OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

10 Apr 2003
Ah man, cheers for that tank. Had to take a look in a 'Dont push that red button' sort of way and was met with what only can be described as a *ollock hanging out on that last picture

Sick dude, just sick :( ;)
25 Sep 2006
PMSL, Benny what is going on with your lunch box? That looks more scary than Robbie G's pixelated cocktail sausage!

Lol, that's my thigh merged into my boxers :p

Tight underwear + broad daylight = VNL. Posting my body on the internet is one thing but posting my junk is another. Family forum and all! ;)

Glad to know your attention was focused entirely on my crotch!
29 Aug 2005
Lol, that's my thigh merged into my boxers :p

Tight underwear + broad daylight = VNL. Posting my body on the internet is one thing but posting my junk is another. Family forum and all! ;)

Glad to know your attention was focused entirely on my crotch!
Actually it was focused on your ferocious teddy bear legs :p and then I noticed the blur.
21 Jun 2005
cHk4 - what's your weight/goals now?

Hi mate, that pic was taken the day before I posted it.

Well I want to drop from 22 stone 7 down to about 18 stone 7. I also train MMA so would like to fight as a heavy weight. Also I want to compete in a power lifting comp next year so it's a tough one... Carrying on going how I am this month then Nov - December I'm going to do a TKD for a month and prob get down to about 19 stone 7 - 20 stone then work on strength again for a few months which will prob bring me to 21 stone but a lot leaner than I am now with more LBM



P.S dude - you got some very impressive legs.
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28 Nov 2003
Manchester, UK
And another dodgy pic:

Lighting doesn't really do it justice but my chest seems to be coming along. Finally, after only 2-3 years of lifting.


Only looked through the last 4-5 pages of this thread but that ^ is the type of shape I am hoping to get in. Pretty impressive mate, did you say 2-3 years of lifting?? Is it possible in 6 months? :p BTW how tall are you and how much do you weigh? :)

I now have wed, thur mornings, and fri and sat afternoons completely free so joined up at a local gym today. I am 6ft tall and weigh (I think) around 11 and a half stones. So need to add a stone at least to reach my target. I did follow my gym session up with a grilled chicken meal :p and I have started to eat more, but I want to see results fast!!!

Need some tips from the experts. I plan to work different parts of the body on alternating days, and I made a note of which machines I used today, will repeat those every wed and fri and use a different set of machines every thur and sat. I am making sure I work on my legs as well as upper body. At the end before I left I did a 1 mile cycle ride on setting 10 (goes from 1-20) which was SOLID :p but I managed it in about 6 and a half mins.

Anything I need to consider? I forgot my bottle of water today but that won't happen again. What is the best way to warm up/warm down? Thanks.
27 Sep 2004
You could probably reach my size a lot quicker than I have. I believe it's been 2 years in the gym and prior to that I was using a set of dumbbells at home.

I seem to be naturally gifted, though. My diet is pretty rubbish and if I bulked the proper way, I could be a lot bigger but nowhere near as lean. I've put on size so progressively that I've stayed very low in body fat.

Get use to all the machines and equipment in the gym, once you're happy with the setup you'll no longer need to follow a specific pattern or use the same machines weekly.

Everyone says it but the GordyR stick really is quite excellent if you're starting out! Stick to working your back followed by some bicep exercises(if they aren't knackered), then chest followed by triceps and your legs on another day. If you're going heavy, just make sure you're eating adequately enough. If you aren't, you won't perform and will enter a state of over training.

Warming up, just go to your first exercise for the day and instead of jumping in at whichever weight you can manage, use half that. Get a good stretch in the muscles and then stick the weights on.

Oh and I'm 5'9 and around the same weight as yourself :)
28 Nov 2003
Manchester, UK
You could probably reach my size a lot quicker than I have. I believe it's been 2 years in the gym and prior to that I was using a set of dumbbells at home.

I seem to be naturally gifted, though. My diet is pretty rubbish and if I bulked the proper way, I could be a lot bigger but nowhere near as lean. I've put on size so progressively that I've stayed very low in body fat.

Get use to all the machines and equipment in the gym, once you're happy with the setup you'll no longer need to follow a specific pattern or use the same machines weekly.

Everyone says it but the GordyR stick really is quite excellent if you're starting out! Stick to working your back followed by some bicep exercises(if they aren't knackered), then chest followed by triceps and your legs on another day. If you're going heavy, just make sure you're eating adequately enough. If you aren't, you won't perform and will enter a state of over training.

Warming up, just go to your first exercise for the day and instead of jumping in at whichever weight you can manage, use half that. Get a good stretch in the muscles and then stick the weights on.

Oh and I'm 5'9 and around the same weight as yourself :)

If you're around 11.5 st I must be closer to 11, I need to get myself weighed on some proper scales! Being 3 inches taller I would say equates to around a stone in weight so I 'think' I should be aiming at 12.5 st to get that sort of build.
25 Sep 2006
Bare in mind you'll never look 'exactlty' like Shifty due to your genetics. You may well get to the same bodyfat and weight (which I wish you the best of luck with :)) but your genetic make up, height difference, age etc and the shape of your muscles could have you looking very different.

You could have course have a very similar set of genes in which case you wouldn't be far off :p
4 May 2007
West Midlands
weighed in at 13st13lb (@ <~6ft)today on wii fit, 5lbs up since 21 days ago :o. Looking alright and not hit the "Ohshi im getting too fat stage" Lower abs are a bit pudgy though overall size kinda helps me shadow this :p




Deadlifts seem to be helping to build my prior non existent Apollo's belt (although too fat too see lol)
Really want to bring up the size in my arms tbh
Roll on winter and I shall continue to bulk I say!
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25 Sep 2006
Looking good mate. You seem to store fat in all the same places I do! Which means you can hide it very well which is good! But seeing progress 'up top' when cutting is a bit slow to begin with!

Can't really fault the proportioning, possibly bring the traps up a little bit but that'll come with time and plenty of deadlifts!

Good job.
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