Anybody else get this, i'll be in the forest bodging along at 30fps then along comes a wolf/rat and as soon as the animal comes into screen your fps goes into chucka vision, i'm talking 4-5fps, even after you've killed the wolf/rat looking at it makes your fps stupidly low (4-5fps) yet as soon as you look the other way or step over it your fps jumps right back up again
, it does,unt do it with all animals just the odd one now and again.
Edit - Right, I,ve been up all night running around the net reading post after post and trying tweak after tweak to try and get this game to run better, my advice, don't bother, nothing i,ve tried works and believe me I,ve nearly tried them all, I have tho in my travels came across some intresting posts that seem to indicate that no matter what system you own it's just not gonna fair too well with this game, let me show you these posts I found, make note of there system specs,
It seems no matter what system they have (me included) changing the res just has completly no effect on fps what so ever, p4 3.2 understandable, but some of these systems are AMD 4400+ ?
P4 3.2Ghz
Nvidia Geforce Go 7800GTX
The settings:
Max Detail
I had expected my performance to great. Turns out I had a hard time keeping my frames per second in the 15-20 range. I figure it is a bug, because I didn't fix that problem. I began to experiment with different tweaks found on this page. They did some help, but I still had some bad performance.
But it was not bad. Believe it or not, I am fine with 10fps in a city. It bothers me slightly, but I can play it quite easily. Anyways, it performs better in other places.
I tried lower resolutions, like 640x480. It had a performance boost, but only to the 25-35 range.
Then just now, I tried, believe it or not, 1920x1200.
The results: I got the same framerate I had with 1024x768, if not slightly better. Now this is not necesarily good, because it is still 15fps in cities, but I am fine with that. Now I have little need for AA, so HDR is great.
But I know that some 7800GTX users have had trouble with performance. If you do, please set your resolution to the highest your screen supports, and report what the framerates were for it, compared to your normal resolution.
Possible Conclusion for my problem: Poor optimization for the 7800GTX.
check these screen shots in the qoute below, 640x480 vs 1600x1200 and no FPS DIFFERENCE, and thats on a AMD 3700+ clocked at 2.4...............nahhhhhhhhhhhh that ain't right.
I took these screenshots yesterday.
That was taken at 640x480, no AA, no AF, no HDR/bloom. Vsync off.
This one was taken at 1600x1200, 8x AA, 8x AF, no HDR/bloom. Vsync off. Note the framerate in the upper right corner.
The game is obviously poorly programmed.
A64 3700+ @2.4ghz
DFI Lanparty NF4 UT SLI-DR
1GB G.skill PC4400 @ 2.5/3/3/6
Also check this, 1024x768 vs 1920x1200,
Ahh, you have a 7800GTX as well.
Here are benchmarks I took with Fraps:
1024x768 - 17fps average
1920x1200 - 12fps average
That is pathetic. I think it has to do with the 7800GTX
I have a friend that also has a 7800gtx, and he has a 4400+ X2, he gets almost exactaly the same framerate, and experiences the exact same issue (same fps at 640x480 as 1600x1200)
and this, both these last two with 4400+'s derserve a
Same problem here, I have a 7800GT + X2 4400. Changing resolutions does hardly anything. Yay Bethesda
If I had to take a wild guess at whats killing the cpu's running this game then i'd have to say it's the new tweaked "Havok Game Dynamics SDK" that was implemented into the gamebyro code for oblivion,
which would explain why it runs a'hell of a lot better on the 360 as gamebyro's code takes advantage of the multithreaded hardware of the Xbox360 and that obivously did'nt port to well to pc architecture