OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

This thread is perfect for showing progress, either from being skinny to being bigger, or from being higher fat percentage to lower. We don't need another thread on this - I think this is fit for purpose.
LOL - ah if only it were as easy as the words!


Who said it was easy? I've been a skinny runt for half of my life and slightely larger on the other.

I have a goal to make myself feel better about my physique, I need to lower my body fat while maintaining some muscle mass otherwise I will be in the same boat as I was a few years ago. Yes it will take time but I will get to a stage where I am happy.

Who said it was easy? I've been a skinny runt for half of my life and slightely larger on the other.

I have a goal to make myself feel better about my physique, I need to lower my body fat while maintaining some muscle mass otherwise I will be in the same boat as I was a few years ago. Yes it will take time but I will get to a stage where I am happy.

Sorry my comment was misconstrued - it was just a general observation that everyone that gets a change for the positive works their collective rear ends off to get there. It wasn't a judgement call mate...
Sorry my comment was misconstrued - it was just a general observation that everyone that gets a change for the positive works their collective rear ends off to get there. It wasn't a judgement call mate...

No worries, I know people have worked really hard to get were they are today, maybe I should have worded my original statement a bit better :)

I will hopefully post my progress up in thread, but it will be slow progress at that.
A 4/5 month transformation picture, excuse the facebook/mypsace kind of picture. Hope is not too rubbish????

I have not actually started yet but I am joining the gym this week as I am sick of being skinny and weak. I am roughly 148lbs @ 5ft 10" currently and I was wondering if I should cut then bulk?

Also, is there a way to bulk without putting on the excess bodyfat? I have completely changed my diet these past 2 weeks and I intend to stick with it.

This is me if it helps, thanks!

You should take another picture roughly the same as your before pic, so we can see the changes properly.

Agreed, however you can still see a lot of progress. Certainly in the shoulder, and arm area. As you say though it's hard to completely gauge the progress from those shots.
I have not actually started yet but I am joining the gym this week as I am sick of being skinny and weak. I am roughly 148lbs @ 5ft 10" currently and I was wondering if I should cut then bulk?

Also, is there a way to bulk without putting on the excess bodyfat? I have completely changed my diet these past 2 weeks and I intend to stick with it.

Personally, i wouldn't worry about it. You have nothing to cut anyway, you need muscle. Just have a good bulking diet and hit the gym with intensity and intelligence.
Good luck dude. :)
you put 14kg on in 4 months? You sure? That's 2st. You don't look like you have to me.
How tall are you, because you have a lot less mass (and fat :( ) than i do and i'm 85kg at 5'9".

Regardless of my opinion (misiniformed or otherwise) at least you're going in hte right direction, nice one.
Hi :) Yep just about 3 stone in a little over a year I reached 94 but have cut around 5lbs to get the lean look, I now am eating a very healthy diet full or protein and low carbs. I gym 6 times per week.and put the effort in big time, I must have some good.genetics as I can put my hand on my heart and say 100% that pic is of me at 89. My legs and back are big, but my upper chest, shoulders and arms are my biggest feature :) Its taken over my life lol as all my time is in the gym.

Edit I'm 5,10 :)
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P.s is there anyway to increase shoulder size? Just measured myself (one shoulder to another, measured from the front) and I clock in at 19-20" :(
Another measurement which is useful is the full circumference. I.e. around the shoulder as well as chest, so the tape goes over your arms. :)

We've all got to start somewhere mate. :)
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