OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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28 Dec 2007
I wish I had a normal size body to even attempt half of this stuff :(

To say I'm skinny is an understatement. I'm a little over 6'2 and I weigh in under 9 stone (24, so no I'm not going to grow anymore). So once you're done laughing :p what the **** can I do?

Summer isn't a pleasant time of year for me to be honest. Getting told to **** off back to the freak show isn't pleasant.

My doctor gave me some medical name to look up, but I can't even pronounce it let alone spell it.

Think I'm the only person who'd gladly have a beer belly and man boobs lol shopping for clothing is a nightmare

So, I'm looking for some useful input/info. Saying eat more isn't going to work. I eat like a horse already.

K sob story done.
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15 Jan 2005
Could you post what you eat in a day so we can have a look?

Because unless you actually have some kind of disease, you almost certainly don't actually eat a lot.
26 Nov 2004
Near Windy City, USA
'Can't grow' snip....


lol but seriously as above has mentioned 'hard gainer' etc are none existent!! Yes you may be different to someone else but if you really focus at it and follow a routine, you'll be piling on the muscle and size in no time!! :eek:
Post up what you currently eat and we'll tell you what you should really be doing ;)
Oh and if your willing to gain a bit of fat whilst bulking then it's going to be even easier!! :D
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
I wish I had a normal size body to even attempt half of this stuff :(

To say I'm skinny is an understatement. I'm a little over 6'2 and I weigh in under 9 stone (24, so no I'm not going to grow anymore). So once you're done laughing :p what the **** can I do?

Summer isn't a pleasant time of year for me to be honest. Getting told to **** off back to the freak show isn't pleasant.

My doctor gave me some medical name to look up, but I can't even pronounce it let alone spell it.

Think I'm the only person who'd gladly have a beer belly and man boobs lol shopping for clothing is a nightmare

So, I'm looking for some useful input/info. Saying eat more isn't going to work. I eat like a horse already.

K sob story done.

While there are some true hard gainers out there, most of the time its a lack of calories or insufficient training that will stop you getting big.

Eat like theres not tomorrow and train like you are prison.
Stop thinking you eat like a horse, im pretty sure you dont :p
Eating lots (esepcially when you are not used to it) is very hard, so when you reach a point of feeling 'full' you are nowhere near where you need to be :D
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I'm knocking on 100kg at the moment! :confused: can't really see much difference in the pics posted before, I don't know where I've gained these few kgs.. maybe my bf's gone up a bit? I don't feel like it has, I don't think it's water retention as I've never suffered that before and don't take any supplements which may promote it (unless whey does lol). Maybe it's subtle, or core, or legs don't really know - either way it's good. 100kg has been my target for a while, I just need a bit more effort, and then cut down a little, I've never been hugely bothered about being ripped to shreds, but then again as you can see I don't cary that much bf anyway... I know lucky **** ;) :p
18 Jan 2004
I'm knocking on 100kg at the moment! :confused: can't really see much difference in the pics posted before, I don't know where I've gained these few kgs.. maybe my bf's gone up a bit? I don't feel like it has, I don't think it's water retention as I've never suffered that before and don't take any supplements which may promote it (unless whey does lol). Maybe it's subtle, or core, or legs don't really know - either way it's good. 100kg has been my target for a while, I just need a bit more effort, and then cut down a little, I've never been hugely bothered about being ripped to shreds, but then again as you can see I don't cary that much bf anyway... I know lucky **** ;) :p

Its the body hair!!!!!1
18 Oct 2002
NW London
So, I'm looking for some useful input/info. Saying eat more isn't going to work. I eat like a horse already.

Dude, if you eat more calories than you burn, then your weight will increase. The weight increase will come in the form of muscle and fat. To me it doesnt sound you are fussed.

You could try concentrating on calorie dense food.

If you truly want to add weight, it is not impossible, however, you will have to re-educate your eating habits. None of that 1 can of coke and a packet of crisps for lunch ;)
9 Oct 2006
To say I'm skinny is an understatement. I'm a little over 6'2 and I weigh in under 9 stone (24, so no I'm not going to grow anymore). So once you're done laughing :p what the **** can I do?

Summer isn't a pleasant time of year for me to be honest. Getting told to **** off back to the freak show isn't pleasant.

You made me burst out laughing here...

I'm 6'2 and was quite skinny, I'm starting to bulk up now though...

Eat meals every 3 hours! eat clean and eat big, make sure you get the right amounts of carbs,protein and fat! And start a beginners weight lifting routine..

I'm just over 12 stone now but on the increase... :D It can be done
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