OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

15 Jan 2005
I don't really think anyone reading this should take B1C3P's word as being very applicable to the average person. Having seen his various pictures, he started off quite skinny and despite apparent low testosterone problems has blown up 18 inch bicep territory in about a year. Now he is either an exceptionally genetically gifted individual or he's used steroids. Either way, I think it's prudent to take what he says with a pinch of salt.

I think his attitude re: not becoming obsessive about macros and refusing to look at a pizza on a dinner with your girlfriend or soiling yourself with fear because you haven't had any protein for 4 hours is excellent and definitely valuable advice.

The suggestion that it's easy to have abs despite eating 4 curries a week and that generally putting on 15kg of muscle in 8 months is a walk in the park is less useful.
25 Sep 2006
And come on 10%, and takes enormous amount of will power and cv a day? :L?

I don't think you're really in the position to judge how easy or difficult it may be for what would be considered a 'normal' person to drop bodyfat or build muscle as you know. You have very good genetics, I'm not denying your knowledge on the topic, which undoubtedly seem to make your body very good at building and retaining mass and burning fat.

Even on perfect diets with professional coaching it still does take a lot of effort and hard work to drop bodyfat. Having been there myself and also with plenty of examples of this all over the internet.

Your opinion of what is 'difficult' may well be different from ours. I do agree that it is simple because it is but it certainly not easy.

I also echo what Skull has said above. Palming off something that professionals spend 12 weeks doing raises my eyebrows. Even on gear it's not much easier but I personally am not fussed whether you do use and wish to keep it a secret, or dont use. But your views are certainly going to be misleading for some of our more novice bodybuilders.
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Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I'm clearly too subtle with my comments ;)

I think we all know who knows more than a thing or two - whilst I'm no expert and have no qualifications other than passion for this sport/game and being a relatively intelligent person, other people here have had decades of training experience.

Novices take note: don't read just 1 post, RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH. Furthermore, always get a second opinion, 3rd and maybe more! Lastly, learn about the science behind your body, there are PLENTY of good books out there that I have recommended. Science is science - there's no getting away from it!
4 Nov 2002
England - Leeds
Zuluman your arms look bigger then 18" to me, if I had your arms I'd be well happy, when I seen your pictures I would have guessed 20" lol, shows how much I know haha.

I think I've come to realise after a while of going to gym, its not just about the size the tape-measure says your arm is, its also sort of about it filling out and seeing the definition...not sure if I'm saying the right words, but its just I see people with smaller arms or same size arms as me but their arms look better then mine. I hope that makes sense?

EDIT: I've also come to realise that my arms are my worst feature, I know 17" isnt the smallest in the world, but I think on my body, they just dont look right, I should have twice as bigger arms as I do, just terrible! Like Loui ferigno's dad says in pumping iron, "I've got spaghetti arms" lol.:rolleyes:
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25 Sep 2006
Conditioning is the word you're looking for I believe. 17" arms with spot on conditioning can trumph 19" or 20"'s with shocking conditioning.
20 Nov 2002
A cut 16 inch arm always looks bigger an a uncut 18+ arm just because of the definition, but a 18 inch arm cut looks bigger than a 20 inch arm hehe when the summer comes, as i say winter for training gain mass, summer diet and reap the rewards lol
20 Nov 2002
Indeed - good condition can make you look 2x "bigger" than someone who is just bulky.

Hey you i aint just bulky, im out of condition thankyou lol :eek: :eek: :eek:

Anyway i have returned to the gym frozen shoulder or not, just cannot wait any longer the pain is mad but its the same if i train or i dont. There aint no cure so we will see what happens. Only thing i cannot do still is bench still, well a decent weight, so legs get hammered twice a week now!!!!
13 May 2010
At that age your test and GH levels are through the roof as they are now, if you train hard, and have a little knoweldge at that age you will accelerate your ability to shed fat - however, genetics do help with some people.

And yes, 10% requires a big lifestyle change - don't kid yourself, it's not that easy as you say it is. You'll learn - you've got time :)

Well maybe GH levels, but my test levels have been shot for basically a year, due to being on heavy doses of prednisone which messed my body up (when i was in hospital for the ulcerative colitis all year) and it was measured at 7.1 (normal range being 10-30 for my age say 25-30) Was a disaster.

Not sure what body fat im sitting at now, but i'll find out and as a test i'll get to or under 10% without changing my life style, see if I can do it ;)
13 May 2010
I don't really think anyone reading this should take B1C3P's word as being very applicable to the average person. Having seen his various pictures, he started off quite skinny and despite apparent low testosterone problems has blown up 18 inch bicep territory in about a year. Now he is either an exceptionally genetically gifted individual or he's used steroids. Either way, I think it's prudent to take what he says with a pinch of salt.

I think his attitude re: not becoming obsessive about macros and refusing to look at a pizza on a dinner with your girlfriend or soiling yourself with fear because you haven't had any protein for 4 hours is excellent and definitely valuable advice.

The suggestion that it's easy to have abs despite eating 4 curries a week and that generally putting on 15kg of muscle in 8 months is a walk in the park is less useful.

Tbh bruhhh, i've know plenty of people who are on huge doses of gear and still look garbage and not even big, or just bloated up michellen man! Some people should just retire n play chess. If I was on gear I'd admit it, alough im not, but many people said to me if I put a little fuel in the tank I'd explode to a huge size, so tempting i'll admit.

And tbh you should have abs all year round whilst bulking even, not talking ripped to shreds but still lean with abs. A very very well respected bber told me this and I follow this advice and it works for me. Where did I say putting 15kg of muscle on in 8 months is a walk in the park :S?

And as I said before bbers go thru 12 weeks to go down to A lot LESS then 10% body fat. No idea why people are adding words to my mouth :rolleyes::D
4 Nov 2002
England - Leeds
Here's a question, is there any world class bodybuilders in Mr Olympia that dont take steroids, or do they all take steroids?

Do you have to take steroids to get to Mr Olympia? Or can you do it natural?

Also what do steroids even do, just give you more strength? Why are they so beneficial?

EDIT: Am sure my brown inhaler has steroids in it haha!
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
All the olympia competitors are up to their eyeballs in steroids and various other performance enhancing medications, theres no way a natural could make it amoung them.
Steriods increase protein synthesis therefore increasing muscle tissue as long as theres enough dietery protein avalible.
It does but it containts corticosteroids rather than anabolic steroids
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Hey you i aint just bulky, im out of condition thankyou lol :eek: :eek: :eek:

You ain't seen what I look like! ;) Bulky goodness! :D

You sure you guys don't mean Muscle Tone?

*runs for the hills*

Permaban tbh :p

Here's a question, is there any world class bodybuilders in Mr Olympia that dont take steroids, or do they all take steroids?

Do you have to take steroids to get to Mr Olympia? Or can you do it natural?

Also what do steroids even do, just give you more strength? Why are they so beneficial?

EDIT: Am sure my brown inhaler has steroids in it haha!

All the Mr Os are geared up to the eyeballs. However there is a pro league that is tested and natural - however it is less publicised.

You will never get to the size of those guys without help.

You will never be a Mr O naturally, unless you compete in the natural competitions. :)
2 Jan 2009
A cut 16 inch arm always looks bigger an a uncut 18+ arm just because of the definition, but a 18 inch arm cut looks bigger than a 20 inch arm hehe when the summer comes, as i say winter for training gain mass, summer diet and reap the rewards lol

Indeed - good condition can make you look 2x "bigger" than someone who is just bulky.
your statements are fairly valid if you're somewhere around 5ft 10 tops.
a 16" arm will never look big on someone who is 6 ft 4.:(

I know because I'm a tall bugger myself.
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