OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

I just weighed myself after coming home from a weeks holiday in Rome. I'm 11 stone 12 pounds so I lost 6 pounds whilst away despite all that Italian ice cream and food. It must have been the walking and heat aswell as all that water I drank :D
I've lost a stone in the last 2 months, unfortunately I had to break my ankle in 3 places and have a bunch of metalwork installed to facilitate this weight loss. To be honest I expected to gain weight from the inactivity.
MeddlE said:
I've lost a stone in the last 2 months, unfortunately I had to break my ankle in 3 places and have a bunch of metalwork installed to facilitate this weight loss. To be honest I expected to gain weight from the inactivity.

ouch not nice!

however, that weight could be muscle that not being used, so as much as your possibly putting fat on, your losing muscle. muscle weighs more than fat, so you would still have a net loss in weight :/
geeza said:
Is this like a yearly ritual or something :eek:

No, why do you ask?

Re: the muscle loss, I've lost fat as well, definitely see an improvement around the waist. Let's hope it stays that way.
I'm in at 14st 6lbs which is pretty much where I want to be so I'm happy with that. I had lost about 7/8lbs over the past 6 months maybe a bit more - but I've got my physique and fitness back so I'm feeling good again. Doing my job doesn't help much for it all but it's just about putting the effort in when I can. :)
I lost 8lbs over the past 2 months without noticing (I've got some real obsession with low bodyfat). Was looking too skinny at 11st so started packin in 1/2lb cheeseburgers everyday and all that. Back to a nice 11st 4lbs :p
Morba said:
read the whole sentence and realise the context of the section you have mentioned ;]

So what I should have typed was "I lost my balance and managed to dislocate my ankle trying to regain it, thus causing my ankle to break in three places and thereby requiring a surgeon to install some mecanno and wood screws into my lower leg to keep it all together"

But yeah, I get it now. ;)
MeddlE said:
So what I should have typed was "I lost my balance and managed to dislocate my ankle trying to regain it, thus causing my ankle to break in three places and thereby requiring a surgeon to install some mecanno and wood screws into my lower leg to keep it all together"

But yeah, I get it now. ;)

no, the people reading should have understood what you were saying, like i did ;]
It's okay, it made me laugh.

As the x-rays are all done digitally these days you can get a copy on CD. Hopefully getting mine on Monday. The girlfriend wants them as her desktop wallpaper.
My update from 4 months of exercise and (better) food.

I try to run most days; this probably translates to about 5-6 miles 5 times per week. Usually in the evening sometimes weekday mornings, often weekend mornings. The important thing is fitting it in. I prefer to run as soon as I get in from work. Remember that 1 mile is better than 0 miles.

Beer, I still enjoy a pint – I don’t drink during the week anymore and try to drink less on nights out etc.

For my dinner at work I take in a bowl of ready made adsa pasta (2kg for £4). At home I eat more pasta / potatoes / salads. I consciously try to eat a little less than usual. I’ve reduced my chocolate consumption. I make sure I eat a bowl of cereal and drink a pint of water each morning. I don’t even need sugar on me cornies no more!!

I drink (mainly) water throughout the day, at both work and home– and restrict myself to one cup of coffee each day.

Physically I feel much fitter, mentally better, lost almost 1.5 stone. I need less time in bed as I’m sleeping better. I’m less snappy, feel happier. And when the footie season starts, I will be making all right wingers in our league redundant! hah :)
Well I did warn you folks ;). Anyway here are my month comparison photos, what a difference a month makes eh :). And yes I have had a hair cut since. I highly recommend documenting your weight loss like this it's very satisfying to see a difference.



PaulStat said:
Well I did warn you folks ;). Anyway here are my month comparison photos, what a difference a month makes eh :). And yes I have had a hair cut since. I highly recommend documenting your weight loss like this it's very satisfying to see a difference.

mate, well done. both on the loss and the proudness to post those pics :]
Well done to you all :) A year ago I weighed in at 14st 2lb, last week I weighed in at 11st.2lb :D
I have changed all my bad eating habits, lots of crisps, peanut butter, chips and puddings. I run a regular 2 mile circuit in the village.
I took alll my big clothes and gave them to a charity shop and bought a whole new wardrobe (more incentive to stay slim :) ) I feel better, I sleep better and I look better it's a win win.
My tips would be:
1/ Slow progress is better than no progress.
2/ Eat a hearty breakfast (If you don't your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto calories).
3/Drink plenty of water a day, at least 1lt preferably 2.
4/Eat more meals with less in, this speeds up a sluggish metabolism, or eat an apple/banana half an hour before tea to kick start your digestive system.
5/Treat your self Often. Once a week I have a curry, with chips, starters, pop and a pudding. You don't have to totally remove the "fatty" stuff, just get a good balance.

I actually lost a fair bit of weight before I started running, just by changing my diet, and I ate and still do eat a lot, but a lot of the healthy stuff.
Don't give up, go easy on yourself, and good luck.

Ive slipped a little bit.. I 'forgot' to record my weight for a while.. ;) I had to go back to a high fat, high protein, low carbohydrate diet in order to achieve fat loss.. I had real trouble calibrating my calorie intake while on a 40/40/20 diet and I ended up at a weight plateau for a month or so.. not good.. ;)

Back to business as usual now.. :)
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