OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

I hear ya guys :)
I spent a lot of time on my deadlift form which i think isn't bad, but am still very wary of putting much weight on it. Tbh I don't feel it's worth the risk really hitting the heavy weight on that lift quite yet (I mainly go for higher reps and lower weight).
Yeah I'm just a little bit wary of plastering my face over the internet for anyone to look at. Plus some of the expressions were a little...shall we say embarrassing :p
I hear ya guys :)
I spent a lot of time on my deadlift form which i think isn't bad, but am still very wary of putting much weight on it. Tbh I don't feel it's worth the risk really hitting the heavy weight on that lift quite yet (I mainly go for higher reps and lower weight).

Thats cool, I would suggest using a proper power lifting belt if you wanted to progress on your deadlifts, then once you're more confidant lose the belt;).
neon.uk- Very good to be honest, especially for your age. Middle back really stands out in those pics. Keep it up :D
What are your stats right now?
Looking epic as always FF, i just cannot get a handle on bodyfat atm, im slim enough for day to day appearance but cant even compare to your definition, your delts and arms in general look brilliant, triceps are huge! Anyways good work!
Thanks matey. :)

You'll get there mate - you've got the knowledge and ability, you've just hit a rough time and you've packed on some serious poundage. You might have to accept a hit on strength/size though in the short term?
yeah im guessing so, thats where i struggle most when the strength and dimensions head south i get all hung up on it and break my dietplan, im thinking i may work for even more size first that way the weight should fall off quicker anyway
Some really crappy photos, I just can't get good light in my room :( The flash just washes me out completely no flash means you can't see any definition :/ Anyway, I've dropped some bodyfat, and my serratus is very clear (unlike the pics show :/) - I have no ability of getting a good leg shot at the moment - I'm going to have to try and do some better pics at some point - but I just can't get the lighting/angles right.

Anyway stats are:

218lbs (this morning)
46+" chest
34.5" waist
17.5" upper arm
27" thigh
16.3" calf
18" neck

Side shot:


As I said, not brilliant pics, but some of you have met me in the flesh so to speak, so you have to try and see through the noise on the pics :p

@ Freefaller, I was wondering if you had any shots of you from a few years ago to compare you to these recent shots.......I am just beginning and have been following your advice/progress for a little while and was just interested in what you were like when you began?
I'll see what I can find - this is about the only time I take pics of me, I never particularly liked taking pics of myself before - but I'll have a look. :)
I hope Rich L doesn't mind me posting this pic! It was taken about 3 years ago.


edit: I can't tell if the link works or not as Facebook is blocked at work - I just emailed the link to myself :p
Been thinking of asking for the before pics from FF as well :D.

Most of us only know what you have become and not what you were :eek:.

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