OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Right, although I have been "lifting" for awhile I basically had a year off last year due to getting smashed and losing discipline at university. I started back up again in August so this is me.

This picture is basically for me to see how far I can go, and I hope it will be an enjoyable process. Aims are basically to just keep going and get a body I am proud of.

My diet is horrible though, looking forward to sorting it out once I start my work.

82Kg (ish bad scales)

Edit - took my about 90 attempts to post that :(
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Right, although I have been "lifting" for awhile I basically had a year off last year due to getting smashed and losing discipline at university. I started back up again in August so this is me.

This picture is basically for me to see how far I can go, and I hope it will be an enjoyable process. Aims are basically to just keep going and get a body I am proud of.

My diet is horrible though, looking forward to sorting it out once I start my work.

82Kg (ish bad scales)

Edit - took my about 90 attempts to post that :(

How long did you train before you stopped? Looks like you have pretty good shoulders, nice shape on the traps, and a pretty filled out chest especially upper. Depending on how long you trained for before you will be amazed at muscle memory.
What are your goals, or have you reached them?

Also wanna be part of the '1k club', squat/DL/benchpress :D

1k club?! Damn! I wish you all the luck you need - that would be an awesome result, I've stalled on 550kg (though I haven't been doing much 1RM work recently I have to admit.) 1k club hmmm, even with a 200kg Bench it would still mean 800kg split between squats and DLs! What are your lifts like now? Bear in mind that the world record for DL is just under 460kg and the world record squat is shy of 520kg... so even if you achieve 60% of those that would be 280kg DL and 312kg for squats which are phenomenal numbers, heck even if it's 300kg for both that still leaves a 400kg bench lol! Don't get me wrong I wish you all the best, but even for some of the big lifters on here that's no mean feat!

My goals are to keep putting on as much lean mass as I can and build strength and power. I'm not overly worried about BF, though I'd like to drop down to a lean 14-15% - which for this game is pretty awesome. I'm a bulkier type of person anyway so being uber lean has never been my intention and I have enough muscle bulk to make me look lean, although I'm touching 18% - which is still lean, but not as lean as I could be. :)

My target was 600kg by the end of the year, but that's taken a halt. But I'll have to get back into that.
No you add up all 3. :)

Bench 150
DL 220
Squat 180
Total = 550 :)

220KG deadlift is immense. Im struggling on 100KG at the moment. My grip is certainly giving out, Im off to buy some straps today. I was hoping to just develop my grip but I cant foresee it being enough. I just about manage 3x8 100KG but my hands slip so have to quickly regrip before lifting again on the last few reps of each.

Are those single reps Freefaller or multiple?
How long did you train before you stopped? Looks like you have pretty good shoulders, nice shape on the traps, and a pretty filled out chest especially upper. Depending on how long you trained for before you will be amazed at muscle memory.

Yeah I was perhaps a little misleading.

I stopped training in October last year, but before that had been going at it at least twice a week for around 12 months (played a lot of footie as well) and tended to do a lot of the compound exercises.

My main point was that basically, for the last 14 weeks I have been training heavily 3-4 times a week and intend to keep to this for the foreseeable future. Until recently I have been following a simple three day split Chest/tri's, Back/bi's, Legs/shoulders/ab but now have switched to a full body routine.

I move this week and start my job, so I may have to take a few weeks out to find a good gym and get started. I intend to perhaps try a 5x5 program as I'd really like to see some strength gains. Lately I have only been able to squat with dumbbells (no rack and only 1 BB) so that is not ideal and look forward to squatting properly as it's an exercise I really enjoy.

Hope to post a total body set in a few months, going to try and drop my b/f.
220KG deadlift is immense. Im struggling on 100KG at the moment. My grip is certainly giving out, Im off to buy some straps today. I was hoping to just develop my grip but I cant foresee it being enough. I just about manage 3x8 100KG but my hands slip so have to quickly regrip before lifting again on the last few reps of each.

Are those single reps Freefaller or multiple?

Singles, except for the squat which I normall rep out 3-4 reps. :)

I use double overhand grip up to 150kg, then use mixed. At about 210 I need to use straps.
I bought straps a while ago, but never managed to used them right until this week. :D
Was the first time since I started training when I could deadlift until my back failed, as I always used to drop the bar before failure.

only used on my last set which was:
160x5, quickly unload bar while staggering, 100x6, unload 60x8. had to sit down afterwards lol.

the next day my lower back made me feel like an old man, but hell I was chuffed about my new record. :D
I decided against straps despite my earlier comment about thinking of buying them. I do use a hook or mixed grip on heavier weights, Im just hoping my grip will develop as I do prefer overhand grip.
TANK doesn't like it when people hide their faces ;), but the problem is that it's not unheard of for people posting bodybuilding pics, to end up on gay porn sites and the like
That's a scary thought :eek:

You rang... Looking good mate, such a drastic change from the original pics, great stuff! When you say you have reassessed your aims, what are they now?
As for the legs, not typical poses but you can see everything we need to just fine :)
I've gained a lot of strength. I can continues racking up the numbers. However, I'd now like the ability to have functional strength. I'd like to be able to run a 6 minutes mile, do planche press ups and other challenging BW training. If I happen to go back into boxing it will definitely be of use.

That said I'm still sticking to big compound lifts but now the size/built is no longer a priority.

I meant in pounds mate, not KG's.

I'm stuck on doing everything in lbs, just a habit as they bodybuilding.com forums go by lbs also.

My bad, should have said!
Haha, not quite, i've got a fair way to go before i make the 1k (lb :P) club!

Can't even squat, so i've no clue what my 1RM is, knee injury for the last two months :(

I'm only on roughly 300lb 1RM DL, and 250ish Bench 1RM
You bench is strong, but your DL relative to your bench is poor.

Only been doing it a month, and a bad knee limits the amount I'm going to let myself place on my knee.

Annoying how two key excercises (And 2 of my favorites :[ ) are affected by it :(

Aiming for 300bench 1RM by my 22nd birthday. And 400 DL assuming my knee gets better!

Your lifts are insane man! Very strong.
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