OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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13 Aug 2004
megatron said:
It was a bit disappointing that I went to the trouble of taking some pics and absolutely no one made a comment. I dont care what u say, any comments would be appreciated.

Sorry for the late reply, haven't read through all of this thread.

On the whole you need some more mass, but you probably know that and are aiming to get that. From the second picture though your lats look like they are developing well, what is your back routine like? I know that my back day is one of my favourites!
8 Nov 2002
$loth said:
Sorry for the late reply, haven't read through all of this thread.

On the whole you need some more mass, but you probably know that and are aiming to get that. From the second picture though your lats look like they are developing well, what is your back routine like? I know that my back day is one of my favourites!
In that picture I had not been to the gym in 3 years. Ive been back a week now. The only think I can think of which is working my back, quite honestly, is that I have to twist my torso to releve spine pain from spending too long on the PC! I put my elbow on my opposite thigh to give a bit of a twist. It does the trick though. Wouldnt recommend sitting and ignoring back pain.

Also I lower myself into the bath with my feet up and it puts my entire bodyweight on my lats for just about 2sec; kind of pathetic but it seems to have maintained my lat size from when I was training.

Ive not used the wide grip pull ups, I did a warm up last monday with just the machines. I didnt want to jerk anything, and learn good form again.

Appart from going to the gym Im a bit of a sloth tbh. :)

Ive also put on 1/2 a stone, from eating a little more than I would normally; no suppliments. I woke up early a couple of time and was hungry, and I drunk a single raw egg. I tried it ages ago cause its what my friend was doing and I wanted to barf; but I can do it now. Just dont put it to the nose (thats the secret).

Ofcourse Im going for mass and keeping in proportions. Im not just there to "keep fit", but Im not going to overload myself with more food than I need; just try to eat consistantly.

I did legs on day and they got hit hard! I am still very stiff, but the day after I couldnt comfortably use the stairs. Its just the results of not training legs and then suddently starting again. I squated 165Kg on a pully machine, not the 45' angle 1; your back is parallel to the ground on this 1.
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8 Nov 2002
Free bar is what Id normally do, plus another 3 or 4 heavy sets on a machine. Ive probably used hack squad machines more than the 45% incline machines.

Im doing a bench session and tricepts session next time.
16 Mar 2005
What was the last workout you did? Be great if you could post it or if you've posted your routine elsewhere throw me a link.
8 Nov 2002
Not sure if you are looking for advice or are going to give advice.

I think its a misconception that if u do this workout you will look like mr. x. Everyone is an individual and will be naturally stronger/bigger at certain exercises. The only advice Id give as far as a workout plan is to start with a plan you've been given. Try to learn to do the exercises with good form, especially when just starting out.

Then when you see an area you want to improve on, you can do exercises for that muscle group, keeping in mind that u want to be fresh for that exercise (so dont do bicepts and then the next day do back cause it uses similar muscle groups).

Dont be afraid to change exercises and a bit of variation of exercises will be good too. Make up your own routine by looking at your relative strengths/weaknesses and your goals.

Don't take this the wrong way, Im not trying to talk down to anyone; Im just offering a little of my own opinion after being prompted for it.
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
the problem with using a machine instead of the 45% incline, is the amount of weight that you can put on.

the machine in my gym has 260kg on it. the 45% incline can take 15x20kg (im sure its 15) plates and you could also add an Oly bar with more on it.
some big dude had 600kg in total on one of them a couple of weeks ago!
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
megatron said:
Not sure if you are looking for advice or are going to give advice.

I think its a misconception that if u do this workout you will look like mr. x. Everyone is an individual and will be naturally stronger/bigger at certain exercises. The only advice Id give as far as a workout plan is to start with a plan you've been given. Try to learn to do the exercises with good form, especially when just starting out.

Then when you see an area you want to improve on, you can do exercises for that muscle group, keeping in mind that u want to be fresh for that exercise (so dont do bicepts and then the next day do back cause it uses similar muscle groups).

Dont be afraid to change exercises and a bit of variation of exercises will be good too. Make up your own routine by looking at your relative strengths/weaknesses and your goals.

Don't take this the wrong way, Im not trying to talk down to anyone; Im just offering a little of my own opinion after being prompted for it.

was that posted to anyone in particular?
16 Mar 2005
Lol Quality.

I'm not looking for advice mate, quite the opposite end of the spectrum. I was going to offer advice as I can't remember a routine being posted by yourself.

Of course it's a misconception that if you do this workout you will look like someone, get huge or look great but there's still a bit difference between a good workout and a crap workout.

Either way i appreciate you trying to help out that's what the forums are for, but as soon as you get to know the regulars around here you'll see me quite often.
16 Mar 2005
Morba said:
the problem with using a machine instead of the 45% incline, is the amount of weight that you can put on.

the machine in my gym has 260kg on it. the 45% incline can take 15x20kg (im sure its 15) plates and you could also add an Oly bar with more on it.
some big dude had 600kg in total on one of them a couple of weeks ago!

I write a post, you post two in between :eek: lol
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
S7yl3s said:
I write a post, you post two in between :eek: lol


he is a machine!

a posting machine!
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