OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Thanks chaps. :)

Took a few more back shots this evening - poor quality, and poor symmetry owing to having to hold the camera - but I think my back definitely looks thicker and wider (and hairier :p).

And I have a couple of fantastic large spots on my neck! :mad: :o
Roid zits? :p
Hi Paramount, you look to be in pretty good shape :) You're very lean. How much did you weight when you started training, and how long have you been training for?

Paramount, looking good dude! Any parts of you that you're not happy with?

Thanks both, finally feels like I'm getting somewhere!

I've been training for about 3 years, but most of the first and part of the second I had no idea what I was doing, I wasn't eating anywhere near enough... but it provided a good foundation to step things up on at least. I think I was about 11st and chubby when I started, those pics are in this thread somewhere but here they are again. At this point I had literally done no exercise at all in the last 2 years (thanks WoW). Lol looking at those tri's in the second makes me cringe.


Anyway I peaked at about 13st in March and have never been below about 18% bf so thought I'd just smash the cut. It was deffo worth it, turns out there are muscles underneath the padding after all! By keeping my protein intake high I've managed to keep most of the strength.

The main thing I've learnt is diet is king, it's hard to get into a habit of coordinating the stuff you're eating but most people, myself included, look over this until they realise they're not going anywhere.

@Freefaller I have absolutely no calves! They've missed out completely because I jarred my back a year or so ago by bouncing the weight whilst doing calf raises. Lesson learnt, but after summer when bulking recommences I'll add them back in with some seated raises or similar. Also my upper back and traps are pretty poor.
You're very lean, and you've done a fantastic job at going to where you are from where you were. You should be dead proud.

Diet is indeed king - good to see you're 100% there - too many people put it second.

Calves do need work, and I agree about upper back. But, you've got a fantastic base to work from. Get a bit more shoulder work under way (in particular side raises, especially with cable) and you'll be laughing. A bit more bulk on your chest would help the overall shape.

It sounds very critical - it's not! You have done a brilliant job, and you have got such a good base to work from now. You're lean, you've got good definition, you've got decent enough bulk and from where you were you look like a different person!

You should be proud and happy with how you look today. Keep up the good work :cool:

May you get bigger and stronger. Good stuff matey! :)
I'm blushing, thanks FF. Spot on with the raises, I've started doing these recently so hopefully when the calories go back up I'll start seeing growth. Onward and upward!
Hey guys, haven't posted in a while, mainly because I've had exams and stuff and been generally lazy. Anyway today I decided to take some new pictures as it has been a year since I started taking progress shots. So I therefore put this little comparison together. Comments/critique welcome as always ;)

IMO you look leaner than before owing to the muscle mass you've put on. Great progress, shoulders and chest have developed well as have arms. I can see lats flaring in the background too. Good work. :)
dude, 2 stone in a year? Amazing progress! And still very lean!


Yeah, progress went fairly quickly at the start - "noob gains" I guess. My growth has slowed quite a bit over the last few months, but I still seem to be getting bigger. I'm hoping to hit 200lbs in the not toò distant future, but we'll see how that goes :)

EDIT: Cheers FF, looking awesome in your photos by the way
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Well I've just started, been at it a week so far but I have a great training buddy and I'll post some before pics tomorrow.

75Kg going in, 5'10"
I havn't posted in here before, but i am finally getting somewhere with my physique so will post my progress.

Height: 5'10
Weight: 9 stone exactly

Height: 5'10
Weight: 11 stone 8lbs

This has taken a year and few months (probably could have done better, first few months i didnt have my diet and routine in order)

I am aiming for around 13 Stone and 10% bodyfat
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