OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

My house is like a damn sauna 24/7 at the moment, not had to touch the heating yet since May!

It even boiling in the garage :p
Some of you guys are seriously working hard - I imagine that it puts a lot of people off posting in shame of being out done!

I recently took another picture - both these two are done about a year apart from each other - I am not as hardcore as many of you guys at the gym, but I think I can see an improvement in myself - definitely feel it :)

Left is August 2009 - Right is August 2010, About five months ago a few things happened in my life and I pushed myself a bit harder at the gym.


You've got rid of a lot of softness from your body and definitely added some muscle mass whilst seemingly lowering bodyfat too. Pic comparison doesn't help much but definitely improvement in body composition. :) Well done.
Lookiing pretty big FF, you should maybe compete u would no doubt do pretty well but not sure if thats what your interested in... are you still natural?. you seem to have cut body fat down some, what im doing atm lol. Just "tightening" up rather than a full on cut. doing some cardio for a change and gonna do 45 min walk before breakfast most mornings for a few weeks ontop of training a chop carbs down a little bit maybe 350g a day, not gettin fat still pretty lean, but i prefer to be even leaner with abs showing thru more then they are atm lol. First time back to bench press with bar today and did decline for once in 6 months lol, managed 120 4th set for 7 so didn't go to bad!.
Dropped a lot of water and fat that's for sure. 2 weeks on holiday with good quality food and a relaxing atmosphere with lots of sleep will also help! :) 100% natural, I hardly even take any supps as well. :) Over the past 3 or so months I've dropped from 16st 4lbs to just under 15st - for many reasons really, injury, moving house, busy at work and as such haven't had the opportunity to really focus on my training - still have been training, just not to the same intensity. Changed my diet because I didn't want to start putting on unnecessary fat. I'll get back into it, as I want to reach my 650kg but I have a long way to go! :p
Can I ask how the '650kg' figure works? Is it just how much weight you lift on three seperate lifts? or all lifts / reps combined? Or? :p
As per freefallers sig
Bench press/squat/deadlift

also ff , thats some chest beard you're growing there :eek:.

apologies, but it doesn't state what the numbers are relating to, hence the question.

Is it always in that order then? Regarding the exercise?

On a side note...My traps are really feeling it after yesterdays go :D
apologies, but it doesn't state what the numbers are relating to, hence the question.

Is it always in that order then? Regarding the exercise?

On a side note...My traps are really feeling it after yesterdays go :D

i wouldnt do the "big 3" all on the same day, unless that was the only exercises you are ever going to do. also im guessing thats his 1 rep max, so it wont be what hes doing on a regular basis.

for example if his bench press is 160 kg 1 rep max

he will be doing about 150kg roughly for 10 reps in his weekly routine

its just his way of keeping track of it all and how far away he is from what he wants to achieve.

also you cannot do squats safely without a rack or cage, your risking serious injury due to the weight involved, unless you do beginner dumbell squats.

here is a pro tip for everyone, ipod touches and iphones are extremely popular, if you have someone in your house who has one, or if you have one yourself, get the ifitness app, its the best thing to ever happen in the world of bodybuilding. the amount you can do with it is unbelievable.

create your own workouts, or follow a set routine. record what weight your lifting and reps. you can then graph this data to see progress.

if you want to do work on a specific part, chest for example, you select chest and it will show you thousands of different chest exercises, all with accompanied pictures and text. they also have videos for a lot of the exercises which can be streamed or saved.

it will probably take you a while to figure it all out, due to how much this little app can do, it does everything in one. the best part is it costs £1.19. so basically £1. seriously try this app its amazing for everything to do with bodybuilding. all the mens health ones are a joke compared to it.
Looking good there FF (no homo :p) You going to get bulking again now or carry on 'cutting' for a bit?

I need to establish myself a new routine. I'm a little out of synch owing to holidays and so on. If I don't have a routine I don't stick to a decent gym plan and it all goes wrong! :p

I'm currently toying with some HST and strong lift principles but really I just want to build some strength again with a but of mass on the side! ;)

apologies, but it doesn't state what the numbers are relating to, hence the question.

Is it always in that order then? Regarding the exercise?

On a side note...My traps are really feeling it after yesterdays go :D

Ive always put it in that order as typically I like to show a progressive increase as typically bench should be your weakest and deads your heaviest.
i wouldnt do the "big 3" all on the same day, unless that was the only exercises you are ever going to do. also im guessing thats his 1 rep max, so it wont be what hes doing on a regular basis.

for example if his bench press is 160 kg 1 rep max

he will be doing about 150kg roughly for 10 reps in his weekly routine

its just his way of keeping track of it all and how far away he is from what he wants to achieve.

also you cannot do squats safely without a rack or cage, your risking serious injury due to the weight involved, unless you do beginner dumbell squats.

here is a pro tip for everyone, ipod touches and iphones are extremely popular, if you have someone in your house who has one, or if you have one yourself, get the ifitness app, its the best thing to ever happen in the world of bodybuilding. the amount you can do with it is unbelievable.

create your own workouts, or follow a set routine. record what weight your lifting and reps. you can then graph this data to see progress.

if you want to do work on a specific part, chest for example, you select chest and it will show you thousands of different chest exercises, all with accompanied pictures and text. they also have videos for a lot of the exercises which can be streamed or saved.

it will probably take you a while to figure it all out, due to how much this little app can do, it does everything in one. the best part is it costs £1.19. so basically £1. seriously try this app its amazing for everything to do with bodybuilding. all the mens health ones are a joke compared to it.

Cheers :)

Yeah I shant be lifting anywhere near that for a few years (if even then!) but it's nice to know.

Also regarding squats, thats why I asked about cages a while back, but people just tell me to goto the gym :p I just prefer working out at home at the moment, and a rack / decent bench would help me no end I feel.

Now the app....I may just try that! Although I may request it from Faad and see if they get it free for a day first ;)

Ive always put it in that order as typically I like to show a progressive increase as typically bench should be your weakest and deads your heaviest.

Thank you :)

Mine currently adds up to about 90kg all three, so you know :( :rolleyes:
i wouldnt do the "big 3" all on the same day, unless that was the only exercises you are ever going to do. also im guessing thats his 1 rep max, so it wont be what hes doing on a regular basis.

for example if his bench press is 160 kg 1 rep max

he will be doing about 150kg roughly for 10 reps in his weekly routine

its just his way of keeping track of it all and how far away he is from what he wants to achieve.

also you cannot do squats safely without a rack or cage, your risking serious injury due to the weight involved, unless you do beginner dumbell squats.

here is a pro tip for everyone, ipod touches and iphones are extremely popular, if you have someone in your house who has one, or if you have one yourself, get the ifitness app, its the best thing to ever happen in the world of bodybuilding. the amount you can do with it is unbelievable.

create your own workouts, or follow a set routine. record what weight your lifting and reps. you can then graph this data to see progress.

if you want to do work on a specific part, chest for example, you select chest and it will show you thousands of different chest exercises, all with accompanied pictures and text. they also have videos for a lot of the exercises which can be streamed or saved.

it will probably take you a while to figure it all out, due to how much this little app can do, it does everything in one. the best part is it costs £1.19. so basically £1. seriously try this app its amazing for everything to do with bodybuilding. all the mens health ones are a joke compared to it.

I prefer gymbuddy - one of the best apps I've ever bought.

You can do squats safely without a cage, but you can't do 1RMs and to failure safely without one I agree.
I prefer gymbuddy - one of the best apps I've ever bought.

You can do squats safely without a cage, but you can't do 1RMs and to failure safely without one I agree.

have you used ifitness? i got gymbuddy when i jailbroke my touch but i preferred ifitness. i have now un-jailbroke it, due to it being easier to sync new songs, etc and i wanted the updated OS.

ifitness does everything gymbuddy does but better and also is a lot more user friendly and has plenty of features over it. in fact ifitness was the main reason i purchased an ipod touch a few months back, before then my photo ipod had been my main use of music, but its about 5 years old now and very chunky compared to todays versions.

dont get me wrong gymbuddy is an excellent app and is a lot better than the mens health ones, in fact i would rate it as the second best out there, after ifitness. but for the sake of £2/3 people may as well buy both and see which one suits them.
I think you should do a 9 week westside barbell program FF. I did it when I first met oddjob and now the knee has healed am doing it again.

I'm ~ halfway through and I've beaten all my PBs already for at least 2 reps :)

I reckon you'd get some monster lifts.
I need to establish myself a new routine. I'm a little out of synch owing to holidays and so on. If I don't have a routine I don't stick to a decent gym plan and it all goes wrong! :p

Heh im sure you'll do right.

I go back to uni on saturday and hopefully i can budget in the local gym (which isnt so cheap :() so i can get back into a proper routine, i miss it!
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