OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Ta :)

I know it's not but I like a challenge :cool: Seriously going to go for it this winter.

Figure I can just sit outside and burn some calories while my body thermo-regulates itself :p
Fair do's. I'm using this winter period to put on some mass (hopefully lots! :p), that and I want to binge a little :p.

Too long have I been pedalling along just roughly maintaining/cutting so I'm going for lots of mass now (trying to minimise fat) and will likely go for a massive cut at some point in the new year, would be nice to have dem abs :p.
Been a fair old while since I've posted any pics mainly due to a complete lack of motivation general illness and stressing out, all good fun.
Anyway I'm looking for some advice ever since I started at the gym 18months ago I've been on a constant cut now Ive had a few months where Ive had no rigidity to my life if that makes any sense for the most part Ive eaten what I wanted drank when I liked and missed gym sessions finally I'm back to having some structure again and I want to hit the gym hard if my shoulder will allow it.
So from the 2 quick snaps below do you think its worth me spending the winter putting on some good quality muscle mass and maybe taking the small hit in extra fat just to give me a mental boost rather than going back in and keeping kcal's low again which does me no favors mentally.

Basically the short version am i in a state of condition where its worth spending the next 4-5months packing on muscle as cleanly as possible then worrying about my fat in the new yr.

Cheers for any opinions :)
Personally if I were you I'd cut fat in the winter, the results will show through a lot quicker and due to this might help keep up motivation. Also looks like you're carrying a fair bit of mass as it is.
Nice work kai, packed on the muscle especially on your arms :o.


Thankyou - the most significant change noticeable Is my arms followed by my chest. However, I'm a little dissapointed as I expected more ! My downfall I think is the lack of water intake I'm lucky to take 1 ltr a day. I seriously need to address this.
Benny your right arm shows some signs of atrophy in the top picture. You should include exercises that use more of your arm muscles to address this.
Took some shots today, sitting at 16 st still. Leaner and leaner somehow lol, every weekend been getting pretty wrecked and having huge mcdonalds n subways etc, but seems to keep leaning me out pmsl, getting stronger as well. Still have full abs ;).
Benny your right arm shows some signs of atrophy in the top picture. You should include exercises that use more of your arm muscles to address this.

Nah nothing like that bro.
Unfortunatly we can't have it all ways and be fully symetrical. He has more a peak in one arm then the other, it's common. I have this also, my right is more peaked then left and also slightly bigger....

A lot of people have slight inbalances, one lat bigger then the other, chest imbalance etc. Can be sorted over time though, usually everything starts to iron out after a few years hard training.

Good physique tho @ benny lats are coming on body fat isn't to bad just some puppy fat but easy enough to shift tbh...
Looking thick and powerful Benny, your shoulders are looking particularly mighty! I aim to be where you're at in a year's time, hopefully I'm on the right track. How tall are you by the way?

Thankyou - the most significant change noticeable Is my arms followed by my chest. However, I'm a little dissapointed as I expected more ! My downfall I think is the lack of water intake I'm lucky to take 1 ltr a day. I seriously need to address this.

Very noticeable gains in the last photo, no need to be disappointed! For me, it wasn't until after 16-18 month mark that I really honed my training and as such my strength went up leaps and bounds compared to the previous year. I considered this time the "sweet spot", where you're lifting enough weight to pack on muscle, stabiliser muscles have much more presence and as such targeting the correct muscles in every lift becomes so much easier with a more developed mind-muscle connection. Hopefully, like me, you'll find the next 6 months of training very fruitful and rewarding. But the main thing you can do to prevent disappointment would be to shed a little bit of body fat so you can see better the last 15 months worth of hard work you've been doing!
Took some shots today, sitting at 16 st still. Leaner and leaner somehow lol, every weekend been getting pretty wrecked and having huge mcdonalds n subways etc, but seems to keep leaning me out pmsl, getting stronger as well. Still have full abs ;).

Nice one mate. Wheres the pics? I normally catch most posts and can only recall one of you wearing a shirt?

Benny- Looking good mate. How much you weighing now? As you say the lighting is really harsh there but still look quite defined. Having just trained tris will be making your biceps look flatter, and chest pump making your back flatter. All round not doing yourself any favors :p Shoulders making me envious, mine still giving me a load of jip and really impacting their size now. Keep it up anyway bud!

tom_e- totally up to you mate, only you know how you feel. But if it were me I'd be thinking about restricting the cals. Totally depends on your goals and mental state though obviously :)

Kai- Keep doing what you are doing. Coming on really well mate.
I don't want pics, just asking what page your previous ones are as this is post your pics thread not gym rats :) Post what ever pics you want mate.
I don't want pics, just asking what page your previous ones are as this is post your pics thread not gym rats :) Post what ever pics you want mate.

aw lol, i cant mind, i've stripped down from when I last had pics up, I was like 17 stone, but was holding some water/fat but not pretty cut at 16 st. Probs will come down to 15.5 tho. See what happens.
14st3 1/2 as of Friday. Took a couple of back pics earlier.



I'm not very happy with them (is anyone ever?) but for how much I'm drinking/ eating rubbish at the moment I can't really complain :)
^Looking lean, u've got a well developed back. Good width, lats and thickness.

Am the same m8, I take it seriously and have to stay in good shape for job. But gotta have a good time every so often lol.
Try holding just the tip of the pencil when you do that, it will help maximise recruitment of your sub-bicepular node far more effectively than standard grip.
Would this still be okay for 'preacher' style? As I was planning on doing them over the top of my monitor whilst chatting up my line manager. Although I think curling my 'Passed' stamp might be a bit more manly and attractive.
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