OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

DanH84 said:
I'd probably say it's a bit of a gimmick. Only way to get decent abs is through hard work.
Train them heavy not high rep (if you need to add resistance just hold a weight to your chest). Crunches, full crunches, jack knifes. Remember they need rest as well.

Oh and they'll also get a great workout as stibilisers when you do heavy lifting in things such as deadlifts and squats.

If you want them to be visible you need to havce a decent diet as well.

Can't be more concise now as am drunk. Might edit this tomorrow.

I know, im on about just pure building the ab muscle, it seems a confortable way of working the ab muscles, i hate doing cruches and it hurts my back.

Monday morning weigh in: Didn't lose as much as last week, but I've now lost a total of 1/2 stone :D Yay! Am now at 95.5% my starting weight. If I can lose another 1lb, I'll be lighter than I've ever managed to get down to so far. That's the weight I plateau'd at last time, so extra effort is needed to make sure I can get down below that.

Had a difficult week too. I was unexpectedly sent to sort out a supplier in Wales on Thursday/Friday and couldn't gym because I had to stop over on Thursday, and didn't get back until late Friday. Still managed to do 3 gyms though, so that's not too bad. I now have 3 weeks of being away for the weekend, so I need to work extra hard during the week to make up for not being able to gym at weekends. Will also have to go to Body Pump on Thursdays, because I really don't want to miss out. I'll be eating extra super healthy in the week too, to make up for any pies consumed at the weekend.

My new trainers are also fab! I'm really pleased with them. A lot more comfortable to run in, and I don't feel like someone has hacked my feet to pieces with a machete when I'm done.

I also sinned this week. I had a small piece of home made treacle sponge with butterscotch sauce and vanilla ice cream last night after tea. I was very good with dinner though, because I only had 2 yorkshire puds (when I'd usually have 3), and 2 roasties (when I'd usually have about 300). It was my only sin this week, so I'm pretty pleased with myself :)

Oh, and I found out last night that I can fit into my favourite black trousers again. They are kind of combat style (ish) and have a big dragon on the bum. Dead pleased!! :D

Good luck everyone for their weigh ins, and remember, if you don't lose much/anything, then keep going. It has to come off eventually :) We CAN do it, and we WILL!!!
Nice one Kate! Just a thought - is Gilly's suggestion of a skipping rope any use to you as far as exercise while away goes?
Treefrog said:
Nice one Kate! Just a thought - is Gilly's suggestion of a skipping rope any use to you as far as exercise while away goes?
Good suggestion actually, thanks TF :)

I should be able to get 3 gyms in each week anyway, but I won't get my extra bit at the w/e. The first week, I'm in a flat in Manc, so there'll be limited room for skipping. However, my mate works in a gym, and he has a client first thing on Sat, so I might ask if I can go in with him. I can also go on the treadmill on Sunday if I get home at a reasonable time. Second weekend is a total write-off because it's the Liverpool meet. I doubt I'll have enough energy to go on the treadmill on Sunday night, though I could always just walk for 20 mins instead. Third weekend, I will be coming back Sunday morning, so I can go to the gym when I get home. It's not as bad as it seems actually. I won't be drinking anything alcoholic (I've promised myself, none until we go to Poland in March), so I'll have water, and watch what I eat. It'll be fine... I hope :p
Was dreading looking at the scales this morning .. I've been off the wagon since Thursday :(

Had a chinese thursday night , was travelling to Swansea on Friday so ate rubbish in the car , had a curry Saturday night and my Dad's roast dinner on Sunday :/ .. All this naughty food and zero excerise means my weight this morning is :

8st 8lbs .. I've put on 2 lbs this week .. not a happy bunny :(

Got body pump tonight so will make sure I work extra hard
Ok i'm a bit puzzled, bought some nice new digital scales on thursday, weighed myself and I was 96Kg, weighed myself this morning out of interest and I'm 92.7Kg, eh?

I've done hardly any exercise, just the usual walking round.

How have I managed to loose 4Kg already.
Weighed myself this morning, still the same :/ Not too down though, my exercise has been very erratic this week.
Piggymon said:
Was dreading looking at the scales this morning .. I've been off the wagon since Thursday :(

Had a chinese thursday night , was travelling to Swansea on Friday so ate rubbish in the car , had a curry Saturday night and my Dad's roast dinner on Sunday :/

I too have been the victim of mummy's home cooked meals! Not to mention the fact Chinese New Year celebrations enabled a number of calories to be pushed my way! :/

And to top it off my friend needed to 'escape London' which of course meant the inevitable consumption of alcohol and chicken burger.

Not looking forward to gym and weighing tomorrow :(

Pebbles said:
Are there any good online food/calorie guides? I've not gone this route (calorie counting), but I'd be interested to see what calories Im eating a day.

Edit found one.

Any chance of the link Pebbles? ;) might be an interesting read!


BB x
Decided to do a weigh in today and in the fortnight since I last got on the scales I've managed to put on 1lb :( And I don't even have the excuse of being "off the wagon" as I've been trying really hard :( God I hate myself :(
Chin up Sam, we're all right behind ya :D

Piggy has the same problem sometimes with either zero or very little progress so you're not alone. You just need to keep plugging away. Maybe you need to change what you do. What works for one person will not necessarily work for another :)
He's right you know Sam :)

After getting down to about 8st 5/6lbs last week I'm now 8st 8lbs .. feel soo annoyed with myself and a little disheartened because I feel like I'm getting nowhere but ..

I am getting somewhere albeit a little slowly , last weekend I bought 2 new pairs of jeans , from 2 different shops and they were both a size 8! :D

Don't forget muscle weighs a lot more than fat so try not to go by the scales too much .. I know it's easier said than done .. I'm guilty of having a sulk whenever I put half a pound on :/

My ickle belly has certainly flattened and my thighs are a lot firmer but going by the scales I have only lost a few pounds this year !

*hugs* We'll get there Sam :)
PaulStat said:
Ok i'm a bit puzzled, bought some nice new digital scales on thursday, weighed myself and I was 96Kg, weighed myself this morning out of interest and I'm 92.7Kg, eh?

I've done hardly any exercise, just the usual walking round.

How have I managed to loose 4Kg already.

Water weight mate. It's completely normal.
Not managed to get to the gym today as Uni lectures have started again and I have a full day Monday and Tuesday, and my consessionary gym membership doesn'y allow me to go in the evenings.

I'll therefore be weiging myself on Wednesdays from now on, had quite a good week so far so hoping to see some signs of progress!
I'm tempted to shift my weigh ins to Tuesdays as Mondays are always the highest due to it being right after the weekend :/

Everyone ok with this ? Shall we move it to a Tuesday ? :)
Since last week I've lost 1kg. Dunno if thats progress or just random fluctuations. The gym is getting easier. When I started my routine the first 10 mins on the bike took my heart rate to 110, its now down to 87 in 2 weeks. The x-trainer is still an arse though :) I'm getting fitter, I can see the progress in the numbers and I'm happy that its going somewhere. Hell I'm happy enough that I'm actually sticking to going to the gym every other day. :D
AcidHell2 said:
Mines on the friday, the best day. Before the weekend binge and after the massive gym workouts LOL..

Aye my work weight in is on Friday awell
Anybody watchin Change the Day You Die on sky 1 now.

Might be worth a watch for decent health tips or it could be carp sky tv.



about the fattest man in the world.
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AcidHell2 said:
Mines on the friday, the best day. Before the weekend binge and after the massive gym workouts LOL..

Ooooh ,good idea :D

From now on I shall be weighing on a Friday ;)

Just come back from BodyPump and found it a little easier tonight , still reckon I'm gonna have trouble walking the rest of the week :p
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