OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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26 Sep 2007
Erm, i'm 16, and 11.5st
(took ages to get from 11.1-2 to 11.5, but gaining weight sloowly now!)

Been going to the gym since late november... 2-3 times a week usually.

I think i'd like to have another stone to my name =P but i'm not sure how long it takes to put on weight for someone with a very fast metabolism.
( i eat cereal in morning, lunch is usually super noodles or something of the sort, big pie or roast dinner or huge meal in evening, and usually more cereal before bed...)
18 Oct 2002

1 - you do not have a superfast metabolism, you jsut dont eat enough.
Wish I could have a £1.00 for everytime this has been true!!

... super noodles... PMSL... are you ******* serious??? :p:D:D

Let me let you in on a little secret Crofty me old chum.. you're skinny because you consume about 80% carbs in your diet and not enough protein, fat and calories, not because you have some kind of super human metabolism ;)
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26 Sep 2007

1 - you do not have a superfast metabolism, you jsut dont eat enough.
2 - where are you training in swindon?

Fitness first in west swindon. Are you from Swindon?

And to chong warrior:

What sort of foods should i be eating then, in short?

*I just put super noodles down because i cooked some a couple of minutes ago =P*

Oh and. Come on you Spurs! ;)
12 Mar 2006
N.E England

Taken the other day. I'm currently about 6ft 1-2" 209lbs weighed in there. I want to get a bit more muscle. What's the best direction for me atm?

I do the occasional work out with my 50KG Barbells and that's about it atm.

I feel I'm a bit too plump atm to get any sort of decent results?

Evaluate :)
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Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Tom are you sure you want more muscle or just cut the fat you've got whilst developing what muscles you do have? I'm roughly the same height as you maybe a bit shorter, weight a little more, but significantly less fat, yet I'm sure we'd both look as broad as one another.

Sure you could pile on a stack of muscle but it won't make it look like you have a lot of muscle. However if you just want to be a big mofo then that's cool obviously! :) However if by more muscle you mean, being able to see muscle definition and look like you've got muscle I'd concentrate on reducing bodyfat first.

Let us know exactly what you want first.

However initially I'd say diet needs to be addressed since you haven't told us what you typically eat, secondly along with a decent weights routine, I'd still hit some cardio (that's what I do, and well I'm really happy with my results. :)).
2 Apr 2007
^Imo hes better just bulking to hell clean obviously and gaining a stack then cutting, if he cuts he's not got much muscle to show, but if he bulks first then cuts he will have something to show.
12 Mar 2006
N.E England
Tom are you sure you want more muscle or just cut the fat you've got whilst developing what muscles you do have? I'm roughly the same height as you maybe a bit shorter, weight a little more, but significantly less fat, yet I'm sure we'd both look as broad as one another.

Sure you could pile on a stack of muscle but it won't make it look like you have a lot of muscle. However if you just want to be a big mofo then that's cool obviously! :) However if by more muscle you mean, being able to see muscle definition and look like you've got muscle I'd concentrate on reducing bodyfat first.

Let us know exactly what you want first.

However initially I'd say diet needs to be addressed since you haven't told us what you typically eat, secondly along with a decent weights routine, I'd still hit some cardio (that's what I do, and well I'm really happy with my results. :)).

Hey mate thanks for taking the time to reply. I used to weigh around 185 about 5-6 months ago and tbh I wasn't happy with the muscle then. I'd really like to be a bit bulked, like you say a big mofo :p. To do this would it just be a case of working with the weight I do have and hitting the weights hard?

My diet is pretty crap. So you hit the nail on the head with it there. I do eat big but it's all the wrong stuff. I normally miss out on breakfast apart from weekend when I can actually get time but I do get a decent amount of carbs and some protein in my diet.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Well then you know what the first thing you need to address is. :) It's going to take a lot of hard work and dedication I hope you're aware of that. So you need to be quite regimented when it comes to getting yourself to the gym and sticking to it and not use the "I can't be arsed today - I'll go tomorrow" mentality as it just won't help.

For starters don't miss breakfast it's important. Secondly make sure you don't eat crap, and if you do want to snack which is fine, keep away from the doughnuts and crisps! :p

I think you've got a lot of bodyweight and potential bulk there, so as you start shedding the fat you'll still be able to develop muscle, you look quite large framed anyway so I doubt you'll be wirey anyway - that's not supposed to be an insult btw ;)

Have a browse through Gordy's thread it has a lot of useful advice re: weight training programs etc... Lots of guys here have posted 3/4 days programs which I'm sure could be modified to what you need.

I still stand by shedding the fat first anyway, it'll give you that boost that you need, because whilst shifting the fat you'll increase your fitness levels and get your body ready for doing some heavy lifting. Some may disagree but I think that's where I'd start.

You can lose BF & bulk at the same time, but that's incredibly hard.
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