OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

They have size, but lack definition - but it depends what you're after. :) They don't look skinny for your height. :)

Prepare to drop a lot of size leaning them out. My leg measurement drops massively when I'm leaner. Not bad if you've never really trained legs directly though!

I know what legs look like without fat only way I will know is getting that way. I know their is a lot of power in them, get the base right everything else will flow :D

I always get commented on how big they are, never worked on them, nothing more than my upper body, slow me down in running but the power is great, football shots, cycling power, downside from them is stamina.
As promised, from around September time:

To last week.
20110120-    gsnk2ranbtss39anfy5qd1p5tb.jpg

No hammy shots atm as I'm dealing with DOMS so posing is painful :p
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those wheels are absolutely sick. I'm jealous (no homo).

Great work! Looking huge. :D What's your thigh measurement?

strong calves benny! and good improvement in the quad department! looks like i need to get some stronger squats on the go to beat those bad boys

Ta :)

Just over 26" in September nearer to 26.5" I think from memory.
Now sitting at just under 25.5". Goes to show the illusions conditioning can create.

Since September to the beginning of December nothing really changed much in regards to my training. Though since early December I think? I've been Intermittent Fasting and started my first cycle of HST immediately after Christmas. My diet hasn't really changed, still controlling my carbs and eating all the same things and same amounts. I did train fasted both my HST 15's & cardio for 2 weeks. I saw the quickest change in my body composition in this period but this kind of training was not easy. I've a journal a few pages back I think which I'll update this weekend as I'll be 4 weeks in and have just finished my 10's.
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Those are some enormous quads you've got there Benny! I'm working out my 15, 10 and 5 rep maxes at the moment, starting HST next week and I can't wait. Thinking of starting IF again too, like yourself, as it definitely suits my eating habits more.
Ta, lots of squats, high volume. Though as of late volume as been low but frequency high.

When I pose for quads I also tense my hips up more to flex the rec. fem. which helps to give the lateral sweep a bit more presence.

Like how most people can flex their pecs and make them dance I can do this with my hips which results in my quads wobbling about if I'm lying down, which is what I do when I pose.

I'm looking forward to a slightly more cutting orientated diet with IF, I think it'll be very successful.

Start a journal for your IF I'd be interested to see how you find it :)

Edit: Also don't go too hard on yourself with the RM's, don't make it easy but bare in mind for the 15's it's very aerobically and lactate taxing. The 10's I've found much easier so if you can battle through the 15's you're onto a winner. More recently in the second week of my 10's I've started to get DOMS (been DOM free up until now) so these weights/frequency is working. Looking forward to the 5's :cool:
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Great improvement Benny, looks much better! Your vastus lateralis & rectus femoris are very well defined, just need to bring out the vastus medialis & sartorius a bit more to really make your 'wheels' (as the cool kids say) shine :) Some medial leg raises, lunges (and reverse) maybe at the end of your workout (if you don't do these already).
Just a suggestion :)
Does getting that big legs affect your sprinting pace much?

Maybe it's something you never notice though I guess.
I want to do more incline bench press but I find that I'm v tired after doing flat bench first. Should I just do flat at max effort then incline after at a lower weight than I could do if I was fresh?

how about alternate weeks between flat and incline??
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