Monday morning weigh in: Didn't lose as much as last week, but I've now lost a total of 1/2 stone

Yay! Am now at 95.5% my starting weight. If I can lose another 1lb, I'll be lighter than I've ever managed to get down to so far. That's the weight I plateau'd at last time, so extra effort is needed to make sure I can get down below that.
Had a difficult week too. I was unexpectedly sent to sort out a supplier in Wales on Thursday/Friday and couldn't gym because I had to stop over on Thursday, and didn't get back until late Friday. Still managed to do 3 gyms though, so that's not too bad. I now have 3 weeks of being away for the weekend, so I need to work extra hard during the week to make up for not being able to gym at weekends. Will also have to go to Body Pump on Thursdays, because I really don't want to miss out. I'll be eating extra super healthy in the week too, to make up for any pies consumed at the weekend.
My new trainers are also fab! I'm really pleased with them. A lot more comfortable to run in, and I don't feel like someone has hacked my feet to pieces with a machete when I'm done.
I also sinned this week. I had a small piece of home made treacle sponge with butterscotch sauce and vanilla ice cream last night after tea. I was very good with dinner though, because I only had 2 yorkshire puds (when I'd usually have 3), and 2 roasties (when I'd usually have about 300). It was my only sin this week, so I'm pretty pleased with myself
Oh, and I found out last night that I can fit into my favourite black trousers again. They are kind of combat style (ish) and have a big dragon on the bum. Dead pleased!!
Good luck everyone for their weigh ins, and remember, if you don't lose much/anything, then keep going. It has to come off eventually

We CAN do it, and we WILL!!!