalence across 170 countries, we have found that sugar availability in a nation explains 50% of obesity variation while meat availability another 50%.

Meat consumption providing a surplus energy in modern diet contributes to obesity prevalence: an ecological analysis​

Spearman analyses of the different major food groups shows that meat availability is most highly correlated with prevalence of obesity (r = 0.666, p < 0.001) and overweight (r = 0.800, p < 0.001) and mean BMI (r = 0.656, p < 0.001) and that these relationships remain when total caloric availability, prevalence of physical inactivity and GDP are controlled in partial correlation analysis. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis indicates that meat availability is the most significant predictors of prevalence of obesity and overweight and mean BMI among the food groups

Results: Total meat consumption was positively associated with weight gain in men and women, in normal-weight and overweight subjects, and in smokers and nonsmokers. With adjustment for estimated energy intake, an increase in meat intake of 250 g/d (eg, one steak at ≈450 kcal) would lead to a 2-kg higher weight gain after 5 y (95% CI: 1.5, 2.7 kg). Positive associations were observed for red meat, poultry, and processed meat.

Conclusion: Our results suggest that a decrease in meat consumption may improve weight management.

Is all that saying meat is bad or good for us but only if you have certain problems because I wasn't going to read through all that
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