OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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Well I suppose the time has come for me to kick into gear and sort out my love handels. :p

If someone can tell me what exercises to do and what to eat for my current body state :p I'd be very thankful.

I never used to be such a bloody mess like this, I did labouring on a building site for 2yrs around 3yrs ago. I did put on a lot of muscle, but I've lost nearly all of it since. Prior to doing any labouring I was 9stone, then by the end 10 stone exactly. Now I am 11.4 stone at 5ft 10 :D so you can see the steady decline.


Ta very much

It does indeed, thanks

...shnip... :p

It could be a lot worse mate, we've all seen the state of some labourers ;) :p

In my opinion you have a good base and potential for some good peck development. The handles will fall off with a good mix of cardio and weight training but most importantly, clean up your diet. As for a routine, I'll leave that for the much more knowledgeable here, either that or take a good read of the thread and GordyR's thread here.

As soon as you start seeing some results you'll be grinning, and if you feel a lack in motivation at any point, post back here! good luck.
Monday - Quads, Hams, Delts
Squats - 3/5 sets - 6/8 reps - 90/120 sec rest
HC2PP - 3/5 sets - 6/8 reps - 90/120 sec rest
RDL's - 3/5 sets - 6/10 reps - 60/120 sec rest
Leg Press - 3/4 sets - 6/10 reps - 60/120 sec rest
Lean away 1-arm lat Raises - 2/3 sets - 12/20 reps - 30/45 sec rest
Rear Raises - 2/3 sets - 12/20 reps - 30/45 sec rest

Wednesday - Chest & Biceps
Gironda Dips - 3/5 sets - 6/8 reps - 90/120 sec rest
Incline DB Bench - 3/4 sets - 8/10 reps - 60/90 sec rest
Flyes (alt incline & dec) - 2/3 sets - 12/20 reps - 45/60 sec rest
Preacher Curls - 3/4 sets - 6/8 reps - 90/120 sec rest
Incline Hammer Curls - 2/3 sets - 12/20 reps - 30/45 sec rest
Calf Raises - 2/3 sets - 12/20 reps - 30/45 sec rest

Friday - Back & Triceps
Deadlifts - 4/6 sets - 4/8 reps - 90/180 sec rest
BOR's - 3/5 sets - 6/8 reps - 90/120 sec rest
Chins - 3/5 sets - 6/8 reps - 90/120 sec rest
Tricep Dips - 3/5 sets - 6/8 reps - 90/120 sec rest
Tricep Pressdowns - 2/3 sets - 12/20 reps - 30/45 sec rest
Seated Calf Raises - 3/4 sets - 8/12 reps - 60/90 sec rest

Saturday - Abs, Rotator Cuffs, Heart & Lungs
Sprint Bike - 1 min easy > 45 sec all out sprint = approx 12 mins total
Various Core Work - Mainly target obliques.
Treadmill - 10 mins @ 6mph ...then... 20 mins @ 3.5mph with 7% incline (aiming for 130bpm)... then a few sprints
Various Rotator Cuff Work

Also usually do some light cardio on Tuesday.

I've had to make some compromises, for example that's pretty much the first time I've ever done Leg Press in my life but I was simply too fatigued to do Front Squats aswell on that day lol :)

Looks similar to my old 3 day routine, except the 4th day would just restart from day 1 :D

I like it :]
Holy Crap I just looked at that IMMENSE excercise on you tube




How an earth does that not ruin your back?!

Gonna be a while before I get anywgere near that kinda shenanighans!!

The first guy although doing it correctly, when he push presses it is better to make a lunge jump type thing.

The second guy is a little sloppy but kudos for being able to shoulder press 225lbs standing up.

Third guy - Same as first.
Still insane even trying such a move!! Chong post up your version????

Anyway it's been about 3 weeks since I last stuck up some pics so here's a few more.



(Previous pics top of page 39 for ref)

Sorry for the yellowness - stupid camera.

I'm really hampered at the moment as I can't do anything with my legs at the mo until I get the go ahead from my phsyio as my knee just wont be able to take it - mind you i'm only 6 sweeks post cruciate reconstruction so I'm guessing a couple of months to go yet. I'm really missing squatting. Never dea lifted before and have got the gym instructor on standby for when I'm ready as that look a really good move to do. Just doing interval work on a static bike for now :(

What i'm looking for at the mo is something that'll improve the area around my collar bones any suggestions.

Worryingly I have a smallish bulge appearing just above my shorts - defo lack of cardio me thinks - stupid knee and no football/cardio
Holy Crap I just looked at that IMMENSE excercise on you tube




How an earth does that not ruin your back?!

Gonna be a while before I get anywgere near that kinda shenanighans!!
The first ones are power cleans aren't they? Great form.

The less said about the 2nd one the better. We used that video as an example of how NOT to do it on another forum. Awful form and he won't last long throwing weight like that about in such a stupid mannner... wait until his gear runs out ;)

The third guy is building up momentum and then swinging the weight up, crap.

I do it exactly like these:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpXqVba1mFo&feature=related - Hang Clean
and then straight into
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JH8gKgMfeL8 - Push Press

Truly brutal exercise, try doing them straight after squats! :eek:
yeah was just suggesting that on the incline bench rather than bring the bar to your chest bring it to your throat. But have a spotter on hand and yes a smith machine would lessen the strain on the shoulders.
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