No fear, I'm working within my rangeBear said:ThanksFrom what Ive read and been told you should keep your heart rate between 60-80% of maximum which is (220 - your age). This keeps it in your aerobic zone which is optimal for fat burn. When you push above 80% you enter the anaerobic zone which then converts muscle to energy which is not really what you want for fat burning and is as Gilly said earlier.

Based on GordyR's advice earlier on this thread, I did my Body Pump workout first, and then moved on to cardio.
Right, I think I'm going to buy myself some new trainers this afternoon. I've started to get blisters off the ones I have now because they're all worn out, and there's an excellent thread in the SA about running, and trainers, so I'm going to a running shop in Notts to try and get a pair